Flats take on why rien buff is bad and why no buff to rien will dethrone the current meta

Im reaching when your only form of argument is that a hero is picked more than another? When you clearly don’t understand why one hero is being picked less in terms of the bigger picture?

The reason I’ve started to use your own stats is because you keep claiming that Brig is stronger but even your OWN stats fail you in this.

Take PR out of the picture and try to explain to me how Brig is stronger because I’ve yet to see you say anything that I haven’t debunked or countered (that you have then failed to follow up on).

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Brig is overall more versatile, has more strengths than Moira and less weaknesses, and works in a larger variety of comps and maps than Moira. Brig also works well with Zen and Bap and Ana, even Mercy, whereas Moira only works well with Lucio. Whom Brig kinda makes obsolete.


Former Brig main here. She had too many tools and I’d like her to be reworked thank you :slight_smile:

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yo my reaper winrate this season is 100%, why aren’t people nerfing this absolutely broken hero

what? anecdotal evidence from a single person isn’t indicative of whether a hero is good or not statistically? noooo wayyyyy

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*sigh * we’re at it again…

You’re not naming any of those strengths or weaknesses.

Also, how is Brig better on more maps than Moira when Moira has better mobility to access high ground and move herself from the frontline-back line? When Moira has a far larger reach in terms of damage and healing? When Moira has a far better kit at securing kills than Brig despite Brig having two forms of CC? When Moira has far better sustain than Brig? When Moira can preemptively weed out her enemies through her damage orb? When Moira can outheal focus fire?

Again, Brig has no direct correlation or even indirect correlation for why Moira is being played less. They don’t perform the same roles - and I explained the reason as to why Moira suffers and it’s due to Bap being a better alternative to Moira with utility stacked on top of doing similar healing to her and better damage than her.

Repair pack is like a mercy pocket for 2 s on a 6 cd. Even zen orb outheals it over time. Plus winston’s bubble also blocks brig’s inspire. Winston’s tesla cannon also goes right through brig’s shield. Also, inspire is 15 hps.

Another straw man? lol

I already explained like twice as to why I was using that person’s stats and neither of those times was it as an indicator of whether a hero themselves is good or not.

The user keeps claiming that Brig is stronger but nowhere is that represented in her stats except PR (which is the argument that Ryan has been using for her strength) and funnily enough, it turned out that Ryan plays Moira far more than he plays Brig and also has better stats on Moira than he does on Brig. It was more to point out hypocrisy in his argument more than as an indication of anything because I’ve already pointed out the real indicator in several posts which are stats across the entirety of GM.

But really, that was a terrible attempt at a troll response, maybe you can try to hate on brig when she is doing better? :wink:

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which is the only stat that matters??
healing/damage done doesn’t say anything about how good a hero is
is bastion OP because his statistics show that he does an immense amount of damage compared to other DPS?

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PR is the only stat that matters??? In what world?

Also, funny you say Bastion when 7 other DPS do more damage than him and many more get more elims than him lol

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Maybe they should make Brig better for Gold/Plat, but offmeta for GM/Pro.

I.e. Higher durability, out of combat self heals, add some damage, but remove her Peeling.

this one

you haven’t answered my question, if damage/healing is so important in determining whether a hero is good or not, why is bastion the worst hero in the game?

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Bastion is the worst hero in the game because his core design is terrible. His compensation for his lack of mobility is meant to be his high damage but he fails to even dish out high damage - there are 7 DPS higher than him in damage.

Bastion is also awfully team reliant because of his lack of mobility - meaning your entire team comp has to work around the bastion and because of that, once the Bastion falls, the game is largely over for that team because it breaks the team synergy.

The returned value that you get out of him even when you work around him is less than heroes that aren’t team reliant and provide far better utility making them more valuable over him.

Essentially - Bastion fails because he has many drawbacks to the one reason he could be picked and even then there are better alternatives over him. It is an internal design flaw that they need to work on. But this is straw man because it doesn’t correlate to the argument of Moira/Brig.

Unlike Bastion, Moira actually sustains good stats for her design, she has high damage and very high healing (the highest out of the entire roster), she is simply picked less. Not because she is inherently bad, as she was actually META and played a handful of times. The reason that she is picked less is because Baptiste is a better alternative as he has a utility stacked on top of it all.

However, when and if you play Moira, she still performs her necessary functions and stands her own ground - which Bastion fails at.

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But clearly brig is better/safer pick overall, which is why she’s getting picked more. It’s really not hard to understand.

Clearly not when Brig’s ED is worse than Moira’s - which means that Brig is dying more than Moira is. So idk where this conception that she’s a ‘better/safer’ pick comes from if she’s dying more often, and that’s not compensated anywhere in terms of her damage or healing.

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Because damage/healing stats aren’t everything? Brig has better peel, a better ult, more flexible healing, and she synergizes with more supports than Moira. It’s why she’s picked more. Moira doesn’t offer enough to turn the tides in a match so she’s bypassed.

The problem with your approach is your reduction of supports to healbots. They do more than just heal and not die

And I told you that Moira has better survivability as she dies less on average but you ignored that because?? (reasons?)

Not true. Brig has to get within damage range to be a threat or to even be able to stun. Not to mention, her mobility is far worse than Moira’s so the time taken for her to turn and peel is worse as it will take her longer to get there. Not only this, Moira has her orb which can assist in her peeling for her team.

The ONLY way that Brig is better is that Brig has a stun/boop

In what way? Moira has the superior range, she damages and heals at the same time, and the buildup for it is far quicker than Brig’s (which also requires for her team to stay within rally range.

Again, in what way? Moira heals more on her primary which she has access to at any point in the game. On top of having an orb that assists her or lets her heal without even having LOS of her target.

It’s not that Moira doesn’t offer enough, it’s because there is no reason to pick her OVER baptiste, who essentially does the same thing on top of having utility.

Eh, but this is not true. I took Brig’s and Moira’s kits in consideration, and that includes her boops and stuns - which can be measured through Brig’s damage and healing output as they dish out both. If the utilities by themselves were truly superior to just having higher healing, Brig would be doing more, but she’s at the bottom of everything.

Also, another reason this isn’t true is because when Lucio was involved in the debate, i mentioned his utility several times, and why looking at Lucio’s healing isnt appropriate because he HAS to juggle his healing between his speed - which there is no measurable metric of.

The reason that I talk about healing, damage, and survivability with Moira is because that’s the core design that she’s based on. When there has been utility to be discussed, i HAVE talked about it.

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The dude is named REINHARDT WILLHELM.

Stop calling him Rien.

He didn’t say she was bad for the game, But he didn’t cut no corners when describing the difference between her and Lucio. She’s broken in comparison… He did so while describing why this Rein “buff” is no good and was basically useless!

He made a very valid point.