Flex Que needs to go

Well that sucks but your complaint shoul be directed towards the player community not asking to remove a game mode.

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I’ve never suggested any game mode be removed. You must have me confused with someone else.

You’re right lol my bad, thought you were the OP.

It’s called flex because you flex to what the matchmaker needs to set the game up, i guess

:man_shrugging: I personally like actually “flexing”, especially by having specialized responses to a situation that aren’t limited to a role. Other team have a Pharah? Time to go to D.va. Other team got a Reaper or Doom? Lucio to boop them away from targets. Other team have a Ball and Dva diving us well? Sombra time. Calling it “flex queue” feels like a betrayal of the practice. Dramatic phrasing yes but it’s like someone saying “we’re playing dive” just because they picked dive heroes without actually knowing what they’re doing, maybe even functionally playing brawl with dive heroes.

The most accurate description of the system would be “fill queue” if anything. Since to me there’s a distinct difference between “flexing” and “filling”. People who would “fill” usually would just pick their hero last and fill on what role was needed the most, generally sticking to that hero/role for the entire match. Where as people who would “flex” would bounce between roles as need to either best deal with the other team’s comp or to synergize with what their team was trying to do. People actually “flexing” work really well when put together as they don’t play around roles as much as they do hero combinations and interactions. While people who “fill” usually just check a box of “we have x role now my job is done I will play role”.

I played on a couple tournament teams where the focus was building and planning around us actually flexing and it worked really well. We didn’t have overarching labels as “I’m the main tank and you’re the hitscan player” no matter what. We had plans for each map based on the 5-7 heroes we each played best and based comps/plans based on what map/phase of the map we were on and what the opponent was running. There was always an initial comp we had at the start of each map because that was what we determined worked best with our hero pool on that map. Usually changing up a couple heroes to alternatives after the first fight based on what the other team was running/what stopped us, if we didn’t just steamroll for some reason of course (after all why fix what isn’t broken).

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. (Probably could say more but it’ll just become rambling even more than it is now.)

EDIT: Apparently this is what my brain devolves into at 4am.


This was before they put it next to the role queue tab

Thats pretty standard thing to do. Why was it so weird requests for you?

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Yeah, the way to get a brain tumor.

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When i tried open Q after playing role Q,I was shocked how i endured to play it so long before role q was the thing lol.

I use it for warmup. You still get Comp points.

Weird 180. I remeber you as one of the biggest advocate for role q back in the days, I might be wrong.

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It was an interesting talk. Always fun to listen to something that should make sense.

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Nearly 90% of my matches in RQ are complete snore-fest stomps. Nearly 90% of my matches in OQ are down to the wire, heart-wrenching matches that cause you to age in real life. This is low-plat btw.

That just shows that people don’t like to play Arcade. We need the data for how much OQ Comp is picked once OQ was put onto the main screen.

even says what a lot of us were talking about/explaining would happen. :man_shrugging:t2:


1078 posts


To say the least it trades Match Time > Match Quality and that should never be a thing. Most people i’ve talked to say they hate it especially since even losing makes it rewarding and people don’t give any crap about their off ranks they just want those creamy passes.

that data is for a single solitary day, at a time when role-less queue mode had just been added to the game, and it was added in a sub menu and ergo less visible. Very few folks were even aware it existed on that day

more importantly than all of the above, tho, is that the data is question is usage data, NOT preference/popularity data

as such, this data does not support the claim that was made in the post I replied to

It’s still in a sub-menu. There are no games you can play without going into a sub-menu. That argument is weak.

Please, please define “statistically popular” in a way that is not based on usage, since that’s what you’re now claiming.

Protip: It’s ok to be wrong on the internet every once in a while. You don’t need to make yourself look worse by grasping at straws in a lost fight.

Decided to play some games after flex queue was added. Jesus Christ it’s hell. Garbage games

LMAO so true. I said this before it went live and not on PTR. Comp mode is horrible and gets worse. How can you make it even worse than rock bottom? Add this Flex Queue (fast pass inspired by Disneyland).

LOL I get even worse than dps heals. I get BAD dps heals who can’t dps nor heal. TY for making the worst mmr/sr system even worse.

always was 10 characters

When they throw and team loses everyone loses SR. Which means everyone will drop rank.