Fix mercy bug already

I have been playing in several matches where people said they will report me for using this bug. Sometimes when I escaped a situation I should not have escaped normally and sometimes when I reach positions to kill enemies that I shouldn’t reach.
That’s why I am not using it anymore. You can easily get banned for false reports, people just need to spam them. You say nothing in the chat and the next day you are silenced for abusive behaviour.

Then you should report the players back for false reporting you. But couple reports from salty players won’t do anything to you and the reports decay.

Superjumping is not a bannable offence, its endorsed by blizzard and owl.

Don’t limit yourself because salty players want easier target to shoot at.

I just figured out how to do it. Its not that hard. Is the mean old Mercy picking on you from up high? Lol.

Ah, salty that you can’t figure out how to do it or get value out of it. Now that I believe.

Are we still hung up on this?

They are ok with it. Please stop asking to get it removed.

Of course I know how to do it lol
It is freaking easy to do… What is your point big guy?

My point is that many players (not you) dislike it because they cant use it properly, more than because some opposing Mercy used it to wipe their team. They dont like that other people can do it at all. It’s not oppressive, it’s evasive and Heroes like Genji and Doom don’t like that, so they complain about it here as well.

Yea I can imagine. I said before I just find it a bit sad.
I am ok if it’s not fixed, or if blizz says it isn’t a bug.

Funny how you want others to “aim better” while you play that one hero in the game that requires the least aim. Oh, how I love irony.

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And blizz has stated that it’s not a bug but a clever use of game mechanics.

The problem with this is I can 100% superjump without ever crouching (and at times without wanting to) just off someone who’s on higher ground then me. So if I’m going to get banned for literally playing the game, I may as well use SJ to my advantage when I can. That’s how I see it.

I am surprised you don’t have Trust 3 as much as I see you around. These forums are weird

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I had trust lv3… lost it because I described with too much detail what some german symm player wanted to do to me (obscene things) and I suppose it was obfuscating language on the same go. And I just wanted to rant about it. =D

Haven’t gotten trust lv3 back yet.

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It’s not the super jump that is the bug, it’s the CD reset bug that makes mercy unkillable