Flats is leaving this game

Yeah, she is. They also said Ball was similar to Blight, which honestly kinda is true.

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To be fair. That number for overwatch has been dropping, and near the end of ow1 was something like 500 viewers for a bit. He needs to prep his audience for a change to ensure he maintains financial stability. He literally canā€™t get any higher in the Overwatch category but other games have plenty of room to grow.

Yes. And heā€™s losing the Overwatch audience if he stays. He either dies slowly on Overwatch, or he goes through a tough time for a bit as he transfers his audience to other games.

I mean Iā€™d honestly start watching. I play a lot of the same heroes as Flats, and I essentially only watch for educational purpose at this point, just refining my own stuff. Having a separation between what I play, and what he plays, would help me maintain an interest.

If he does that, he loses a lot of his audience. A smooth transition is needed to maintain it and move to other games with financial security. This is essentially as much of a stand as he can make without just throwing away his income.

Some of his audience is loyal, and a smooth transition is going to help him retain them, at least for long enough to let new community members join as some of the old ones come out.

To be clear heā€™s been talking about moving to a different set of games for months now. It just wasnā€™t really taken as seriously until now.


Except that if he does that he loses a lot of his income. With a smooth longer term transition he maintains viewers, and is able to do it without throwing away his income.

You seem to think that streamers just magically pay their bills, and donā€™t require money to survive.

Timthetatman at home.

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Not anymore. This forum is crack. The game itself is easy to quit, hence the player count being low.


The guy was mid at best and very annoying, even heā€™s leaving that should tell people something.

Heā€™s not going to leave.

You know its bad when Flats of all people is leaving OW.

He was dedicated during the downtime of Overwatch before OW2 came out.

If that alone doesnā€™t show how bad this has gotten, I donā€™t know what will.


Look I love watching flats. Favorite Overwatch streamer. I wouldnā€™t take this as a guarantee. This is a ill plan for an alternative if this ship really does sink after season 6. But itā€™s a 50/50 for him Iā€™d say. People like ML7. Theyā€™re not going anywhere. Because even though this sucks. There are people that donā€™t like the PvE or didnā€™t care much for it. Who are being very polite and giving us our mourning space, because theyā€™re actually pumped. Kind of.

Nah, if ML7 or emongg. People that actually grind competitive leave. Then you should be scared. Flats wasnā€™t gonna last too much longer. Maybe a year or two or PvE the way we thought. But thatā€™s it. Heā€™s already branching out to a lot of games. Flats seems to want to move on. But itā€™s hard for streamers to change games because it could change their audience too.


This is actually hilarious.

If Hero Mode was released, Flats and the Top 500 crew would have been the first to complain every time it received an update and would claim that it was taking ā€œresourcesā€ away from improving the competitive PVP game.

There is literally no pleasing some people. The dudeā€™s entire online presence is built on outrage culture. It wonā€™t carry him to another game - heā€™ll have to actually develop a personality.

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He will be back after like 2 weeks. He is terrible at valorant and his viewership absolutely craters when he plays it.

then again jumping off overwatch might be his only real option for long term growth with a new audience

we should follow there is no point in keeping this game installed

If I was a streamer Iā€™d do the same thing. Probably gonna try that variety streamer thing, occasionally checking out OW2 when content release will bump viewership. Pretty simple to understand concept

(because without Widowmaker, you just have Kephrii, and Kephrii has the personality of Kephrii)

man i dont think any other word woulda driven the point harder


Flats isnā€™t even a PVE player - he plays PVP in other games and barely plays Overwatch. Most people here have probably played Season 4 more than him and heā€™s a full-time streamer. He coasts by making react content and playing just enough to generate videos for his YouTube channels.

Heā€™s basically just a gaming influencer at this point. Of all Overwatch streamers, I donā€™t know why people value ā€œhisā€ opinions so highly - theyā€™re usually either secondhand or absolute garbage.

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Funny how many people let Flats live rent free in their brain

Flats has tried playing other games before. But my understanding is he canā€™t keep much of his audience.

I believe itā€™s because he has very little personality outside of being an Overwatch streamer.

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Why so much hate for the guy? I donā€™t watch him, but playing OW is how he makes money to survive. OW is dying, I hope EVERY OW streamer finds a new game and is successful.

I hope anyone whose job is at risk finds something new. Itā€™d be a bit heartless to think any different.


I mean sure, if they have a variety audience and not only OW under their belt, they can probably leave. If they only plays OW, they will probably be back once the bills start to pile up.

CCs arenā€™t going anywhere. they know their audience lies in overwatch and they themselves are too hooked to play anything else.

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