Flats take on why rien buff is bad and why no buff to rien will dethrone the current meta

Actual statistics and not the forum’s rhetorical bs

Check out overbuff, it’ll show you that at best Orisa’s pickrate is 2-3%, meanwhile Sigmas is 12% and Hammond is around 9% (from memory) and I think Hog is about 7-8%

Just because double shield is played in specific circumstances does not make it meta

So my question for you is, where are you seeing that it is meta? Because I can’t find any statistics as evidence for a double shield meta

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Moira has the highest healing out of all Supports, and has double Brig’s damage output. Moira isn’t trash, she’s just not preferable hence her low PR in GM.

  • you have a better alternative in the form of Bap, who also has a utility unlike Moira.

I still dont know from where Ryan got those pickrates I am not finding them anywhere in OB.

h ttps://gyazo.com/90a574d8b0a16dcf9f264953d4a6c7c1

Fun part is, Lucio Ult is considered healing, but Brig Ult isn’t.

Brig Ult is under the separate category of Armor provided.



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Her consumption rate is trash. Her nerf from 10 to 14.5 or 14.2 consumption rate was horrible for her because it ran out so fast. Her current healing and reverting that consumption nerd would def make her better

Moira IS better than Brig.

Moira has top healing in support, and does double the damage than Brig - how is that NOT better statistically? She even has the BEST ED stat in support. Literally the ONLY thing that Brig has over Moira are their pickrates, which has no indication of performance in regards to them.

As for Lucio, he is an OFF-Support, he has had the worst healing with Zen across the four years because of his position within the roster. Also, unlike Brig, he only has ONE form of healing. Yet, he is only 1k LESS than her in it and double her damage output.

You say how many times she stuns or saved her teammates, but all of those actions feed into her damage/healing because they DO damage which also activates her inspire. So yes, in a way, we DO have stats for those things whereas there is literally no way to see the stats on speedboost.

Again, she still maintains top healing even with that consumption rate. She needed it reduced because it heavily contributed to healing creep.

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Because healing and damage isn’t everything? In fact that’s ALL Moira has to offer, so it SHOULD be statistically good.

Having 4x the pickrate is usually an indication of strength

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He got them from all heroes which is terrible especially when he doesn’t consider the fact that spreading out data in such a large quantity means that even small differences such as 0.4 are huge in such a retrospect.


Also Brig being a mediocre pick in GM says nothing other that she is a high skill hero.

Meanwhile she is a throw pick below masters.

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Almost every GM Support player collectively laughed

Okay, but you’re saying Moira is worse than Brig statistically which is just false on every single front because she ISNT. Also, outside of Rally - Brig’s other utilities aka CC, all feed into her damage and healing output, yet she is so much worse statistically than Moira.

Moira is better at healing, better at damaging and better at securing kills when you look at her elims and ED rate, so HOW is Brig better statistically?

Having a higher pickrate doesn’t mean anything when the statistics show a different picture. Brig isn’t being picked over Moira because Brig is better. Moira has low pickrates because Bap is a better alternative to Moira. Brig has nothing to do with it.

Yes, it does

When Moira has a sub 1% Pickrate and Brig has a 4+% pickrate, there’s a pretty concrete idea that Brig is better

The fact that you are arguing over this is kind of funny but also worrying

Also because Brig is better than Lucio who is Moira’s support partner

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I’m not going to go into this discussion tbh. I don’t care for whether she is or isn’t high skill.

I just hate the delusions that this guy and other brig haters have in regards to her state lol

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Yes I hate Brig not like I play her a lot and have her golden gun and wanted her in the game as soon as I saw her in Rein cinematic and love her VA and design :joy:

More like I just hate when things are broken/unbalanced/having adverse effects on the game.

Kinda like how I pushed for Mercy nerfs during Moth despite me loving Mercy and having a jolly time being OP


You’re not listening - Moira, despite having a terrible PR is STILL doing better in terms of her performance than Brig is.

She has higher healing, damage and ED rate. However, there is NO real reason to pick Moira because Bap is a better alternative pick to her as he does what she does - on top of having an ultimate that his team can directly benefit from (and one that doesn’t get cancelled) on top of IF.

Brig has nothing to do with Moira’s PR, so to allude that she is better primarily on the premise of being picked over her when Moira is doing better performance wise in every single department despite Brig’s entire kit feeding into damage and healing is more pathetic than me dismissing your only form of argument which is that Moira just has a worse pickrate lol

Also, Lucio is Ana’s partner, and typically can be paired with Mercy. However, support is being played for high damage and Zen/Mercy are the ultimate damage utility supports for that - which explains why Lucio isn’t being played among some of his best combos rn

Idk why I have to explain this when you go and gloat about being high rank all the time. Surely you would know such basics yourself?


That’s why she’s one of your least picked supports with some of the worst stats across all of your played supports. Mm.


What Is that ? How does brig deal with snipers ? Also flats is a tank main so not a whole lot of aim there, just throwing assumptions i guess…