Flats take on why rien buff is bad and why no buff to rien will dethrone the current meta

This whole post is for people to argue about brig. (Although, brig haters would say there is no arugument… :roll_eyes:)


i mean she does need buffs, just not buffs to her health. I say buff her napkin tho because napkins need love instead of just being wiped on and thrown away.

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Not worse, but she is quite literally on the worst end of the support roster, she is 5th out of 7th, with a winrate lower that all above her.

At GM, where she is at her best. Under Masters, she is a throw pick.

And no, Lucio not being picked isnt something that is magically all on Brig.


why do you gotta lie to everyone tho…
Everyone knows ana is tied with Mercy

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They came back because Baptiste was hyper buffed and he works wonders with them.

I was masters back than.

Now THAT was funny…

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h ttps://gyazo.com/ff6d91800d6f832c77b9ac5733cea384

Don’t call me a liar when anyone can look at the website :grimacing: :grimacing:

sorry but idk why i read that as
dialsklaskizlwnswksozqm. com
But ngl Ana is tied with Mercy, brig is lower so maybe 3rd?

Brig doesnt have sub1% pickrate and the Samito Justice Warriors prepare to march.


She is actually fifth at best.

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Brig and Mercy’s pickrate are the same amount apart as Ana and Mercy’s are, so if you think Ana and Mercy are tied then Brig and Mercy are tied too.

She isn’t tied with Mercy, Mercy nearly has a whole 2% more than her in GM, which can be pretty huge regarding their population.

Also, that’s not true at all. Lucio has DOUBLE the damage output compared to Brig, whilst only healing 1k less than her and that’s on top of him having to manage between his healing and his speed (which we don’t have stats for).

Moira also has double Brig’s damage and has top healing out of all supports - so how is Moira bad when her stats say otherwise?


Where are you seeing this, because OB is literally saying you are wrong.


Since when is .4% a whole 2%

h ttps://gyazo.com/ff6d91800d6f832c77b9ac5733cea384

Yeah that’s why Moira is .97% pickrate

You and Ranulf are actually so wrong about game balance every day of every week it’s depressing


it just looks like a simple image.

I’m looking on stats for this week? You know… the stats that have this patch only in them for a more accurate representation on how supports are doing? Lpl

Are you using last 6 months???

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And so am I :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

h ttps://gyazo.com/7740eb52783189fe1da98c176cb99853

Then idk where you are looking because in GM, Mercy’s pickrate is literally13.8% and brig’s is 12.4% lol