Fix mercy bug already

Genji travels at 50meters per second instantly and genji’s position on the map is fixed on the full swift strike lenght path from beginning to end, mercy travels at 17meters per second first accelerating to her guardian angel speed and then decelerating once she reaches her target position as she does a tiny bounce, but can accelerate momentum again by pressing space bar. Genji cannot even turn during swiftstrike, while mercy can stop her own GA midway and use different momentum techniques to fly to specific spots via slingshot. Genji’s movement cannot be bodyblocked, mercy’s can. Mercy’s momentum is not stopped by obtacles, genji’s momentum is.

Apples and oranges.

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Not a bug. Its tech. They know about it. They’re not changing it. Get over it.

If she’s better at dodging you then you are at aiming to hit her, that’s on you. Get good.


Genji’s position is fixed in the full dash, the only repercussion about that is that genji can die in all the movement and mercy don’t. The rest of the comparison is the same for me, except speed. If they had the same speed in both skill then the buggy mercy jump would be 100 meters high intead of 30.

The fact that genji doesn’t finish the movement untill the dash finishes, and he can’t change direction before, it’s completely irrelevant in the momentum that you get from it.

You want to see them different? your opinion… but momentum is the same thing in both cases… the rest is irrelevant.

Tech exists in everything people does.
Exploits have a tech to do. Just because It is tech is not a valid argument to justify it.
Tech can be exploit.

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Itll be fixed in your head when you accept that it isnt a bug.


Your word cannot go against blizzard’s, and they literally said it wasn’t an exploit.

Plus no one said they needed it to survive, it’s just a tool to use in specific circumstances.

Yup, and so does bunny hop launching you forward instead of backward. Is there a point for this comment?

It won’t be, because to Blizzard, it isn’t a bug. It’s an exploit that raises Mercy’s skill ceiling way high, and it’s a show of skill, so they won’t remove it, as many people have already said.

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  1. It requires practice to pull it off.
  2. It has both advantage and disadvantage.
  3. It makes her more skillful.
  4. It is in game since 2018.
  5. OWL has a guide on how to do it.

What??? looool
so I have to agree with blizz because you say so? lol

Being a tool to survive, or a “technique”, or whatever people want it to be, does not make it less bug for me sorry.
I am not disagreeing for anything in particular, I just don’t see it as anything different than a bug that blizz thought it was ok.

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If the company believes something isn’t an exploit, then what basis do you have to say otherwise?

Okay then. You can call it a bug, an exploit, a cheat, a hack, call it whatever you want.
That won’t change the fact that it’s been in this game for over 2 years now, and has been publicly endorsed by blizz, AND is in OW2 according to some play testers from Blizzcon 2019.

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this thread still here?

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This is not a bug :joy:

It is shifting her hitbox so the game treats her vertical movement as continuing up. It works in all directions, even away jumping from the targeted player (which took me 400 hours to get right).


Then nice, I hope mercy players like it.
The fact that I think It is a bug doesn’t make it one, but the fact that blizz says otherwise neither… that is what I wanted to make clear.

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Never. But we fwu for trying :heart:

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Oh, I thought you were going to be talking about her automatic weapon switch.

You know, an actual bug.


The day Doomfist loses every single movement tech from his kit :slight_smile:

How can you complain about super jump, that literally isn’t even a threat, when there are characters that are using their movement techs to fling themselves across the map to easily kill things?

Normal GA movement makes you food to brawl/ low range characters. Super Jump GA makes you food to hitscan/ long range characters. I genuinely cannot fathom why people have a problem with it. It’s literally on a character that won’t even FIGHT BACK when they’re attacked 98% of the time. It’s literally the only mechanically demanding part of her kit.

Ahh yes, because super jump is regularly used to cross 20-30m of a map, to activate an ult that will very likely wipe out half a team. Get real.

I barely even play mercy and I’m genuinely at a loss over this dumb subject.

she has several bugs already that are more impactful to her gameplay that they wont patch:

  • bug where you GA to an enemy on the lower ground despite targeting one on the high ground,
  • GA cancelling if an ally goes out of los too quickly (which is dumb imo bc if u GA to them before they go behind that wall, you should still be able to fly there im guessing its like that bc they patched the other GA cancelling bug)
  • Corner rez animation starts then cancels if youre too quick or at an awkward angle
  • valk being hacked and cancelled with sombras EMP despite the animation going off (has to be timed specifically, but its happened to me before and t500 dinnik)

these are bugs that cause crucial downtime, and can affect the outcome of fights, SJ imo, is easy to counter, has risk, and requires a certain skillset to not only use, but knowing when to use it. its easily punishable and how its used in the game separates a good and bad mercy.

I said before there is a similarity between them. Genji’s swift strike has a momentum with bigger speed so you could cross, not 20-30, like 200 meter. You could cross jumping half a map hahaha. I remember jumping from the first point in Anubis, the building in front of it, straight into the second point. It was hard to do but when it worked it was a big “lol”. Anyway I only did it on qp, it was kinda dirty to do on comps.
Mercy’s guardian angel has a slower momentum, so the vertical exploit is like 20 meters only. Anyway I am not so mad with it, it just feels a bit wrong to do for me. :innocent: