Flats take on why rien buff is bad and why no buff to rien will dethrone the current meta

Balanced poorly=bad for the game


Heck just look at sigma as an example of balanced poorly, singly handedly pushing out all other tanks except the one that works well with him.

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Ball IS a dive tank.

Tracer/Widow was literally the strongest version of Dive. Ashe fulfills the same role of mobile sniper that Widow, and Echo is a high burst flanker hero.

Just because it doesnt matches the pinkglassed version of full 2017 early dive where Genji was this dominant dps, when in truth he got replaced by Widow in months, doesnt mean it isnt a mobility heavy meta right now.\

3 of those are dive heroes and McCree is the only viable marshmallow-soft counter to Tracer and anything mobile, and was literally just buffed.


Where are you seeing this? Ball/Sigma is definitely very VIABLE, but the primary meta is Sigma/Orisa right now.

Exactly bro sigma is terrible for the game. So now the only good tanks are sigma/hog/ball and orisa if she is played with sigma. Meanwhile dva winston and reinhardt are sitting in the trash can. And zarya is just kind of there

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shes killed everything that jeff kaplan ever fathered.
literally every problem in this game is because of her, i play her and i do love her niche.
but she is so bad.

‘‘Dive’’ meta as in Dva/Winston/Genji/Tracer/Filler/Filler will never come back because it was a meta that relied 100% on having no counterpicks to mobility.


How is Brig breaking the game when she is at the bottom of the support with the worst stats across the support roster?


lol, I hope he gets Sombra mains in his game with the hacked intro just to rub more salt in :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


So remove or heavily nerf those counterpicks, with the exception of peeling offtanks.

For Orisa and Sigma, give them stronger barriers, but weaker close range defences.

i like how he mentions at the end that rein + zarya needed teamwork, while sigma + ball just do everything on their own.

Torb 76

Orisa + Sig are already at their weakest states ever, they didn’t come back (even tho they’re not META anymore) because they were good, they came back because DB is the only sustainable counter to hitscans and powercreep in DPS.

You need to make changes based on what caused it to come back, not on the fact that it came back.

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I hope there was meant to be a /s at the end of that. :roll_eyes:

I love how brig haters treat anyone who doesn’t hate brig as some political party that aims to ruin the game for the fact that… they don’t hate a hero lol

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This ^
and your post was factional, except for the part I quoted from you.


Eh, Tracer was the best hero in the game when played by good players, Genji wasn’t a big issue. Would have rather they just nerfed Tracer though.

Except dive was only a thing in masters+ so not sure why there were so many low SR support players complaining about it


??? Brig is tied with Mercy for Pickrate and Mercy is strong af so not sure how Brig is bottom of the support with “the worst stats”

Lucio is 1000x worse than Brig. Moira is arguably a lot worse too. And statistically they are way worse than her.

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‘‘Dive was a bad meta that showed poorly designed parts of the game and literally should never come back in its original incarnation because it relies on the game being broken and the non-existance of counterpicks for several heroes’’

‘‘idk delete the few counterpicks to mobility that exist so I can have my cancer comp back’’

You are literally insane.