Flats take on why rien buff is bad and why no buff to rien will dethrone the current meta


Thats his take
To summarize:
1-brig is bad for the game.
2-lucio is bad rn.
3-why rein and winston sucks.
4-why the buffs are bad.


Flats is a good guy, but everyone should have known that Rein buffs were not going to stop double barrier. Sigma nerfs will stop double barrier, but it has to be the right nerfs. Not silly nerfs like less shield health


I mean, he called that out, and i like his take.


I wonder if he mentioned that we will probably see a resurgence of Rein/Zarya if the double barrier meta ever goes away.

Because these buffs were not necessary at all, in my opinion. Rein/Zarya is already pretty strong

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The problem isnt in rein zarya themselves, the problem is they cant get to the pokers, they cant get to the snipers, watch the vid and you will understand what he is coming from.


There is no double barrier, the meta is Sigma + Ball or Sigma + Hog, stop with this fallacy that double barrier is meta my god


No she’s not. She just interferes with them and they don’t like it.


Oh look where is here, the brig supporter that doesn’t know how much brig truly broke and still breaking the game.


One of four things will happen:

  1. Nothing

  2. All of the new heroes get reworked into being as restrictive as the old heroes

  3. The old heroes get upgraded beyond being one-note gimmicks

  4. They start adding new heroes more frequently, and just copy Riot’s balance philosophy

It might take two years before two or three gets considered, so, the Tank role will be stagnant for a while.

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I could see them removing roles entirely in favor of characters that have minimal defensive/supportive impact. Basically throwing in the towel and saying “I can’t do this”.

Oh, yea, there is a 5th possibility

Team Fortress 3

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You’ll have to do better than that. Look at the blind follower who repeats what others thinks rather than look at statistics and thinks for himself. Literally, at this point Brig hate amounts to “she enables things we don’t like”, that’s it. I know exactly how much she broke the game - and the fact that because people on Dive characters refused nerfs and asked for an anti-dive character, they got Moira and Brig as a result. Yeah. Uh huh. I was there for both intros bro, and a harsh critic of Brig 1.0. OTOH, to now hate Brig 2.0 as much is just plain bias for the better half of it.

At least be man enough to admit the problems hypermobility causes in the game to start then we can talk about Brig.


Dude, if you don’t agree with me then you are a Brig supporter and all opinions you have against my argument are null and void because your a big meany.


LMAO IKR … :roll_eyes:

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The problem is besides Sigma none of the tanks are in a great spot. Yeah Rein isn’t great but he isn’t awful, he’s likely the 2nd best tank after Sigma (Orisa really struggles outside double barrier these days).

The problem is heroes like Hanzo, McCree, Mei, Ash, Torb, 76, hell even Bap easily chunk anyone down unless their in a bunker and even if you do make it to a brawl or pull of a dive Reaper, Tracer, Genji, Sombra, Echo even Junk and Sym can now easily shred you up close. There are so many strong anti-tank options there is very little any tank can do besides sit in a bunker.


Rein is no where near the #2 spot, but it is true that (generally) Tank isn’t fun or effective.

Tank is (supposedly) good because of their damage denial abilities, but those abilities just don’t advance the game state.

Unless most of the tanks get mechanics similar to Kinetic Grasp’s bonus health, Zarya’s Charge mechanic or Wrecking Ball’s Adaptive Shield, then damage denial abilities will just be unfun to press.

Brig completely shutdown Winston, it’s bad game design that a support hardcounters a main tank, she should be looked at before sigma

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I fully agree, particularly as dmg is so high right now even if you can deny dmg its not for very long, Rein’s barrier can block a lot of dmg but chances are it will break before your team can make any use of it. The time it takes to get from cover to the enemy team is greater than the life of the barrier >90% of the time.

Now I don’t really want the defenses lasting longer as it would slow the game down a fair bit but they need something be mechanics that punishes dmg like Zarya’s charge, 2 dmg mitigation abilities like Sigma and Orisa have or anything else to actually make absorbing dmg something that’s actually useful.

As for Rein at no.2 I’d agree he isn’t no.2 in power but he super strong when it comes to versatility. There are a lot of situations where he’s fine if not great (something not many tanks can say). He works well with a lot of the stronger tanks and he’s not super risky or hard for the rest of you team to work with in the way say Ball and Monkey are. That’s why I’d say he’s no.2, versatility not raw power or capability.


Orisa and Sigma are the problem. Buffs to Rein are not going to change that.

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Flats is a tank player omegalul. Brig is terrible for the game because she helps bad players while good players can do fine without using her as a crutch.