Fitzyhere & WorstSombra (top 500 sombra mains) "Definite Nerf" đŸ˜„

it will not be
only beginners will be shocked by this feature

Everyone would be frustrated regardless.

*and revert everything else aswell.

That would be unreasonable because she’s still the strongest healer in the game by far despite being nerfed like 4 times. Sombra has progressively gotten objectively worse.

Ah yes because you a person with none of that stuff as well, or any supporting evidence against the claim that the grand result of her collective changes leaves her at a huge net loss, can say that the game devs are faultless and have any bit of certainty in how they want the character to be.

.Boi. They don’t know what they need to address for her. Quit the trolling already and save yourself the trouble of making yourself even more laughable. You’ve done enough already.

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I would gladly take the pre-february sombra back even if it had that horrible spread. At least hack was useful in a fight even though the channel time was longer


So many nerfs for unwanted “buffs”.
At least make some adjustments. For example, let her contest while invisible for a few seconds, then force her out of stealth. One problem solved.
Give her back the full movement speed bonus.
Or even better, revert everything and buff her in a different way to improve her mid-fight usability and consistent damage output.
The current “buffs” do not address those issues, they make them worse.

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Ok, people come to the forums when they’re upset. So, I’ll try to be a positive voice on the other side on this one. I mostly play on console, but I’m staying with a friend with a good computer and got to go on the PTR last night and today.
I don’t hate them, I really like having a cancelable translocator. Infinite invisibility i can take it off leave it.
A speed nerf is NEVER going to feel good. I adjusted to it alright because as a console player, the game is already slower, but I can understand that. People who don’t usually play her won’t notice this as much.
I like being able to translocate multiple times in a single invisibility. I don’t really understand the destructible translocator?

Overall, I can see the logic on it. It makes sombra the best scout and a great flank support(in a meta where that, admittedly isn’t great). Those spots where a defender is coming back to defend on a 2cp map. She is good in spawn camping pick, maybe the best arguably?

I dunno, i’m Not all down on it. But I honestly couldn’t get an actual game going on the ptr. I can make use of it I know, but I understand how people can feel like this is a nerf.

That’s a lot of wasted time.

Correct. What people have failed to notice is that, since the shots you take will either miss or have effect, you can always be putting out heals or damage, and thus gain ult quite a bit faster. It was definitely a buff, and worth losing pre-healing for (as it was rather unimportant anyway).
On the topic of Sombra, yeah, this seems like a nerf. The nerfs outweigh the buffs here, so I’m hoping they don’t patch this through to live. I have little time on Sombra, however, so that’s just me.

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I have really never understood what the detected means, could you maybe explain it for me

It means you got too close to an enemy when Stealthed up and it caused you to flicker out of Stealth.

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If Sombra is detected, it means she is visible when she wouldn’t expect to be. 2 different types:

  • AoE detected = too close to an enemy during stealth, makes her shadow flicker into view for those in LoS.
  • Wall hack detected = Either Widow has just ulted, or you’ve strayed into a Sonic Arrow zone. Visible through walls to the Widow and Hanzo.

Just update my post about Sombra.
Invisibility is even worse than I thought
Translator is better than I expected, but all the disadvantages in their places
Sombra has become very predictable

That’s extraordinarily bad. Being unpredictable is what makes her as effective as she is (obviously lacking regardless, but just saying)

Well instead of always requesting for nerfs perhaps start requesting for more buffs instead. Sombra was viable for a week and look at her situation now. We all know Blizzard does questionable re balance and unfortunately the community killed her when she was useful.

Don’t worry guys.

This will just reinforce the “playing her wrong” meme for another year.

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Well if they keep changing her kit to be worse and worse, of course we’re playing her wrong, because they keep changing what playing her right is!

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The thing is
shes versatile and flexible. You can play her in a number of different ways depending on the circumstances.

Ergo, further drawbacks to her kit are devastating because they impact numerous aspects of play, depending on the playstyle utilized in any given moment. Combined with her lackluster damage its potentially crippling.