Finally out of Bronze 5 - those who are stuck READ HERE!

ok so, if bronze 5 is where so many seem to start… its simple, like u said, grind out of it, u can carry enuf games eventually ull get out of “hell”… but this solution only validates 1 kind of player, good ones…what about those who are only say silver, effectively they will be stuck playing with sub 600players in an deathspiral. i see no way out for those that are low ranking but not potatos, how can u expect them to get good when they are playing against and with either potatoes and or smurfs who havent grinded their way out yet… should they just not play comp until next year when everyone has self ranked by then???


Thanks for this. I understand placing in Bronze for DPS/Tank but I was a silver/high bronze support so it makes no sense for me to be in the lowest rank. Unless this is Blizzard’s idea of “Feel Good Mechanics” so you can feel awesome about ranking up. Except that they built and all new kind of ELO Hell.


Took me around 28 wins in order to get out of Bronze 5 as well but I got bumped up to Bronze 2 right after at around a 65-70% win rate. I would play more but I got work in the morning.

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Agree and have mentioned these issues as well.

Congrats on your climb! Sadly you’re missing out on the best rank in the game (bronze5). The best players are bronze5 because they don’t answer to anyone. They work outside and off the grid from those silly mmr metrics. They don’t care about ranks or progression and would prefer lose a matches to stay under the radar.

Boring though. Smart players won’t bother with their forced-grind progression.
The ranks can come to you via hidden mmr rigging! And you can also reverse-boost (sandbag your mmr) for easier wins and easier climb in SBMM system.

If i want to be “top5% skill”, I just sweat like a monster for 2-3 matches.
It’s offhours so like only 1000 people are in queue. The algorithm quickly adjusts to my performance, gives me sandbag teammates and godly opponents. All of a sudden i have to hit smaller hitboxes output really high apm and acc%, and deal with my own hitbox being large and magnetic. They possibly even tune in-game parms midmatch for a close and sweaty game…in the bronze5.

I’ve been saying this for a while. Bronze 5 is not bugged, the SR range is just immense.

I just got called a shill by most and got told that I was talking BS XD


Congrats on the climb!! Well done!

Wanted to test this out today and I did. I used a friends account who was 617sr last season. Assuming he got set to 0 I expected to place B5 after 7 wins. The next 7 placed me in Bronze 4. So 14 wins got me from 0 to roughly 1100. Next 7 was Bronze 1, so ab 300 sr. Then Silver 5 (100sr), Silver 2 (300sr), and now Gold 4 (300sr). I went 51-5, however I played drunk for 4 of the Bronze 1 to Silver 5 games, which I contribute to the small jump in rank.

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There needs to be an “Iron” for 500-1000 and a “Wood” for 0-500


I just realized this after finally making it to Bronze 4. Explains perfectly why everyone thinks they are stuck, its just a massive grind to get up to 1100.

Thumbs up mate and onto Silver!

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You have to understand the ladder passes people by. If you haven’t qued competitive in 2 years and say you were at 2000 SR roughly you shouldnt be shocked you are at bronze 5. Playerbase gets better as time goes by. You are rusty and are going to have to take your licks as someone that was out of the system for so long.

Trust me I played overwatch 1 till the end high bronze players if they could go into a time machine would probably crush low end gold player from 2 year earlier and I mean just destroy then. There is massive skill creep on the ladder now.

It’s a food chain always has and will always be that way.


It’s so annoying, I was high diamond / low masters and I was placed in bronze 5, I expected at least to be place gold or plat since I hadn’t played for so long, but I was shocked when I got bronze, this has to be a joke or a bug right? But so far I’ve climbed 2 or so ranks every 7 wins. I started bronze 1 → Silver 4 → Silver 2 → Gold 5. It’s taking a long time but it’s getting there.

It is still extremely annoying though and alot of pros for example are still calling this a bug and not how its supposed to work but idk. I haven’t touched OW since 2017 so yeah I get why I would get bronze 5 but it sure is annoying getting 20k+ dmg and 40+ kills and lose/not rank up cuz I’m playing with ACTUAL bronze players who are bad at fps games in general and barely knows how to use a mouse. Even if its not a bug, it definitely is the worst system ever and it should be killed with fire. No one should ever be struggling to get out of bronze unless youre legit bad. Just no. Game should work like any other game out there. I already stopped playing once I found out about this, waiting for blizzard to address the situation. I dont want to lose braincells playing in these lobbies just to get Bronze 3 instead of bronze 5 after another 30 games. Crazy that theres even a single person who accepts this system.
EDIT: Also I dont see how this “fix” makes sense, I played with a friend of mine who also stopped OW years ago, and he got his rank after 7 wins and I didnt. It definitely is a bug IMO.

Hey congrats Fho! Hope to see you climbing the ranks buddy ^^

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I’ve played 99 games and am still in bronze 5 even with 7 wins twice vs getting 20 losses the last couple rankings.

Even though I am not great I’d think I should have at least moved up to Bronze 4 by now.

its not deeply flawed, blizzard has expressed their dislike of solo queues in the past and are simply being more aggressive about it. If you solo queue you will be bronze forever. That’s what blizzard wants.

Respectfully, cynical takes aren’t productive.

Understand your perspective, but we have to provide specific feedback to make change.


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what do you mean cynical? If this is meant to be a social team esport it makes sense to keep unorganized antisocial solo players out of the public eye. I’m fine with it.

Well - what do you have to say now?

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We are on the same boat.

now the system will work properly instead of being obvious?