Fix the damn queues

Noone wants to play Tank anymore. I wonder why… hmm…
The brilliant dev team masterplan of removing the tank role is at work.

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Pretty much they created this problem so they can either fix it or watch there game go further into the garbage

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my Q was

tank: instant
dps: 4 min
supp: 10 min


Probably not making tank/support job harder, for instance. Because it’s already hard enough to save people with non-existent self-preservation instinct.

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DPS queues were already longer than Tank and Support before this patch went live, because people prefer to DPS rather than bear responsibility for the team winning or losing 90% of the time.

Even if Blizzard were to roll back all the changes, you’d still have higher DPS queue times, because Blizzard can’t force people to queue for Tank/Support over DPS. As the saying goes: “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.”

That’s wrong.

  • You can have 98% tank, 1% DPS and 1% support players and still end up with tanks as a bottleneck if tank role is so terrible nobody wants to do it.

It’s logic.

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Is it even worth trying to explain how wrong that is.

I’m sure RobotWizard would tell you the same, and he’s designed and sold at least 3x matchmaker algorithms to gaming companies.

Do go on. On a second thought - no, don’t. The thing you mentioned about “it’s enough to have 20/40/40 split” is probably how devs arrived to S9 changes in the first place. So I’ve already seen enough crazy things thanks to that.

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That’s one explanation. The other is that they were tripping on some psychedelics.


Sounds like fun.

[OW2] A possible Future for Supports - #75 by GreyFalcon-11737

Welllp, time to remove another tank, or a healer. Lets just keep doing that till it works, amirite? Its such a good solution :')

Literally just

  1. Fix silly headshot hitboxes
  2. 15% DPS Passive
  3. 20% Discord, -25hp on Zen

Then see what that does.

Beyond that, add status effect resistance and/or headshot resistance to the Tank Passive

gg ez

Na im not serious, just poking fun at OW2’s original “resolution” to this problem.

While I actually don’t want them to change the hitboxes, I like the idea of giving tank some extra tankiness like you mentioned (alongside the dps passive nerf and discord nerf). probably would help a lot with tanks getting shredded.

Same last night it was under 1 for tank over 10 for support and 2 minutes for dps i queue for dpa and support (want to practice cassady because of his new skin coming) and 9 times out of 10 i get dps

And its how we ended up wuth broken supports for 8 seasons. “Balance” like that is what was killing overwatch a new player joins and gets no kills because healing is insane support destroys then on tank (ana and zen mostly) and when they play the supports they get they cant do anything like the unlock supports. Not to mention movement acceleration adding a huge barrier to entry to the game.

Which are mostly support and widow

Lol and so it begins… make tanks fun, playable and effective in the game again and maybe people will play the role

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If you really think healing is usless you must be low rank desling with tanks that dont use over dps that dont flank and supports that just heal bit because in high rank i can tall you my healing is still good it still gets value and still can win games if i use it right

This morning on consoles EU:

Tank: 3 min
Supp: 1 min
Dps: 20 mins

Have fun (hardly) playing DPS gods :clown_face:
Queue times tell the truth about balance :poop:


It’s not responsibility, it’s dedication. Turns out most people, if they want to shoot, pick role that is exclusively about shooting, rather than role with shooting + something else on the side. Yet Blizzard keeps going with making damage center of all, so you can guess, how it ends.

Not only non-DPS roles are by default less popular, but players on those roles get forced into playing like DPS anyway. Too bad if players want to play like DPS, they usually pick DPS.

Well… why choose? They probably opted in for both! :slight_smile:

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