(An employee of overwatch recently tweeted about this after someone linked this post, and he said they’d fix it soon. As of an hour ago, my screen no longer says minimum value! original post will stay after this, just wanted to explain that it is fixed! Thank you all for interacting with this post and helping it get fixed!) OG POST: I’ve been doing really good every game as support, but I keep ranking bronze 5 with “minimum value” I’m pretty sure other supports are reporting the same thing. When me and my friend (tank) played, he got ranked bronze 2 while I got bronze 5.
You are not alone in experiencing this bug. Here is a link to my post in case you’d like to read more about this issue: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I’ve compiled a list of posts regarding similar bugs under: Incorrect Rank Adjustment. Please help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads, we must demand the Developers to give us the rewards we rightfully earned.
[Edit]: Thank you to everyone who helped in bumping up this thread and getting this bug fixed. If you have other issues regarding competitive other than the Bronze 5 Minimum Value bug, then please do check out the megathread listed above for help and info. Once again, massive thank you to everyone who contributed.
I have this exact same issue. After many rounds of seeing my rank just stay Bronze 5, I’m no longer having fun, and just disappointment to see it rank me Bronze 5 again, even after 5 straight wins, and being the top support out of both of the teams. While my tank friend that I play with, also got ranked up as well. Please, please, fix this. I feel like I put a bunch of work, and got nothing in return.
You wrote exactly what I’m thinking too. It is just extremely frustrating to see time wasted with no rerank after 4x 5 wins
Yes same i got screenshots amd recordings from my game and stats and i stay bronze 5 at tank and healer no longrr fun anymore this is since release of overwatch 2
Does your rank adjustment animation display the message "You are at the minimum value for this rank”? If so, could you provide a link to your screenshots and recordings of it?
It does and has since the season started. I don’t have my own screenshot but someone is having the same issue and it looks exactly like this (remove space after https) https ://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/12ltcrj/5_straight_wins_still_bronze_5/
The same srory here, played with a friend, both as support. We won five games and lost one. I received the “player of the game” recognition a few times, but our overall ranking is bronze 5(You are at the minimum value for this rank). I’m considering deleting the game.
You are not the only one with this issue, for sure, but it is not just happening on the support role. It’s happening to me on tank. My top two played tanks are at a 60% winrate and I am averaging 4.98 deaths per ten. Ranked up three times, haven’t even lost 15 times and I am at the minimum value of bronze 5. I reached silver 1 season 2 with ease, but deranked after every 5 wins over the last season being the top tank on both teams almost every game. My losses are solely contributed to people who don’t understand the game
I hit enter too early… -people who don’t understand the game, throw or quit middle of the match. Why am I being punished for what OTHER people do if skill rank is based off YOUR performance.
I have same issue. Everytime i rerank in role que i go from whatever i am to bronze 5 “minimum value” does that mean my SR is literally 1??? Im so exhausted with comp…
I just want to give up because i cant even play with my friends anymore who are all climbing and i just keep going down.
Honestly, same. I’ve been experiencing this issue too, and it REALLY sucks. I’ve put a lot of money, time and just effort into this game. It started back in OW1 to be m comfort game, after a long day at work or just a disappointing day… I’d load up this game. It’s not like it used to be at all, blizzard doesn’t really care enough in my opinion.
This bronze issue has been going on since last season, and I’m severely disappointed. I’ve personally debated in uninstalling and just getting rid of it in general. I no longer enjoy playing, as I can’t even see how great I actually am LOL.
i’m having the exact same problem. i’m playing support and have a duo. they play dps. they somehow got their rank up, even skipping two tier (gold 2) while i’m stuck in bronze 5. we play comp with straight five wins (and before that im soloing, won 5 games and STILL stuck in bronze 5). as context here’s my team’s stat in one of the game
- doomfist 26/5/5 - 8799/0/4019
- reaper (my duo) 39/0/3 - 11692/1829/0
- tracer 34/0/1 - 9734/0/0
- mercy 9/27/7 - 1616/7413/80
- moira (me) 35/25/1 - 7516/8952/0
make it make sense??? it’s been happening since season 3 and it’s really annoying that i can’t complain about this anywhere. just now finally finding this thread
Literally came on here to see about this same issue, I’m having it on tank and my friend is having it on dps, just won cleansweep cards 5-0 in bronze 3 and 2 lobbies but no movement for either of us
Blizzard puts the I in team by expecting you to be able to carry to get out of bronze and not looking at your performance only wins/loss matters beyond initial rank placement match. So if you ranked after just a little practice and placed low and now you have improved it dosent matter until you improve to the level of someone that can carry or find a group that can actually work as a team and plays consistently together not just 3 matches and oh we lost one let’s never play together again, because that’s not how TEAMS work. So their ridiculous system of win/loss being the only way to rank up is assuming that everyone on the team wants to win and dosent give up allowing people to be I’s and ruin it for other people and not be penalized they get to stay in bronze and the only repercussion is you get to stay with them. The system is horrible on the low levels and people have always said skill, this or that because they arent the ones in bronze seeing the huge skill gap difference.
All that being said it is bugged right now if your in bronze 5 and getting the message you are at the minimum value for this rank what it’s saying is your sr is 0 so your not getting any credits for your wins currently which is the ONLY thing this system looks at.
I’d love to include a link of a gyazo gif of my placement showing wins 5 losses 2 and the minimum value message I have several actually I’ve placed 5 times now and only had one set where my performance was negative wins (thank you throwers). The forums say I can’t put in links, however.
It won’t let me post links sadly or I’d have this for you
You can post links by adding a space in the middle of the URL so it doesn’t get recognized. Catwitz provides an example above.
remove spaces https:// gyazo .com /bc036794a056d87bd541a45eacf48762
Thanks for the evidence, I’ve included it under: Incorrect Rank Adjustment.
Update i went 5-3 with 4 of those wins in a row today and reranked at minimum value bronze 5 T.T
I think im seriously over this game. This has to be a bug.