[FIXED!] Stuck at "minimum value" bronze 5

I sent blizzard a support ticket and they sent me an automated message that said “this is just how ranked works, you wont always go up sometimes you might just stay at your tier” OH THANKS BLIZZARD THAT HELPS ME SO MUCH AFTER WEEKS OF TRYING TO IMPROVE ON THIS GAME SO I CAN PLAY COMP WITH MY FRIENDS


Thank God I found this thread I thought I’m going crazy. Ive done the rank up (wins) 7 times now and still bronze 5


Is there anyone in bronze 5 who has seen something other than “You are the minimum value for this rank”?

I have no idea whether this message means I’m just in Bronze 5 and they choose not to show percentages in this rank at all, or whether it means I’m at the absolute bottom of bronze 5.


I have this issue too I play with my friends who are gold-plat and they all say I do not deserve Bronze 5. I originally ranked into silver on my first comp game in Overwatch 2. I then progressively declined and have been stuck in bronze five despite winning 5 games and losing 1 and having good stats. It‘s frustrating and I feel like it’s eventually going to make me not want to play anymore. It honestly just makes me doubt myself and my ability.


5 wins 1 loss and i didn’t move from Bronze 5 in multiple classes. I submitted a ticket to discuss with the team like this is an issue They told me basically oh well, put in a bug report and too bad we can’t adjust competitive ranks manually. Marking my ticket as resolved. … Feels good.

But since season 4 came out, i have been unable to move from bronze 5 where people with newer age accounts have had 5 wins and more losses and have still managed to rank up, actually into other tiers….

There is no way the percentage thing is also a correct reflection on anything, everyone keeps getting “this is the minimum value” in all varied ranks…… I’m talking high tier gold players etc.

There is definitely something wrong with the new ranking system. (previously been in other ranks than bronze in other seasons). If i did poorly i’d take the loss but not moving, is rough….


I’ve gotten the message of you are ranked higher than x% of players at this rank. I’ve gotten 95%, 67%, 3%…


Soullstice, I just want to confirm. You are seeing this message while ranked in Bronze 5?


yes 95% higher https:// i.postimg.cc/8PQrF5x3/Screen-Shot-23-04-14-21-20-28-000.jpg. But I’m also getting the Minimum https:// i.postimg.cc/9QS2M4nw/Screen-Shot-23-04-18-15-00-49-000.jpg message multiple times. Even after crawling my way out to Bronze 2 and it slamming me back down to Bronze 5.


This is also happening to me! I won 28 games and remain at bronze 5 with the same message “minimum value”.

I can`t play with my friends anymore because of that. Just terrible.


I also have this bug. Won 5 and Lost 2, Minimum Value and STUCK for about the 3rd or 4th time.


Ugh, that’s frustrating. Thanks for the screenshots though. At least with this we know that it’s possible to see this value in Bronze 5 and there’s something else going. That, or we’ve all managed to tie for worst player in the world.

For me and, when I de-ranked I immediately saw that I was at the minimum value, so I never got a chance to see anything about % higher than other players. Maybe there’s a minimum threshold before it will show you a value, but that doesn’t really make sense either.

The farther down this rabbit hole I go the more confusing it gets. I’ve been keeping an open mind that this isn’t a bug and just something unexplained about the way the system changed, but the chance that there isn’t something broken seems pretty low at this point.


I am currently Bronze 4 on Support/Tank but hard stuck in DPS as Bronze 5.

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Maybe it’s not a bug. Maybe all of you just are that bad at the game. Maybe you are indeed <1000 SR players. Has that crossed your mind?

Melissa, not sure if you’re just trolling but that’s totally crossed many of our minds. I’ve even posted replays for people here to watch and judge, and nobody so far as told me I belong in Bronze 5. If you look at the surrounding evidence it’s becoming obvious that there’s either a bug or something has changed drastically.

Players are losing ranks while going 5/0 with positive KDs. Players with very positive winrates are being knocked back to Bronze 5 even while continuing to win more than they lose. Many Bronze 5 players, when demoted, see a message that says they’re at the “minimum value for this rank”, which would imply there’s a bunch of people here all tied for the worst Bronze 5 player in the world. It’s funny to joke about, sure, but not really possible.

So yes, we might be bad, but there also might be a problem. I’m fairly sure you only skimmed this post so that you could make your “git gud” comment, because if you’d absorbed what’s been written you’d see why we’re frustrated.


I mean, I was plat/almost diamond in Ow1 before they brought out the role queue…until the smurfs and throwers really infested the game and slammed me down hard. Once you get thrown into that hole, it’s really difficult to dig yourself out again when you’re not a GM, esp as a support main. Not much I can do when the tank decides to rush in alone, or I got a pharah that refuses to switch when they’re up against a 76 (or people don’t know counters at all), or the other team can land every headshot while my dps takes 20 hits to make one hit land ¯_(ツ)_/¯


of course its crossed my mind but ive seen many people with the same issue. last time this many people reported this same thing it actually was a bug, but blizzard never confirmed it until after they patched it

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Same issue. Went though re-rank 5-6 times with more than 60% win rate. Still at minimum value bronze 5. I ended last season with bronze 4. Started season 4 comp, had a 5W1L and got de-ranked to Minimum Value B5


It is always our friends that rank up while we don’t. Jokes aside, I ended last season at Bronze 4. I was hard stuck on B5 so going to B4 was a ray of hope. Excited I bought the battle pass for season 4. Played comp with 5W1L got de-ranked to B5 saying “You are at the minimum value for this rank”. Stressed me a lot because I had to fight my way out of bronze 5 last season. Solo-queuing as support is a nightmare. Under stress I lost 11 games in row. Later found out that the ranks were inflated in previous season so the current rank is your actual rank. I was okay with this and decided to try again. Went through 5-6 re-rank session averaging at 5W2L. I am still at “Minimum Value for Bronze 5” ??? Today I won against two platinum players in Lobby. I killed them many times. Not saying I am better than Platinum but come on Bronze 5??? I should at least be bronze 4 if I am holding my own against two Plat players. I don’t even know why there are Platinum players in my lobby?


Does Blizzard know about this issue? If I am not getting any credits for my wins then that is super off putting. All those on reddits say that you just need to keep playing and winning. Isn’t that pointless?


It looks like the bug is being fixed according to Morgan. https://twitter.com/srslypaladin/status/1648469649749864449?s=46&t=9Sm7CBbzrLhrBsYABxqNBw