Fix the damn queues

It is funny to call support and tank npc roles when every dps player has the same npc scripting of load into match, demand pocket, int into 1v5 and feed, blame heals in spawn, provide no contribution for the rest of the match, end at 007 james bond statline with sub 5k damage and type gg ez so free if they won and tank gap if they lost

The best way to fix this is to disable role queue and have open queue as default.


Absolutely not.

All that would do is create chaos. There is a reason why role queue was created in the first place, and it’s because open queue is an unbalanced disaster 90% of the time.


This is what happens when you giga buff the most popular role.


I never do that.

I do that rarely. Sometimes you have to try. It’s not my first choice, but I cannot help it if someone keeps dying before the fight starts and everyone wants to stagger. I try to time it as a 2v5 if possible.

I have never done that.

Fair enough. :joy:

Nah, I am going nuclear, son.

It’s happening quite a bit on this update. :sob:

I never do either of those things.

I am not an NPC. I am one of the bosses. Like a fun boss that kind of had a unique gimmick but it was still easy to beat.

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Good. We need more chaos.


The problem is that the only way for them to “fix it” would be to either remove dps role, or make people playing them again complain their heroes are unplayable.
You cant have dps players happy and have low number of people picking that role at once. Especially dps because its most popular role all time in all games.
Also funny thing to add, at least in open qp, people still pick tanks :smiley: i feel like role lock is making you guys be stuck with even less willing tanks than without it.

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Ive the same Q as dps and support (even a bit more as support right now)

So making DPS not happy is fine, as it somewhat evens popularity between roles.

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I like to consider myself like a loot goblin: i run away from you shooting silly little explosions at you the whole time, and when i die, i drop a fun surprise that you should go pick up! Its definitely not a bomb :smiley:

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Its usually that unhappy role will have lower q times than when they feel happy, is it fine? I dont think so, i mean my thinking is that to this day they could not make role lock work and it was mistake to begin with :man_shrugging:

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And without role lock it is indeed, chaos.

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DPS players do not deserve happiness.


You either have chaos, or people waiting in line.
It will never be fine.

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OW1 didn’t have role queue until 3 years later. Should be chaotically fine.


For the millionth time amen. People constantly complain about q times, when the easy solution is something we had all along originally.

Alongside this, the absolute dependence players have nowadays on their teammates stems directly from this. Sure, there is less chaos today when you know for sure you will have a team comp that makes sense, but-

A: it stifles player creativity and freedom

B: it makes you incredibly reliant on your teammates to do their job otherwise you feel hopeless if for example you specifically need more heals, a hitscan, or like a dive tank

C: people will STILL complain that your team comp just doesn’t work and the picks are throw picks, DESPITE the fact no matter what you have 1-2-2

Role q remains the worst decision in OW history, which is a hard title to win. Even casual players who tried the beta often expressed confusion this was still in the game. Its sad

Except everyone complained, that every game has 4-5 DPS players and nobody wants to be tank/support, or opposite happens, when multiple tank/support players end up in same game with barely any DPS players among them.


Dang! That was fun…! :rofl:

Welp tbh even if you wait for a bloody 10 mins now you are still either stomping or being stomped. The results are the same. :slight_smile:

All roles must be equally playable if dps don’t deserve happiness imagine a main tank player how it feels now that their team call him troller when it’s not his fault. When blizz revert this dps passive everyone will call dps useless again… The community never seems to be impressed

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I just prefer it tank and support are more playable because I do not want to sit in queue. Call me selfish. It is what it is. :pensive:

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