Fix mercy bug already

Except bugs are unintended features. If blizzard accepts the aforementioned feature, it’s no longer “unintended”. Can you just get over the fact that Mercy has more options with GA now?

Cmon dude. Seriously? This is a ridiculous comparison and you know it. A Genji bug that launched you to the map’s invisible limit ceiling vs a bug that was later confirmed as a feature that launches you about 15m in the air in a vertical direction…

You’re clearly being disingenuous here.

You have better things to complain about

It baffles me how people want to lower Mercy’s skill ceiling even more than it already is…


Blizzard dont care Mercy being brocken.

It’s also ironic because these are the same people who call her “braindead” on the daily.


Blizzard has already said it isn’t a exploit or glitch, so they aren’t going to address it because: A it’s not game breaking, and B: it isn’t a issue balance-wise since Mercy is already a hyper mobile hero, if she is such a problem to you, camp a dead body and if she goes for it, kill her. I don’t know why people always think Supports are a problem when in reality, it’s just poor decision making by people, and they don’t want to change their decisions or actually use their brain so they complain here.

I’d rather just have it made into a real mechanic, but reduce how high up she goes

doomfist emote bug-abusers be like
*I found a new rollout-mechanic by using an emote, look how good I am at exploiting

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That 100% stops it being a bug.

Blizzard says it stays in so even if it was a bug yah’ll can stop complaining about it.

It is a bug, but they don’t see any massive potentionally game changing instances this movement creates, also the uproar it would create if they did remove it.

I know it’s a bug but I understand what your saying. It’s not a game breaking ability bug so that’s why it’s still in the game. People are acting like Mercy can super jump and get a head shot like Widow or something.

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I know right :joy:

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You forgot orbs appearing to be “rezzable” but aren’t (cost me a comp game once since I couldn’t fly to it and I had planned my GA based on that).

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Well, there’s nothing really bad about superjump.

It doesn’t harm any one, and it doesn’t really give her insane height, just the same as something like rising uppercut.

I am of the same opinion, it should be removed. It gives her unintended movement and people will report you for using it, even if those are “false reports” they might still get you banned if you get reported often enough.

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Is it free if she wastes a CD on it?

… No? No. Yea, just no.

I do it all the time and no ones ever tried to report me for it, and if they have, nothing’s ever been done about it so…


Did you guys see how fast they patched out the Wrecking Ball momentum exploit?

Superjump has been around since 2018. Its not unintended if they know about it, haven’t removed it, and SAID they aren’t going to remove it.

Get over it already, and get good. If you can’t aim up, that’s on you.


Oh. Has it been a years since QVC cried about that Mercy already? Someone has Timehop.