Flats on 5V5 (trust me he's speaking the truth)

This is what I’ve been saying since day 1 that they announced 5v5. It’s not just a tank issue that half of them are losing their role and/or are subjected to gameplay, that has been in similar experiments previously proven to be a very frustrating experience, but the rest of the team is going to have basically half as much peel and cover to work with. All those times when you thought “I wish my tanks would create space so we could even have a chance to look past this chokepoint here” is now no longer just a situational thing and instead it will be happening consistently throughout the games and both the DPS and the supports now share the responsibility of taking space and securing it. Considering that tanks are going to get considerable buffs to compensate for the loss of their SOTs it might even be the other way around where tanks are now more fun to play, but as a trade off the other 2 roles are now much less fun/enjoyable

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I don’t think a 1200 HP shield is a buff (just saying)
Two firestrikes… Meh they probably nerfed the damage of them
Making Charge more interactive is a good thing but why use it if you have no back up?

Zarya having “charges” on her bubbles (I see what they were doing but it’s not a buff or a nerf… It’s all about playstyle and things in game)

Winston having a longer range attack is good (but what’s the damage number for that)

What changed about Roadhog… Nothing as far as I saw

Also remember we didn’t see Orisa or Sigma in those games… I wonder why???

And the DPS having to be all over the place (is probably a good thing in terms of showcasing what it is they do) will be hard for everyone to do (at times)

Problem with this argument is that the “reasons” aren’t equal. You can’t treat adding 5v5 to Overwatch with the same seriousness as pet ownership.

Again, you are trying to state that not taking away the jobs of any CURRENT players and not taking away jobs period is the same thing, and yet again, it is not.

The harsh truth of the matter is, literally anything these players say is speculation at best. Unless one of them opens up a literal third eye and sees in to the future, they have zero idea how the game is going to change with the release of OW 2.

The only stance you can reasonably take with this, is devil’s advocate right now. Because, we just don’t know.

I don’t expect tanks to be extremely durable.

I do expect CC nerfs, anti heal nerfs, fan the hammer nerfs, storm arrows nerfs, sniper nerfs, damage boosted headshot nerfs, and probably even sentry bastion nerfs.

As well as that 50% knockback resistance, and 30% Ult charge feeding resistance.

If tanks won’t be extremely durable, they would be awful, as their weapons are mostly close range, and now all damage is focused on one tank.

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Well like I said, Tanks probably won’t get more durable, but a ton of their “MOBA” counters are going to get weaker.

Their main counter is ranged damage, so unless they become more durable, than now, they would drop dead, before even getting close enough to use their weaponry.

Well here’s an idea.

  1. Headshots count as a damage boost
  2. Damage boosts don’t stack
  3. Widowmaker maximum base damage of 125, with a 2x headshot multiplier

For one thing, you expect a lot of things that have no basis in what Blizzard has actually promised. They have not promised sniper nerfs, FTH or Storm Arrow nerfs, headshot nerfs, boost nerfs, or anything similar.

For another thing, EVEN IF you take OUT all of those things, tanking is still gonna suck. We don’t have snipers to deal with? Fine, throw Pharah/Junk/Reaper at them and watch tanks STILL melt from the massive damage. Throw Tracer/Reaper at them, Tracer can do 240 DPS during clip, so she can burst for 480 damage over 2 seconds.

Take them out? Fine, throw Echo in there with her ability to melt tanks. Throw in Doomfist, too, and we’ve still got tanks that can’t survive being a huge problem.

Look, EVEN IF you nerf the popular spam damage, 1 less tank = a lot less defensive measures. You lose far more defense than offense in that trade. Add to that LESS durable tanks, as well as more mobile DPS, and you’ve got a recipe for tanks being WAY more of a dps punchingbag ult battery than they ever were before, even if they give less ult charge now.


That’s kinda the point.

GOATs and DoubleBarrier were too durable.

A change like this makes it near impossible to run those high durability comps.

But we won’t know until we try it out… like a BETA

Or leave, that is the other option.

So essentially removing teamwork in exchange for typical FPS shooter cover. Oh boy can I not wait to play OverCOD. It makes sense they are calling the tanks brawlers and not tanks anymore, because they aren’t if they are no longer needed. As Flats pointed out, what you just described essentially makes the tanks worthless. Might as well have the game 3 DPS 2 heals at that point.

The whole point of the tank role is that they tank for their team, which includes not only taking damage but protecting them. If you change them so they aren’t doing that anymore, they aren’t a tank anymore. Making tanks more and more DPS like is a good way to drive all the tank players away.

Even if they were compensated offensively, are they actually tanks anymore at that point or just thick DPS? I hardly consider the current state of the game overwatch anymore, let alone with the planned decrease in teamwork.

Makes a lot of sense, nerf every tank in the game because of the horrid hero design that was sigma. Typical blizzard, change the whole game instead of fixing the one thing that broke it. It baffles the mind they put so much effort into larger projects when they could simply fix OP heroes when they release them (or heck not release heroes so insanely busted).

I’m confused, aren’t you the guy who’s always saying we need to stop balancing as if 3/0/3 could still be a thing, and also that most of the issue with bunker comps is DPS/support that can anti dive, not tanks?

Or maybe you’re not in favor of the idea, but you’re explaining it?

The opposite.

I argue we should balance around the fact that roles are limited.

Rather than acting like Tanks can somehow simultaneously have equal impact as DPS, and equal popularity. The reality is you have to abandon the equal impact, and focus on improving queue times.

That said, my original preference would have been 6v6 but eliminate anything that’s like an offtank, but not in the Tank role.

But with 5v5, that would be counter-productive. Since the only thing that will be like an offtank are these “technically not a tank” characters.

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So instead we go into opposite extreme, which is high damage comps. And just as bad.

Higher lethality, dunno if damage is going up by much though.

i feel like im actively trolling when i pick Wrecking Ball. He just isnt the kinda tank that works as a solo tank, and he was never designed to be one