Fix the damn queues

It was only because they neglected game for 3 years, they released 0 new content in anticipation of ow2 and pve that they delivered to us.


Watch for the next grand Blizzard solution to this mess: “5v5 Hacked” aka, 1 tank, 1 support, 3 DPS.

Maybe even a “return” of 6v6, but in a “remix” format. 1 tank, 1 support, 4 DPS, just to resolve this.



None of it will work. All these changes are reactive never proactive.

I think it’s fairly obvious during the development of OW1 there was probably a little more consideration to really push a great product out the door. Now it just seems like the devs are in an effort to plug holes but simultaneously springing more leaks.

The tank roster, or at least the complete pre-OW2 roster was designed around team and hero synergy

You can’t just make some minor changes & reworks to push this thing out the door and really expect this to work right?


you fix it by making the roles as close to balanced as you can…which they can’t do because they are bad at their jobs.


If it were only so simple. They had their chance, now they made this mess and are struggling to pick it up.

People don’t want to hear it because it’s the truth but tanks and supports have to generally be more impactful than DPS to encourage people to play them.

People will flock to DPS no matter what. Everybody wants to be the star, get PotG, explode heads etc etc. For the other roles you need more of an incentive. It’s always been this way.


Yep, and when tanks and supports are impactful, the game becomes unfun for DPS, which results in mass uninstalls and bad reviews. It’s a catch 22, no matter what direction Blizzard leans in, they royally messed up when they made tanks.

If I was in charge, I would just issue a statement saying I messed up, delete the tank role and tank heroes, move Doom, Junker Queen, and Zarya to DPS, and start the new era of 3 DPS, 2 supports.

Or, as I see it, they’re doing “change for the sake of change” simply to keep the game fresh to attract new players, but without any care for retaining current players. “Something something new players spend the most, old players don’t” and the like.

Min-maxing their revenue is all that matters to the current company. I swear it’s the only thing left driving the development in this game. All the talent and passion were either booted out or left in disgust already.

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That’s a pretty compelling argument to be honest. I can totally see that actually being with the case.

Burned too many times. Got trust issues with this dev team.

Or maybe season 10 DPSMANIA coop missions with only dps, dps competitive season, dps only battle pass etc…

The fix is reverting s9 patch and shove the dps entitl

they tried by removing one tank, bummer, looks like they’ll have to remove one more tank and one support, that’ll maybe fix it :upside_down_face:

They nedd to switch to 2-3-2.

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That’s why I originally started support. Boy was it rough in S1. DPS is OP, so queue times will be hard. We also lost support and tank players.

Prob but it wasn’t a problem until this season when they #%^* over two out of the three roles.i said it was gonna get worse so enjoy it cause they just gonna get longer

You made damage best way to achieve impact in game, what do you think is going to happen?

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What exactly do you think they can do?

If more people want to play DPS because they don’t want to deal with the burden/stress of playing Tank or Support there’s nothing Blizzard can do to change that.

That’s wrong.

Do balance changes to push things in the direction of

  • 20% Tank players, 40% DPS players, 40% Support players

And that fixes queues.

It’s math.

This is what happens when you make hitscan heroes too viable.

Hitscan heroes = good = hello long queue times.

Welcome to the consequences of nerfing healing into the ground. It is only going to get worse unless they actually address the problem they just made.