Flex Que needs to go

~2900-2700 over today and yesterday from players going in roles they otherwise NEVER touch. Even in mid-high plat, it’s full of mistakes that should be happening not even in gold.

-Rein’s charging into backline at the beginning of a fight
-DPS healers constantly in front of the tanks
-Brigs trying to 1v6
-Immortality fields being thrown at the beginning of fights
-Players swapping to Bastion in the middle of defensive rounds

Seriously, comp is absolutely abyssmal right now, and since it’s a choice that can be done at any time, it’s not going to go away. People will que it, lose, go back to their main role, and then try flex que again at a later point.

Please remove this from comp. It doesn’t belong here.

EDIT: By flex que, I mean the new role option that puts you in any given role in exchange for priority passes.


To say the least it trades Match Time > Match Quality and that should never be a thing. Most people i’ve talked to say they hate it especially since even losing makes it rewarding and people don’t give any crap about their off ranks they just want those creamy passes.


You realize they need to keep queuing flex to get more as the redeem them, right? Meaning if they throw pretty soon they get out of your rank and fall to a rank where they win half their games without trying. Or they realize they’re falling more than they like (losing end of season competitive points on those roles) and either stop flexing or start trying on those roles.

The first few weeks will be the worst as DPS mains start adjusting their off roles by banking passes.


people used to select all roles anyways, i dont know what difference it makes


ROLE Queue needs to go.

There’s no fixing it.

It’s a frustrating mode, locked into a role where you get to watch your one crappy player lose the game and can not swap to even help them.

The game was ruined when they introduced Role Queue. Never been the same since.

Give up on it. Open Queue is a LOT more fun, less frustrating, and the match quality is usually better somehow.


Not even close lmao…

So… Just like Quick Play then? Oh wait…


Why is role queue several times more popular, statistically? Have you ever considered that your personal opinions may differ from that of the masses?


Just chill, it will be better in few weeks when these players will drop or learn the game on roles they didnt play before.

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Yes, it should even out. If they stink at what they are flexed to, their rank will drop.

No it doesn’t. It needs to stay,

It’s also an event, so a lot of people who only play a few times a year are jumping on and rusty.

I consider this as you can get the same experience at season start/end, basically 2 weeks when same is happeining. Just wait untill everyone will get to their actual ranks, cause after s18 roleQ implementation ppl are still boosted via main role’s MMR and keep playing only 5 games per season with off roles.

End of Season is based on the highest rank you’ve achieved during the season, not what you end at.

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Just like it has been before Role Queue got installed and it’s so fun-flipping-tastic, I missed this, thanks Blizzard, you got me back to my shenanigans.

People are just using it as an excuse for lost SR and not playing good. I’m enjoying the queue times a lot. I can actually play the game with friends too and not have 20 min queues.

Truth is one day the stupid role q will be all but extinct aka be removed after painful and cringe additions like this last one. Survival of the fittest folks. If you cant play in open q either you have OCD or you are just bad.

They probably have weird, crooked fingers and bad posture aswell. Probably small biceps too.

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Yep. And people bring up the excuse “im just practicing” yeh go do that in QP or arcade. Dont do it in a COMPETITIVE GAMEMODE.

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They might as well just be gremlins hired by the Valorant dev team to kick Overwatch in the nuts /s

My argument against the “cOmP iTs NoT fOR pRaCtIcE qP iS” crowd is always the same, infallable: “Does QP have the same rule set as comp?” *mic drop

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