Flats on 5V5 (trust me he's speaking the truth)

Well it’s mostly just a big rehaul in removing the power from a lot of defensive abilities, and then broad scale rebalancing to accommodate for that.

I mean the guy was a huge beneficiary of Tank duoing. So of course he doesn’t want that to go away.

As for “just play meta” what good is that Tank bans get a lot easier with only 1 Tank player per team.

The Pros are the main reason Blizzard has been going in an FPS direction for 3 years. OW2 is their fault, but at least the rest of us will be able to have fun again.

If this person wants old OW back, its WAY too late & the Pros were fine with Tanks & Healers getting nerfed again and again in favor of DPS. But OW2 is too much?

it’s hard being a better tank when all tank will be reworked into a different role. And it’s not about being “better” it’s the fact that right now people are hired as either off tank or main tank specialist, so they are being forced to retrain their entire skillset or be fired.
For what? So blizzard can hide long queue times?

this is the level of internalized irrational hatred i was talking about. Do you think “pros” are a gargantuan hive mind bent on ruining your game?
Do you realize how messed up is to wish ill on a group of people you blame for your problems on a game?

Blizzard balances OW with ONLY the Pros in mind. That top to bottom way of balancing is why OW1 isnt fun for the majority anymore. Hell, wasnt the Pros involved in making a patch that made it to Live?

If the Pros werent the cause, then the game would be still old OW, all 3 roles would still matter instead of DPS reigning supreme, QP & Arcade wouldnt be plagued with Comp tryhards, or better yet, all the Pro-intended patches wouldve been exclusive to Comp, be completely separate from QP & Arcade. That wouldve been a nice balance.

Name one other game that abandons 99% of its playerbase. EVO is huge, yet every fighting game franchise thats apart of it arent outright unplayable for everyone except the minority that knows every single combo.

Alot of the game’s problems right now are the Pros’ fault. I long since had enough of playing as a real Tank or Healer & anticipate Blizzard’s FPS direction being fully realized. That “can’t beat them, join them” expression hasnt been so on-point.

OW2 caters to the Pros more, but the rest of us arent abandoned this time. So these Pros are hypocrites.

yep, yoy just are angry at a random demographic you can easily blame for all your problems.
DPS have always been the least impactful role, the only meta that was ever dps driven was double sniper.

what leads you to believe this?

I find this to be a bit misleading. How are we defining “impact” here, anyway?

Besides that, ideally every role should have equal impact, but I don’t even know if that’s possible. Most people seem to be advocating for DPS to have the MOST impactful role, and I don’t understand why.

Enough with that lie.

I dont see Doomfist getting the Brig treatment in favor of Healer mains.

I dont see Tracer or Genji getting nerfed to death in favor of Tank mains.

Not once were DPS NOT “fun to play”. Not even Bastion. And what makes up almost the entire roster now? Damage dealers.

Tanks & Healers were the ones that got all the nerfs. How the hell is DPS the weakest when that role never gets its effectiveness taken away like Tanks & Healers always do?

Blizzard’s FPS direction that even Jeff wanted for OW.


i’m talking about in terms of expendability. Aside from a few outliers dps are the easier one to swap in any meta.
Even dive wasn’t stuck with tracer genji 100%, while healers and tanks had way less wiggle room.
This game is objective based, so tanks are bound to be the protagonists, while overwatch healers truly are busted under any sane metric. Heal creep has been a huge issue ever since ana was introduced, 50 hps mercy should’ve been the “big heals” standard

because the game is objective based, so no matter what tanks will always be king. Don’t mix “fun to play” with “strong”, something you are constantly doing

i meant what leads you to believe we aren’t being abandoned this time

I dont like 5vs5 either, I just dont like the argument with jobs because it makes no sense

Flats? More like fats.

Delaying the undeniable and ending something for no reasons are 2 differences

If you have a cat, you dont kill her just because she dies anyway, but if your cat is old and will die soon anyway and doesnt feel good you let her go asleep.

Same with OWL, there is no reason to remove jobs for no reason, but if it has a reason you shouldnt delay it just for the heck of it

I dont say end everything for no reason, I say if it has a reason to get ended then do it now instead of delaying it unnessecary

Doesnt this then proof my point that 5vs5 doesnt hurt anyone? Everyone who is currently in OWL will retire in the next 3 years anyway, if you make OW a 5vs5 you dont take a job “away”, you just dont create new jobs for future people. You dont take people their job away, you just dont give them the chabce to get it in the first place and acorsing to your argument you just had thats something different

But it still there in ow2… it is just getting a reshuffle… you only need to look at role passives to see it…

The fact of the matter is, what they showed us in the live stream absolutely matches what Flats said. Tanks had no room to make plays, they were the punching bags of DPS who got blown up instantly, and the experience for them was beyond awful.

Everyone saying, “you don’t know it’s going to be bad” needs to recognize that this isn’t idle speculation. From what they’ve shown us, from the changes they’ve put out, all indications pointing to tanks dying faster and having less defensive capability than they do now.

This fantasy that tanks will be super-buffed to compensate for these changes has no basis. Blizzard themselves have said they’re nerfing defense on “main tanks”. Can you imagine a squishier Orisa trying to survive without a second tank?

As a tank player, I don’t feel shafted because of 5v5, I feel shafted because everything indicates that they have 0 concern with how tank players have been begging for more defense, and they’ve instead made tank a role that dies easier than all the rest.


They’re the same thing. Tanks arent even Tanks anymore, that’s how weak the job of defense is. Meanwhile, everyone ones one-shotting all targets as DPS Hog, or being a Tracer with more health & shields with DPS Hammond.

Rein is “fun to play” now because of his dmg buff & barrier death. Which is so ironic. Blizzard used to make fun of Rein players that charged in, hammer swing a bunch & never have their shield up. But now, they encourage the very thing they threw jabs at in Rein’s Cinematic Short.

Again, because of that FPS direction.

I overall agree with him although I must say some points he made aren’t really that true for better or worse…

For example learning all tanks would probably not be the case as like he said about the meta “the meta gets stuck”. metas usually shift according to the strongest heroes.
We’ve already seen that without shields snipers tend to dominate. brawl is a composition that rely on on shields, without the 2nd tank and the current shield hp. Playing Reinhardt, Sigma or Zarya would just be useless.

Orisa is already considered to be super weak, especially compared to Hog who supposed to define what the tanks are supposed to be about.

So in reality, the only viable tanks will be tanks that rely less on protection and more on damage which are the dive tanks…

Idk what tanks they will add in the future but looking at the current direction and clips, it really look like Hammond or Winston are gonna see all the play with a team combined of pokers and divers… So on the bright side new/old players wouldn’t really need to learn every tank, just dive tanks.

Hog will be unplayable against Ana with no second tank to block any of her abilities - he is already pretty much hard-countered by her with another tank having his back. It sounds like they don’t plan to change Ana so you might as well say goodbye to Hog.

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Even the heroes they do plan on changing, Sombra for one, their mains hate it because she is going to lose her identity, o well guess they will get into matches faster which is all that matters I guess, even at the cost to your hero and half the heroes in this game.

Queue times would suggest that OW already appeals to a narrower audience.
If tank synergies are so great, the dps players can go queue as tanks and solve the problem right now. Yet for some mysterious reason dps queues are still 3x the length.

We kind of destroyed those synergies to ensure, that tanks can’t save otherwise awful team.

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