Flats take on why rien buff is bad and why no buff to rien will dethrone the current meta

Or, they could just restrict heavy peel to offtanks, or for what peel there is, they could make it less useful against Dive. (I.e.Slower deploy speed on IF)

Which is about as easy as making sure main healers don’t get offhealer tier big defensive Ults.

It doesn’t really work, because it punishes SingleBarrier equally as hard as DoubleBarrier

Except they totally do have a heal spam with too much CC problem.

Granted they could just buff a few items to make that go away. Cauterize and that AntiCC one.

Because there are major negative sideeffects to it.

As opposed to making a tiny percentage of players unhappy, they’d risk making a large fraction unhappy.

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uh no it isn’t actually when you’re legit talking about deleting heroes since peeling or “being an off tank” is pretty much the purpose of some of them (e.g. brig and mei).

it all depends on numbers. we already have an ability that only really works/viable in double barrier but much less so in single barrier: sym’s primary.

the only reason it got light shun on it was because there was so much barrier up time to make its reload on shield to actually matter alongside with how terribly long it takes to charge up in closer range which made it not worth in single barrier.

you can learn from that and apply it to the shield rage idea esp when making the boosted damage only apply for barriers too.

you and the video creator both said the solution. caut used to be 90% reduction for 1.5s. resilience can be buffed. paladins has global cc diminishing returns and internal cd on some cc too. not to mention various abilities and ults, cards, and talents that make the user cc immune. of which are plenty more than what OW’s doing about it. numerical tweaks for paladins is likely the answer, unlike in OW where the game mechanic simply isn’t there to tweak.

your changes aren’t affecting making “a tiny percentage of players unhappy” for a larger fraction tho. you’re talking about a global lowering of peeling from support role, implementing favouritism for like 3/7 tanks + effectively deleting 2 other tanks, possibly even lowering peeling from dps too, and when you take into account these changes on support and tanks roles effect queue times, we’re not talking about a “tiny percentage” at all.

You can dislike Brig but you cant rewrite history.

Brig was released because despite dive being overpowered in top ranks many players screamed at Blizzard not to nerf dive, insisted the heroes were all individually balanced and that there should just be more counters.

Well they got their counters, as requested. Be careful what you wish for.

Brig is purely down to a vocal minority refusing to accept that their heroes needed to be nerfed.


I have been telling this for months but he considers peel to be an off tank only duty which is kind of absurd on its own right.

In OW it could be switching heroes, the issue is that the heroes that counter Brig and Sigma are basically throw picks in the ranks where those two are an ‘‘issue’’ (aka counter the stale dps meta of GM+).

The entire DPS roster is broken OP or UP and its cycle of counterpicking is incomplete and deficient, with Widow and Tracer running rampart in upper ranks, forcing supports and tanks to try to fix it and then get sledgehammered for it.

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Uhm… hey, Gold player from when Dive was Meta.

It happened down here.

A lot.

Considering that Flats primarily plays Rein your comment doesn’t make a lot of sense.


Just picking the heroes that comprised old dive doesnt mean it was Dive, it was just a high mobility comp that had little to no counterpicking.

I agree that low and mid ranks also needed a counterpick to Genji and Tracer, but it wasnt actual Dive.

Hear me out:

Give Rein a 30% passive speed increase and 30% slow resist.

Except it is a tiny percentage, when you rework the characters to be desirable in Gold/Plat, but remove that makes them strong in Masters/GM.

Brig, for instance, has never really been popular below Masters.

Mei as a Tank, the Mei players would get buffs and 30sec queue times.

Bap, he’s overflowing with popoff clutch potential, and plays a lot like a DPS, so he doesn’t need instant peels to be desirable to play.

Sigma and Orisa, if they had barriers that could rival Reinhardt, and could shoot the whole time, while Rein can’t really attack much at all when he’s not in hammer swinging range. That alone is more fun.

Dive needed a rebalance in the dps to not be meta. Once that happened dive has been bad and has not comeback since despite numerous attempts. There have been numerous patches where people have been like dive is back only for it still do nothing.

The issue keeps end up being that the dps pool tends to hard favor a couple heroes and then everything else is to accommodate them. Better dps balance would open the options up so much. Yes there are imbalances in tanks/supports but they wouldn’t be so bad if the supporting pieces for their comps where in ok spots.

We probably never will escape a double sniper/double shield meta for an example if the heroes that support Rein/Zara or dive are in the pits.

Nah brig was released for pros cause they were sick of dive.

I don’t think you watched the vid. And what many of those who are very smart about this game. The issue IS Brig or hero’s designed like her where she can do everything at once. Flats made a great comparison to illustrate using Lucio and Brig. Lucio cannot do everything at once. He has to decide WHEN to speed or heal, and not just from the stand point of someone needs healing but from a VALUE standpoint. Brig doesn’t have to make any decisions. She almost plays for you. So all these patches on other heroes are sort of like having a broken leg but the dr. puts a cast on your arm.

I agree with Flats 100%.


I don’t disagree that hero balance is polarising, but I don’t think hero switching necessarily is the solution/replacement for such mechanics to prevent spam of shield/cc/heals. Because

  1. there will be gaps in which a hero meant to punish spammation of X can’t do so against a certain comp because that comp was designed to cover/able to deal with that hero
  2. having a hero to do that can lead to bad skewing of balance e.g. ana’s anti nade:
  • she’s a high hps healer with decent dps capabilities, applicable about everywhere. Now throw in how she’s got anti which the support roster severely lacks counterplay for in a game environment of 2-2-2 role queue i.e. supports can’t switch to other roles to counter it. and we can see how ana’s inherently skewed to be better than most of the other supports in terms of individual balance.
  • and then further introducing a cleanse support would make that monopoly into a duopoly (whenever there’s ana, the cleanse support will be chosen).

He has mobility(speed and wall ride) and boop other than that
every other support can heal more than him
I guess his ult is stronger than most
except when compared to brig

so 3 things that are strong 3 things that can
be nerfed without ruining the character

but even at that brig has a better ult
and better cc and better healing

so all Lucio has is speed and wall ride
wall ride is useless if your team is dead

speed does nothing because whenever
you get on the enemy stuns for days
Then you die

No it didn’t actually because Winston was statistically the least played tank in gold/silver. Also I had a gold/dia acc in early dive.

And just because people picked dive heroes doesn’t mean dive was ran. Dive requires coordination, peel, counter dives, etc. I doubt any of that was happening

Jeff has said many times how low ranks don’t experience the top meta

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Once again, you rely on statistics this, statistics that, and then say “all these meta comps require coordination”.


Winston was the least picked tank in low ranks

And you are claiming dive happened down there “a lot”

Which is statistically incorrect

Also, even if they ran dive, they didn’t run it correctly or actually well at all, I can guarantee that

They do. You didn’t have GOATs either, even if people picked it. Or Double Shield.

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Yes yes, I’m so sorry for being wrong Mr. Top 500 Icon.

Please forgive me for penetrating your holy scriptures.

I mean you’re literally just wrong based on actual factual data and the words of the head game dev himself, sorry you’re so upset over it?

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