Fitzyhere says hero 31 is a 'she'

I don’t think it will be a “she” tho.

Because in a video when jeff was playing a game with another person (can’t remember what it was) and jeff said that the mysterious omnic that was talking to doomfist was a very important character.

And that makes me believe that this mysterious character might be hero 31 OR at least on the list of heroes that will be added very soon to the game. And it’s not going to be junkerqueen as well because they’re only in the concept art phase or early hero testing phase.

So the onlt female hero that could be added was Sojourn, but i guess we have to wait and see.

When even is that hero going to be hinted?

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You’re right - its probably a “she” and its a main tank. I am down for it.

They said Junkerqueen was further down the line (like passed Hero 32 or 35)

(not Sojourn or Echo either.)

sorry for YO

Said this in my post: Chances dramatically increased that hero 31 is Leonora and others (thanks to Fitzyhere)

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Dude, (East) Asians get put down because they’re too successful. Minority status only counts if you’re somehow ‘put down’ in the broader US perspective.

Yeah, this is pretty much my take on it. I actually was very surprised when Baptiste was revealed and he wasn’t female. I’m sure Michael Chu will somehow retcon this on Twitter in order to rectify it though.

Michael Chu on Twitter: It’s a common misconception, but Baptiste wasn’t a man before joining Talon.


Kinda late to change the next hero gender now, Chu

Tbh I’m surprised they’ve not done the genderbender/fluid thing with one of the heroes yet. I guess they still want those Russian Rubles and don’t want to turn off every player who doesn’t follow their political view.

Not that I’d be bothered either way, but I actually don’t think they’ve got the stones to push their socio-political view in OW. It’s too much of a cash-cow to risk killing off by putting actual overt progressivism into.

Honestly already mad, but not gonna be surprised when OC, YO, BTC and others report on this… not one says “Leonora as a possible candidate“ once.

Well, you can basically just call a new hero a she anyways.

Wrecking Ball

Hammond barely counts tbh. People in-game just refer to it as ‘Ball’ either way :smiley:

Since Brigitte, heroes have alternated male/female. Since the last hero was male, it’s logical to assume the next hero will be female.

Or he could have been using “she” as a neutral pronoun.

ngl, i was hoping for another male hero

We need another nonbarrier main tank. In fact we don’t need another barrier added to the game ever again. :sweat_smile:

Im hoping for Recluse. Total tank material, and she’s so punk.

Fitzyhere is a well-known GM/top 500 Sombra main streamer. He, like other popular streamers, has connections with the developers, i.e. they contact each others sometimes. So that’s why people are taking his words as if he has been told something from the devs themselves.

Personally speaking, he might know something about future content, or it could have been a guess because the last hero is a male, so it makes sense the next hero will more than likely be female. We don’t know for sure yet.

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Underated comment (20 chars)

And what?It’s probably like calling future heroes ,he" without actually knowing their gender.

Or Fitzy just hopes the next hero is female.

how awesome would that be if it was actually a guy, but them identified as a they, but as a female they.

How would fitzy know about the new hero?

the hell another female hero? we only had Doomfist and Baptiste since launch lol

Maybe it’s the pretty omnic lady from Ashe’s short. That would be so nice.