(Flats) The "ULTIMATE" Hero tier list 4 season 2

warning 2 hours of debate

skip and pause to 1:51 for tiers, then maybe rewind and watch debate.

Highlighting Wrecking Ball and Zarya are in D tier / JQ and Sombra are F Tier.


This will be some good background noise to listen to


By the time he puts Mercy in Tier S i stopped seeing it, she is not Tier S because of the 5 extra bullets, pocketing a Tier S hero (Soujorn etc), doesnā€™t make Mercy a Tier S.


pls stop listening to top500 players


Not this dude, hes not important enough to be cared about so stop


Can you just list them?

Again to be fair:

Sure it will take some time

Wrecking Ball and Zarya are in D tier / JQ and Sombra are F Tier.

S - Ram, Orisa, Hog, Junk, Sojourn, Ana, Kiriko, Mercy

A - Sigma, Ashe, Bastion, Sym, Tracer, Widow, 76, Lucio, Bapt

B - Winston, D. Va, Echo, Mei, Pharah, Reaper, Torb, Moira, Brig, Zen

C - Reinhardt, DF, Hanzo, McCree, Genji


As I said in another thread the other dayā€¦

This tier list is a great example of why. You mean to tell me that two Tank mains are able to give a valid and accurate opinion on the balance of every single hero in the game? Iā€™ve seen Emongg and Flatsā€™ DPS/Support gameplay.

Theyā€™re also suggesting that every Support is S, A or B tier? Well great! I guess thereā€™s no such thing as a bad support pick!

But hey, maybe if I wanted to throw two hours of my life away, I could find out what they have decided ā€œB tierā€ means in this case, becauseā€¦

Quoting and paraphrasing myself because I cbf typing all of that again.

TL;DR: If your chart needs a 2 hour explanation, itā€™s a bad chart. Tier lists suck.


They did note Wrecking ball is currently top Tank in Euro.

This list is mostly for everyone.

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They are not meant to be ā€œaccurateā€. Itā€™s but their own opinion. No one not including themselves are arguing this is the truth for every top 500 much less everyone below.

btw, they placed Moira in tier B instead of demanding a nerf because someone got rank 1 on her. They did troll a bit and put her in S tier at the start of their analysis.


rather it be t500 than OWL


Ewww Iā€™m so tired of people worshipping Flats here like heā€™s a god.


Just post a screenshots or something, no one has enough time to waste 2 hours of their life on this pls. Not sure why would anyone care about what he says.

Itā€™s just listening, not worshipping.

Kids these days, misunderstand the difference


lol Flats and Emongg really wanted to place Genji at D but heā€™s saved by chat vote and got promoted to C.



Tell that to the people who are making aggregate tier lists and saying that heroes should be buffed/nerfed based on said tier lists.

ā€¦whatever ā€œtier Bā€ means to them.

But clearly Top 500 opinion is starting to change. She was bad according to Flats just a week or two ago.

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What do you think about JQ and Sombra then?

(Before their likely buffs tomorrow.)

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There isnā€™t a difference.
These Forums love posting about Flats and only Flats and anytime anyone says something bad about him, you get reported and it doesnā€™t have to be flaming or anything. Just that you donā€™t agree with him and youā€™re reported.

The guy is a boosted 1 trick Rein.


In all fairness, Iā€™ve been very critical of Flats and havenā€™t been reported.


I think that can be applied to anyone if depending on what you say about them and how much.

So no.

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