Flats take on why rien buff is bad and why no buff to rien will dethrone the current meta

Lmao dude why are you always the one pointing my spelling mistakes ??

People that have an obsessive need to correct other people typically lack a form of self control. Also people get really mad when you disrespect their favorite fictional characters. Think “Han shot first” to see such a weird and universally accepted correction.

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True, shame on you DerSisch.

I’ve never seen someone so adamant on being wilfully ignorant lol

soooo basically removing any value from the hero and giving about 0 logical/objective reason to pick her… i.e. 0 purpose…


Well, put it this way.

If you were a developer with a sequel coming out.

Would you focus on pleasing GM/Pro Brig mains.

Or +90% of Streamers, Pros, and Gold/Plat Brig mains?

Which one is likely to give better marketing results?

both by reworking her. she’s blatantly suffering from dissonance between how she goes about healing vs her effective range and that’s a design problem to be solved by changing the design.


Yes, appealing to 90% of players would be great. Too bad they seem incapable of it.

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Dunno how you’d rework her to not be a Healer with strong peeling.

But there is that idea that she’d apply a partial antiheal whenever she hits stuff.

in OW, supports have to have a staple heal method because of how much team sustain relies on it.

  • make her inspire be an individualistic buff
  • make her melees only give herself inspire
  • make her packs into flags that give out inspire in a small-ish radius for a small duration upon impact
  • make her flags/packs linear projectiles that are aimed
    • reward good aim by having an extra buff with smaller duration with higher hps closer to impact radius be applied to allies in that smaller radius.
  • have her flags be based on a resource meter with generous regen rate so it’s effectively working just like normal cd + stacking/stock piling
  • then make her peeling abilities (bash and whipshot) able to grant more resource for flags upon successfully hitting (i.e. rewarding likely successful peeling) which adds skill ceiling in having combos for peeling

I mean, I got no problem with redesigning how she heals stuff.

The issue is the 70hps through barriers/dm, her unmatrixable stun, and her unmatrixable knockback.

All combined that makes Diving kinda pointless against DoubleBarrier.

even if brig couldn’t heal through barriers, it wouldn’t be worth it anyways because it means it’s basically only mercy that can heal through barriers and occasionally moira, in which case, the divers will be shredded anyways since they’re diving into a deathball comp with pretty much only mercy’s healing to sustain the divers through that brawl.

That said, if Matrix/Barriers blocked her repairpack, her stun, and her whipshot. That could work.

Actually, nevermind on this last one
Oh yeah, and possibly throw in losing LOS on Inspire causes it to go away too. Although save that for later, since her positioning when hitting stuff would suck.

matrix blocking whipshot and stun would be a big no no imo.
matrix and shields blocking flags? sure.

yeah. if inspire from flags turned out like lucio aura i.e. basically being typical totem, it’d suck real hard for brig’s positioning AND for everyone on her team since they’d have to anchor themselves down to where brig commands to get the heal which is terrible for how fast paced OW is and how much mobility a lot of the cast has.

I guess, but devs are are gonna find some way to prevent Brig from fulfilling the functions of an offtank, while not being an OffTank.

And I don’t think they are gonna care much about the feelings of the top 1% of Brig players, compared to the entire rest of the Pro/Streamer community saying how crap the meta is before OW2 launch.

That’s an extreme marketing risk with the leadup to a sequel.

And like said above, if they give Brig a soloQ selfish playstyle that’s fun and decently effective in Plat/Gold. The vast majority of Brig players aren’t gonna care that she’s not meta.

except brig doesn’t neutralise the threat.

  • pack “burst” healing provides sustain, but is in itself just delaying the threat’s goal esp when you compare numbers-wise (many damage sources deal more than 55dps or even 70)
  • stun and whip stop the threat temporarily.
  • brig herself doesn’t do much damage to neutralise the threat.

even when combining everything, the threat is only neutralised if her teammates go for the kill. she may scare the threat off, but they’ll soon be back.

offtanks have the whole package to actually neutralise the threat.

not to mention, what’s the issue if brig can act more like an off tank? zen acts more like a dps. mei acts more like an off tank. various off tanks often act like a dps (:eyes: zarya and hog), literal dive tanks acting like dps flankers, etc. :man_shrugging:

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Basically, DoubleBarrier is functionally invincible at medium range against SingleBarrier.

So it needs to be weak at close range.

And there really isn’t any alternative to that besides huge gimmicky systems to alter game balance midgame, limit anchortanks per team, or just remove Sigma’s barrier entirely. Maybe remove Orisa barrier too.
Or just mega buff Dive.

I’ve probably sunk at least 200+ hours looking at this issue from all sides, and I can’t come up with any other alternatives.

So yes, it’s possible somebody else on this forum could find an alternative core approach on fixing this issue, but I really doubt it.

And to compared the excessively elaborate systems above. Nerfing the Peel and Self Peel on a few heroes, and then throwing in some buffs. Is a lot more realistic.

Although I guess there is one more approach. Nerf DoubleBarrier heroes to the point they might as well not exist. But yeah, but really a fan of that one.

Apart from gimmick teams (and sometimes even them), Contenders since the 10th Dec has been mostly SigBall, with SigOri used in certain situations (usually involving a control point, like King’s Row A). Tracer’s in every match as well, and supports seem to be two of Brig/Zen/Mercy/Bap.

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Stop doing it and I stop.

any non-tank hero that can peel would cause that “problem”/effect. effectively removing those heroes (and never allowing for such capability in heroes) isn’t the right solution to that problem and neither is forcing a meta.

like why not use “gimmicky systems” to fix a problem which is literally a design problem in which there’s nothing that punishes shield spam?

forgive me for referring to paladins but they don’t really have this problem nor the “heal spam” problem people acclaimed OW had with goats because of their item system accessible to everyone (for free btw) to let people build to have shield break and/or anti-heal to punish overinvestment of shield or heal spam.

like eventually there will be more shield tanks, there will be more aoe and main healers, etc. the scalable solution would be to introduce some sort of global mechanic to punish shield spam or heal spam.

and that led to the idea I gave previously: shield rage meter for shieldless/barrierless tanks to let them be able to shield break better for situations where there’s so much shield uptime from shield spam in double shields unlike in single barrier comps.

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