Flats take on why rien buff is bad and why no buff to rien will dethrone the current meta

Then explain why Brig is literally the only support that sees no success below masters.

She literally falls off harder that a sack of bricks.


He won’t because he thinks that someone is better on the premise that they are picked more even when the other hero has higher healing and damage output and a better ED.

The guy is simply delusional and doesn’t even look at the full picture when he is arguing lol


Brig has been a hero that only Masters/GM/Pro players get value out from.

Werent she a hero that some people are still too salty to admit isnt the All The World’s Evil, everyone could agree she is basically a high tier only hero and that Forums Brig doesnt exist.


On GM? It is.

But the issue is that Brig is an absolutely garbage pick outside, you know, countering Tracer. Which only happens in GM, and even there she is mediocre.

She is an overnerfed shell of a hero that gets flak for… existing in the game as Tracer counterpick, and numbers-wise cant even match any other healer. She is both underpowered and a slightly on the viable side hero in GM, but nowhere near she should be considering how much of a dominant pick is Tracer.


Brig only works in high tiers not necessarily because her kit is difficult in itself - but because she relies and demands on skills primarily seen in masters+.

Brig demands far more than any other support for her to work and when her demands are met - she can be a pretty straight forward hero tbh. But I know the point that you’re making and I agree with it but that is more the dev’s fault for creating such a terrible core design for a hero and then trying to rework said hero without considering her core design in the rework.

For me there is no practical difference.

In the end, in masters and above all skill requirements end up in a plateau and what matters more is game sense and teamwork that your ability to go past a hero’s skill gate.

Sym is harder to get value from in GM that Ashe, but people will deny that fact just because muh aim.

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I have 4 accounts where I play support and this one became my least used during the periods of time Brig was the most meta because I like playing mainly Mercy on here

Also she’s in my top10 most played QP heroes which wouldn’t happen if I hated her or she was never OP. Quickplay

I agree, but as I’ve just said to you in the other post - this is all on the dev’s for such a poor hero design.

In reality, if they just toned down the heroes that Brig was meant to counter, I think she would do better against them.

However, with the example of Tracer, Tracer can literally one-clip Brig before Brig can even put Tracer down to half health. Brig only has one chance realistically to halt a Tracer but there are more risk factors for Brig in that duel than there are for Tracer, so Brig not only fails because of what she demands to be played, but also fundamentally on the idea that she was designed for

Because everyone under masters doesn’t play as a team and has 0 concept of what is actually good?

Hence why below masters never played Winston during dive nor didn’t play GOATs nor didn’t play Orisa in Double Shield

They literally didn’t even play Brig a year ago when she was like 100x stronger than she is rn. They have a perception that she’s “bad”

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Yeah, Quickplay, where literally anything goes and anything can happen because it’s a casual game-mode.

Also, you playing less of her doesn’t explain the fact that your stats still align with her being terrible. Moira is played less too and still has better stats. So???

It was a trick question, its actually because Brig is a trash hero that only works on high tiers because she counters/is resistant to the constant DPS meta in Masters/GM.

She sucks below Masters because the dps roster is much more diverse and her counterpicks are actually allowed to exist without Widow and Tracer invalidating anyone that threatens Brig.

Add to that that the hero she counterpicks is not played below Masters, and she has no role and no point to be picked below Masters.

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Yes my personal stats on the hero dictate whether they are good or not

My 90% winrate on Mercy several seasons ago in Double Shield when she was near the bottom of the support pickrate means she was actually OP

I love flats but he’s wrong about a few things in this video.

First off, he’s wrong about how much armor and brig’s heals effect tesla cannon. The tick thing on armor he is talking about that used to reduce his damage by 50% was changed a while ago. Armor now reduces by 30%, regardless of how much the individual ticks do. Armor reduces his dps to 42 instead of 30 like it used to. Brig’s inspire healing now is only 15 hps whereas lucio’s is 16 hps. Both winston’s tesla cannon and lucio’s healing song have a 12 m range. Amp it up is a 12 s cd that buffs healing to 208 healing per target over 4 secs, which makes it WAY more powerful against tesla cannon than brig’s inspire. Brig can toss out up to 3 repair packs that do a total of 330 healing over 2 s, but that’s 18 s worth of cd and STILL does far less healing than amp it up.

Lucio’s healing counters winston harder than brig.

Also he says rally is too strong against winston’s tesla cannon, but other defensive ultimates are just as strong or stronger. Brig’s rally provides 30 aps in a small radius for 10 s. Mercy’s valk provides 60 hps in a larger radius over a longer period of time, which completely negates winston’s damage. Rally armor and inspire slightly outheals winston damage by 3 hps over 10 s. Needless to say zen’s ultimate WAY outheals tesla cannon and sound barrier provides WAY more shields.

If brig prerallies then he mentioned using melee to remove it faster but didn’t mention leap, which can remove up to 45 of rally armor. He also doesn’t even mention potential counters like ashe’s dynamite ignoring armor and doing 45 damage on impact (burn damage 100 at 20 dps which can outdps inspire on armor), or ana’s nade dealing 55 damage to armor and negating inspire healing for 4 s.

I agree with him on nerfing zen’s discord and buffing lucio, which I have ideas on how to do. I think mccree needs fth nerfed to 45 damage too. Right now mccree on a discorded target can do 390 damage with fth in 1 s - that is too much.


I have to laugh :joy:

You’re talking to the wrong person about aim - I’ve made threads debunking aim as what it is perceived on this forum multiple times lol.

I agree with you though dude. She does require things that you can only/generally expect in higher tiers but her kit in itself isn’t all that difficult - which is why she is so abusable in high tiers (or was).

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Ah, we love a good straw man, don’t we?

I never said your own stats are an indication of hero states. I said that your stats align with what the big picture says.

You, yourself don’t perform well on Brig, and do far better on Moira. Also, funnily enough, you’ve played Moira more competitively than you have Brig despite claiming that Brig is stronger.

I do agree with this statement but you also have to look at Ana as she shuts down Hog if you want to look at it from that perspective

Only 15 HPS? It’s stronger than it was before at 15 HPS, it got buffed.

No, Winston’s Tesla canon is 8m range

I think you’re missing the fact that Brig has two forms of CC to disrupt Winston and render him unavailable to deal damage. Lucio does too, yes, but with the boop changes it feels much easier to just W through it, and it has a much shorter range than Brig’s Whip.

Brig’s healing is 30m range and goes through shields/Winston bubble, Lucio’s doesnt.

Brig also can stack inspire healing on top of Repair Pack healing at a 20m range.

If he wants to use his 12sec CD, sure. Brig can just throw packs out and then trigger inspire and use Whipshot or bash to screw with him.

Lets see:

  • Brig is weak against heroes like Junkrat, Pharah, DF and Sym.
  • Junkrat, Pharah, DF and Sym are all heroes unviable in GM.
  • Brig softcounters Tracer, or at can resist her more that other supports.
  • Brig can walk in LoS of Widow without being instantly oneshot.
  • Brig is a trash pick on the tiers where Tracermaker isnt shoving out almost every other dps into 1% or worse pickrate.

So yeah, all points to Brig being a trash hero only kept afloat in GM because its a favorable situation, and not some inherent, secret overpowerness she has after 22 nerfs.

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I have like 2 games played on Moira and they are from last season…you know when she was meta for a brief period with Lucio Double Bubble rush

This was also when Brig had just got her HP nerf and people assumed she was dead

None of my playtime is from this season

You are reaching rlly hard for something kind of irrelevant. My personal stats and playtime =/= the actual strength and meta-ness of heroes