For the love of God nerf Tracer already

dude tracer isnt op just learn to counter her xd



Nah, there’s nothing in inherently overpowered by having favor the shooter on a character who’s main abilities are the simplest to understand and use. Certainly doesn’t explain why 20% of the top 500 are tracer mains, not including secondary or tertiary picks.


This will have as much effect as the Mercy feedback forum. Your all just wasting your time asking for the favourite to be taken down a peg =/

Speak for yourself I can take a tracer as Symmetra more than have the time. A few different modes. A fully charged orb and a melee smack to the face. Or a general field of turrents that she’ll get snagged in. LASTLY, just watch her blinks and recalls. It’s so easy as symmetra

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Symmetra don’t kill Tracer instantly (unless she gets really close), but making her life harder to zip around flanking paths and your backline is countering her.

Torb counter Tracer harder than Sym, but both builders are really good against the three flankers (Sombra, Genji, Tracer).

I know… It’s very frustrating tbh, i was very disappointed when they responded to the Sombra nerf thread just like that, after what a week of her buffs, and now they are nerfing her, but people have been complaining about Tracer since forever, and this thread has passed the 400 support likes and it’s not being acknowledged at all. Blizzard’s bias on this is very evident and has always been. Even if they did they would probably politely tell us to shut up Tracer is fine and nothing is going to happen, thank you, the opinion of hundreds of people, maybe more, doesn’t matter.

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Not true, I know for a fact that people will not always try to counter the enemy. Sometimes things appear broken because you’re not good enough to best it.

how about as opposed to nerfing tracer {who I admit, is annoying and shouldn’t feel mandatory on good teams}, we buff her counters a bit.

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I’ve been getting better at the game for sometime, i practice my mechanics every day, i watch my vods to find my mistakes, i question my decisions every single game and i finally managed to hit diamond this season and i started being a gold player. And all the way through the ranks Tracer has been the most broken hero i’ve experienced. It has nothing to do with “getting better” at the game, is just that this character is unbalanced and stronger than any other, thats it.

Still… the more I play, the more I despise Tracer.


I have no idea how your response is related to your original idea about “just kill her”.

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If the pros really complained (not some little video that nobody cares about) then she’d be nerfed in a week.

Not true, I know for a fact that people will not always try to counter the enemy. Sometimes things appear broken because you’re not good enough to best it.

Sometimes things appear to be broken because they in fact, are.


“The logic is not true because people are already trying to kill the user”. False. People give too much space to some heroes. People don’t play perfectly, telling them to focus their attention on powerful threats is perfectly valid, because if they were focusing their attention on “OP” threats the threat would be shut down. There is much more counterplay in Overwatch than there ever was in TF2. The “False Pillars of Balance” is not generic. It cannot be applied to every situation.

So they are not trying to kill the user? :confused:


FIller must be 20 char.

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I just want Recall to be more of a positioning tool rather than a “get-out-of-jail-free” card.

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Flashbang is predictable and easy to dodge on practically any character that has mobility (Tracer, Moira) or can negate it with an ability (Mei, Genji)


Still if you hit it she’s dead, and you can bait out her blink if you’re good. If you play a lot of tracer and/or mccree you can bait the blink since you know about when she will try to bait out your flash.