Fitzyhere says hero 31 is a 'she'


-certain someone

No they are american

Junker Queen?
At least we know it isn’t Sojourn nor Echo

Well it’s not the blue robot grill and also not the black woman lady boss from the archives event. So someone else.

How do we know this?

Because of the Q&A Jeff did with Ohnickel.

Echo and Sojorn is NOT hero 31.

Forum post found here


No they aren’t. Please don’t spread false information that you could’ve avoided just by googling him.

I know, I’m sorry for the false information. I have already apologized before, but I’m going to do it again.

Actually I’m sorry because I didn’t read your first apology in the thread. Could you maybe just delete the original comment then? Or add a disclaimer edit?

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Ah forgot about that interview, thank you. My guess then is JT Queen, off chance Sojourn unless they plan to launch her somehow related to the Anniversary event… or someone else completely new. If its not a new main tank its going to be a problem with 2/2/2…

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He mentioned “There are big plans for Junkerqueen. More on the long-term front”, so I wonder if she’s not the next character and maybe not even playable, but could quite possibly be an NPC in charge of some kind of arena or something?

But that’s purely speculation on my part, still, I think that line makes me think she’s not the next character.

Also, if this is actually a leak and not just someone mispeaking. God damn, we’re not getting a male character for a long time if Sojorn, Echo AND JT Queen are all in development.

Not complaining though

Hey! Don’t bring your rational thought into this forum! How dare you try to be reasonable here! This forum is all about hyperbole, building each others hopes up, then complaining when Blizzard fails to meet every single expectation!


JunkerQueen lets go


I remember someone from Dev team (mb Jeff) stated in interview that hero 31 won’t be Echo and after release of Storm Rising they also stated that it won’t be Sojourn

I don’t think it will be a “she” tho.

Because in a video when jeff was playing a game with another person (can’t remember what it was) and jeff said that the mysterious omnic that was talking to doomfist was a very important character.

And that makes me believe that this mysterious character might be hero 31 OR at least on the list of heroes that will be added very soon to the game. And it’s not going to be junkerqueen as well because they’re only in the concept art phase or early hero testing phase.

So the onlt female hero that could be added was Sojourn, but i guess we have to wait and see.

When even is that hero going to be hinted?

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You’re right - its probably a “she” and its a main tank. I am down for it.

They said Junkerqueen was further down the line (like passed Hero 32 or 35)

(not Sojourn or Echo either.)

sorry for YO

Said this in my post: Chances dramatically increased that hero 31 is Leonora and others (thanks to Fitzyhere)

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Dude, (East) Asians get put down because they’re too successful. Minority status only counts if you’re somehow ‘put down’ in the broader US perspective.

Yeah, this is pretty much my take on it. I actually was very surprised when Baptiste was revealed and he wasn’t female. I’m sure Michael Chu will somehow retcon this on Twitter in order to rectify it though.

Michael Chu on Twitter: It’s a common misconception, but Baptiste wasn’t a man before joining Talon.