Flats on 5V5 (trust me he's speaking the truth)

Flats is rein otp, rein is bad in ow2. That’s it. Players who don’t adapt will have issues, that is clear as a shiny day. The opinion is biased and spiced up with stuff that he has noting to do in (owl, jobs etc etc).
We change the game into healthier state, but to understand why it is healthier, you need to change as a player first and learn to play a new game, no matter if you are bronze or gm or OWL player.
Roles are now more equal than ever. Skill matters, FPS > MOBA in the fps game all of a sudden.

As someone playing the beta most tanks are OP and survive really well even Zarya you should not be afraid for your tanks. Sure you might need to adjust your gameplay a bit.

This sounds like a deflecting way to say, “One player now has the power to pick a character and hold the rest of their team hostage.”


As a plat tank player I totally disagree with your points. I synergize with other tanks all the time. Do I get the random tank that doesn’t help at all? Sure but it’s more like 40%-50% than 90% of the time. You don’t have to be top 500 to appreciate tank synergy. It’s a major reason why I enjoy the tank role ow1.

You know what the real double edge sword is? Not having the second tank. Cool you can do your own thing. But now you have absolutely no one to cover you as you are being bombarded by damage, no one to cover off angles, and miss a bunch of depth that came with being a tank player like setting up kill zones, team combos, tank rotations, and having someone who you can hold a line and actually cover.

Also the natural cover has done Jack for help tanks with the issue of needing to push and hold. That requires being able to fight back with creating a presence and laying down suppression. Something ow2 is crap at.

OW2 has lost its identity and feels like random team death match more than ever. It’s the exact opposite direction from why I loved OW in the first place


for me in ow1 i need that backup 2nd tank to even play tank at all.

but in ow2 i dont have to hope for another tank playing with me, diving with me…

as i can do it myself.
also nobody has asked me to play barrier or whatever and i could just play and help my team to my best abilities.

but it might be due to dive beeing okay.
as i only play dive tanks and orisa atm. but i have the time of my live in ow2.

Tank synergy enrich the gameplay, as main off-tank (680+ hour only in that role) is what drive me to play OW1.


lol at coming back to this post now when Flats has been nothing but overjoyed with the OW2 beta and 5v5. Funny how overly dramatic he was for nothing. :skull:


Two Mercy mains meet in Quick Play. How do they resolve this dilemma peacefully?

I always disliked it personally and vastly prefer solo tanking, but I respect your preferences.

flats is garbage, he is boosted by emong and knows he wont get past masters in ow2.
people only like him cos he his a normie PMA streamer.

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I remember this thread lol

Wait, it’s been 9 months?!? Dang, time flies

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Well, nobody wanted to hear him preach but he was 100% right.

I mean he himself doesnt even play ranked anymore lmao, they play QP and custom games because the OW2 PvP experience is horrible.

Too bad he has to act like he likes 5v5 to get more views.






Oh look more replies where i was right, its almost as if it was just common sense

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(…Again Again!)


What is already dead can never be killed

I’m enjoying the throwbacks. Sometimes you need to see the receipts dude, just to confirm.

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Did you seriously necro a thread, by replying to your own post from 3 years ago? Seriously dude?

Its about sending a message, and how i saw all 5v5 problems before it was implemented cause i have this super power called : common sense :sunglasses:

I say eat it up dude. I was initially optimistic about 5v5 and what it could bring to the table. I was dead wrong. :person_shrugging: