Flex Que needs to go

not at all

the argument that one cannot directly compare one main menu option with another option buried in a sub menu is quite strong.

it is quite simply not an apples to apples comparison

the measure of popularity (as opposed to usage) is an attitudinal one. Usage numbers are not attitudinal meansurements

for example, if one were to record every time I eat ground beef and/or prime rib, they would find that my consumption of ground beef is enormously greater than that of prime rib, but it would be wrong to then conclude that ground beef is more “popular” for me - I assure you that I like prime rib much much MUCH better

agreed. This is good advice that I urge you to consider.

btw…by what forum name would I have known you as in the past?

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Games quality dwindle so much since flex queue. Why is blizzard treating players that still play OW this way? They have to know games will be sh!t with flexing, that is just common sense.

First time in a long time when i just legit do NOT want to play OW.

With OW2 so far away, they need to treat those who still play with more thoughts.

I worry there may be no fix except MMR resets every so often to make people keep pushing for the high ranks in the ladder and make the end rewards more rewarding (the better your win rate the beter prizes you get) anything to help people to “want to win” at least… if they are toxic you can mute them at the least too… :man_shrugging:t2: idk that would put some fire under my butt to wanna do something something for once.

Open Queue is MUCH better.

It’s almost always 222. Sometimes, 1 tank, maybe 1 heal but it works if people don’t start crying about it.

You can swap to anything to help out.

It’s less restrictive. Less annoying. You have more control over the match.

I can’t stand going back to Role Queue. Nothing worse than seeing one crap player on the wrong role ruin the entire game and you can do nothing to help them.

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Yeah, the way out of the game for many people.

You do realise that Open Queue existed in the game for quite some time as the only way to play Competitive. It was ultimately the reason that Role Queue was added to the game because Blizzard realised that Competitive needed more order and structure over the chaos that was/is open queue.

Yes. The glory days of the game. Then, they added Role Queue, 222, to a 7-16-6 game… and from that point on the game died a slow and painful death.

So they BROUGHT BACK OPEN QUEUE, because they realized their mistake.

And now they’re chipping away at Role Queue to try and fix it, but it’s unfixable.

Role Queue should have never been put in the game.

Until selfish players ruined it by picking a 5th DPS instead of the Tank/Support the team needed.

Except it’s not dead.

I can still queue and get matches from here in Australia. It’s far from dead.

You clearly need to go read up on the definition of the word.

Also, can’t blame Blizzard for player’s poor choices in game.

That’s not why they added Open Queue, but sure, you go ahead and keep on thinking that.

It’s the players that need fixing, not the game.

Again, can’t blame Blizzard for player’s poor choices.

The selfish people are those who refuse to swap to Tank or Support despite being on FOUR other DPS heroes. When these things happen, it really exposes the hypocrisy in this argument :wink:

No one is selfish for wanting to play DPS simply because their HDD isn’t as fast as someone else’s NVMe SSD. You’re ridiculous.

This is why people sat on their picks and didn’t switch. No one else would swap for them, so why should they swap for you? Take the L with em. Team game :wink:

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LOL this is so funny to visualize.

The whole economy of these passes is so weird… You can only spend them on dps first of all. Which is dumb, because I’ve had long support qs. You should be able to spend them on dps and support at least. Next, you get 8 tickets per win 2 per loss. But you spend 1 per game???

You’re talking to someone who would always end up switching to Tank or Support because noone else on the team would, and has since continued playing Tank/Support more than Damage since the advent of Role Queue.

First of all, you can lie on a forum and no one fan really fact check it. I have seven accounts, so even I can lie link you the profile that better coincides with that.

Secondly, I didn’t know that my fairly general statement was only about you. Don’t care what you do, I care what about 85% of the people I get matched up with do.

And very few of them are flex players - even within their roles.

Everyone says what you say. Almost none actually deliver it, in practice.

And saying something is worthless, because they’ll be as easily triggered as you were by my post, and just sit on it to spite the entire team.

Lastly, the scenario that I am responding to is no longer possible, due to role queue. I don’t even consider open queue competitive to be a legit mode. The games are absolute horse sh!t because of the DPS stacking. I’d rather go play a BR game.