Fitzyhere & WorstSombra (top 500 sombra mains) "Definite Nerf" đŸ˜„

This CANNOT go to Live.

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Just stop posting about nerfs/buffs and live with the ever realization that Sombra is Ana tier now.

We all quad tank hamster ball teleporter now.

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Also you’re super loud when detected while invis; you’re supposed to be a stealth character. Honestly, keep the 5 hp on translocator with the ability to destroy it and remove the rest,imo. that way she gets a QOL buff along with some bug fixes (though I’m still not clear which ones since the patch notes don’t show much of them)

We don’t want infinite invis and translocator, and the tradeoff in order to allow for it isn’t worth it; yes, it lowers the skillfloor - it makes it easier to find opportunity, but it’s a hard nerf to higher skill play.


She’s always been below ana tier. Her pcik rate and win rate have almost always been lower! Heck, she’s even lower than bastion tier, and Mei after the power creep, before her nice little buffs (hooray sniper mei - more skill play :smiley:)

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The downsides adversely affect higher skilled play while making lower skilled play incredibly easy
she’s a 3-star hero for a reason. They’re not just what we didn’t want; they’re a huge net nerf in the end.

“Wait, Sombra, Look out!!! Your stepping in the zone of Hanzo’s sonic arrows. The enemy can see you! Oh wait, 
your not

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are you speaking English? I cant decipher what you are trying to say. Devs do know much more than you about sombra. they have stats and numbers you could never see.

I never played Sombra on live, I played 1 game with her on ptr and went 18-2 with a 15 kill streak, my translocator wasn’t destroyed once, because I hid it, lol.
I mean, of course pros and her mains have much to say about it, but as someone who never plays Sombra, I’m having lots of fun with these changes.
I even considered maining her.
But, you know, just one plat scrubs opinion.

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Stopped hoping for ‘A better Sombra’ after morons started to complain about her hack.
I really despise Blizzard for their ‘choices’ on Sombra, as it does ruin the character’s playstyle heavily.

Luckily I still have Doomfist- until morons complain again.
Luckily I still have Brigitte- until morons complain again.
Luckily I still have Lucio- because morons never complain about him.
I can’t respect the balance decisions Blizzard’s made in the last 2 months, as it’s made me question whether or not to stay with the game- and if it wasn’t for my friends, I don’t think I would stay much longer.

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Wrecking ball is gonna ruin Reinhardt for me. Ive seen multiple people on the ptr smash through a choke point, sym can bypass them entirely. If rein cant fight at the choke he really cant fight anywhere. Least soldier got a buff, guess i’ll be play him but oh wait mccree got a buff and he already counters soldier
 guess im screwed.

It’s incredibly nuts how OUT OF TOUCH the DEV team is.

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If having infinite stealth is a nerf and the ability of “free” flank then i dont know what these people want.

Sombra will be a total ANNOYING-PEST when this changes go live, imagine a character can FLANK-OVER-OVER and OVER with zero risk of death? and we still having people complaining about that is HILARIOUS honestly

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have you ever tried playing sombra currently. the likely hood of you actually using stealth in the middle of a fight is about as good as you taking roadhog in a 1 vs 1.

Her translocator was the only reliable part of the kit left and now it makes more noise then sym’s old shield generator so finding it isnt an issue for the enemy and it has a whooping 5 hp to stay alive with. Random splash damage can kill it.


No but as a Sombra enthusiast I DO know what makes her fun.

But not the experience.

I played a few rounds as the new Sombra, she is objectively better on large open maps where chokes are not the issue. Getting past spammy chokes is now a little harder but the 4 meter distance is really not that far.

She is definitely able to do more for her team on the large open maps, making callouts about enemy positions, etc. She definitely gets to pick where she fights and if you coordinate with a friend then she is getting a pick and out safely.

The one problem I’ve had is that previously the cooldowns dictated flow, you often took fights you didn’t want to take because you’d been out so long that TL or stealth was about to expire - Now, you stand there watching for a weakness and strike at more critical moments, you end up with less ult charge because you’ve been more reserved, little bit of win the battle lose the war.

She feels more strategic but less impactful during the time she is ‘scouting’.

I’d say her ability to secure kills has gone up but as a result she outputs less damage per kill and if her team make a mistake her impact is not exactly enough to recover compared to tracer/genji.

I think the changes for infinite duration are good for her, destructible TL is an acceptable trade but again she is trading power. She gets more strength in one area and is losing in another.

I think she should be allowed to contest the point but after 1.5 seconds of contesting her stealth flickers revealing her location for 0.5 seconds every second - The 1.5 seconds should reset if she exits and re-enters stealth but not reset if she stops contesting. This would allow her to still contest but have a definite limit on how much.

I think maybe people who are hacked should also provide Sombra’s passive to sombra’s teammates for that person. This keeps to Sombra’s theme of information is power and gives hack some auxiliary power without further increasing it’s direct power.


Might as well as revert this and the hack nerfs or just remove Sombra

Sombra can already be an annoying pest without these changes. However, being annoying does not win games. Seriously, what does infinite stealth even mean when you are useless in combat?


ah so the same thing that happened to bastion

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Time to take an infinite break from Zooverwatch