Fix mercy bug already

Maybe for you, but some people, including me, struggle to do it


I’d sooner believe Blizzard’s official customer support than some random person on the forums hahaha


One of the only things that requires mechanical skill from her kit and you want it removed? Make your minds up.

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Because they could be console

PC is proven to be easy to pull off
Console has much much more trial and error due to combo buttons not being a thing

I have practiced this technique for many many hours with very very little success


every how-to video i have watched on this subject makes it clear from the outset that superjump is a difficult/advanced technique


LOL. If you cannot hit a Mercy while she is doing a super predictable jump above the enemy barriers then i’m sorry to tell you but you are just bad.

Git Gud Fam and doN’t take away that one fun thing about Mercy which doesn’t even give her that much of an advantage.


I mean it’s on her CD for GA. It requires a teammate to use, and if the timing isn’t right it can put Mercy in a bad position. It can make Mercy susceptible to flash bang and other stuns, along with Halt because of her needing to reposition.

There’s also the fact that delays her reset of her GA when she reaches max height of her SJ.

It’s fine.


Well even though I have mastered superjump, A LOT OF PEOPLE cannot seem to do it consistently, particularly console players

Even ML7 if you watched his “unranked to GM with mercy videos” has openly admitted and shown to not be able to superjump consistently

Also there are some really talented GM Mercy mains who are able to do a superjump rez. This is where the timing of the superjump has to be very precise and high enough to activate rez safely but not too high so you risk going out of the rez range

Superjump rez is probably one of the most hardest mercy tech

Also you have to understand while mercy does gain good vertical mobility, she’s very vulnerable so part of the skill in playing mercy is knowing when to superjump and when not to.

Essentially mercy skill lies in her game sense and logical decision making.

i love how the same people who complain about mercy being no skill are the same ones who want the mechanic that requires skill to even use properly gone lmao


So true haha :rofl: .


Flying up instead of forward from performing a slingshot is not a bug dude. That’s how slingshot and her guardian angel have worked since 2018.

It’s quite possible to do a vertical guardian angel from a stationary friendly target who’s not in elevated position too. And backwards guardian angel.

There are legit guardian angel bugs like not being able to fly to your target as mercy stops her momentum randomly, but superjump and slingshot aren’t one of em, nor are the normal guardian angel mechanics where you just press shift and space and mercy jumps around.

Besides, blizz customer service rep specifically asked the devs if it’s a bug and the answer is no, you can’t exactly argue with the facts.


Hopefully never. Who the fk still wants to nerf Mercy? Leave it alone.


You just state that it happens… And I know it happens. I know how to do it and I can tell you that it is a bug that blizz thought it could work on game.
It is the same as genji superjump. This was a horizontal impulse and mercy jump is a vertical one.
Mine is an argument, your argument is that it exists. Ok I know it does … Maybe it shouldn’t.
I am ok if it is not fixed, but I think it is a bug and just because it is mercy is not a reason for me.

I abuse super jump liberally, but I will say it’s dumb mechanic. Just work it into her normal kit somehow, having obtuse buggy abilities that aren’t documented anywhere just takes away from the game’s polish and makes it feel janky.


And I can tell it’s not a bug.

And no, it’s not even close to the same as genji’s ledge jump, because dash has fixed momentum and fixed distance and canceling the dash on a ledge made swift strike continue momentum far beyond it’s fixed 15 meter distance, slingshot gives mercy additional momentum to any direction past the target.

You can continue to think it’s a bug and remain ignorant though.

Done any rocket jumps lately? Animation canceling? Reload canceling? Diagonal punches?

None of overwatch’s mechanics are documented mechanics and majority of them are obscure mechanics and techniques.

Meaning it’s hardly a good reason to attack superjump alone because “its obscure it shouldnt exist”


I didn’t say it shouldn’t exist. I said it should be documented and incorporated into her kit. Honestly I’d love to see all the tooltips expanded with better descriptions and more information.

Soldier rocket jumping is hardly as impactful, and you can intuit it from how you move around when you self damage. It’s unlikely to figure out how to super jump without seeing it in action and then looking out up.

Just reading you it is like you are giving me the reason. Same momentum you get from swift strike is the one you get from guardian angel, and you convert it in a vertical impulse cause you buggy crawl…
I don’t agree you sorry the more I think on that the more it seems the same for me.
I knew how to do the superjump and I know how to do the buggy mercy jump and I feel like I am doing almost the same.
Sorry I can’t agree.

Didn’t I just mention you don’t need to “buggy crawl” to perform vertical jump even when the target is not above you?

Guardian angel has no fixed distance to it. It does not travel and end at 15 meters full stop like swiftstrike and dash has no acceleration or deceleration as it always travels at the same speed. Meanwhile with guardian angel can travel anywhere between it’s maximum 30 meter effective range and slingshot doesn’t have a fixed distance, but it accelerates once space bar is pressed and then decelerates momentum and it’s also affected by gravity.

Guardian angel and swift strike are about as different as apples and oranges.

The momentum you get with it seems pretty much the same to me.

I don’t believe it will be fixed, but it’d be nice if they added it to her kit officially as a piece of tech, so that topics like this stop popping up.

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