dude, the solution is so simple for you. all of you just stop playing her. then they’ll be forced to change her. if shes that unfun and boring it should be easy
Well, they did an amazing job doing the complete opposite with the rework.
managing less is more fun than managing more for you?
I don’t know why it is not a basic ability to be honest, like Just put additional targets healing to 20hps, damage boost to 10% and additional beams range to 5 meters and bang make it a basic ability that last for idk 10 seconds with 20 seconds cooldown. And leave guardian angel speed but the range stay 30 meters instead of 90. And put an actual good ultimate that feels good.
Which was always needed as you have noted.
I find this is very aggravating, but it requires getting to the root of other concerns and then addressing those roots rather than Black & White stalks that orginate from those roots as an analogy.
That was the real point of the January nerf. To get Mercy into a non-must-pick status.
I hoped for nerfs throughout the rework because it didn’t seem fair at all to play against which even thou I was playing Mercy, I too was playing against Mercy; something that seems lost by those who claim that I just want her OP
I was pretty shocked by the extent of the Nerfs and sadden that they Nerfed her active powers (Resurrect, GA) over her passive powers (Uninterupted Health Regen, Chained Beams) the one passive power nerf they did do which I was glad to see was the nerf to the duration of the Valkyrie.
I don’t want to lose games that I’m confident I’d of won if I had picked the correct healer just to get them to listen. But that reply does make me feel like they aren’t listening here.
I’ll avoid citing because I want to discuss with my very own points and avoid twisting yours as you mentioned before
Let’s start by saying that fun is entirely subjective, what you find boring someone else might find fun, at the same time, fun is also a spectrum, you can find something enjoyable but not particularly fun for example
The complaints then stern from the people who are on the “she’s boring” side of the argument. The same could be said about pretty much any other hero, because I’m pretty sure you find other heroes just as boring, like maybe soldier 76 or bastion, I don’t know you tell me
Now, my point here is that the fun factor of a videogame comes from balance, not from niche mechanics or at least it shouldn’t… a balanced Mercy is twice as fun than a broken one, if you don’t agree with this then I think this discussion is over and we can agree to disagree
Addressing your claims for Mercy from any other point that isn’t objective would be an error because… well… what if Papa Jeff actually enjoys current Mercy? then you’ll say that he is shaping the game how he wants to which is not true, the only thing that drives changes is data, if something is unfun to play against, it’s because it’s too powerful, simple as that, if it’s balanced then there isn’t unfun claims
When I say that if you don’t enjoy Mercy then you shouldn’t play as her is because she is enjoyable and fun to a lot of people, though I do agree there is a contingent of people who is unhappy (and very very vocal about it) but sadly the game cannot be shaped by them, it would be a huge mistake to temper with a perfectly balanced (and fun for some) hero just because of this
Are also not the reasons why we think that she needs changes.
Cool that you said something, less cool that it’s still the same.
you cant expect changes if you keep playing a hero you find unfun.
With Mercy? Yep. If I want to manage an entire team and have fun I play Moira she is just as good and better in a few situations/comps. Playing Mercy feels like a chore these days.
One of the only good measures a developer has for the invisible fun factor though is how people react to it in areas outside of the game, on places such as social media or their forums. If you keep receiving the same feedback in very high volumes for months and months on end, to the point that you need a way to separate that feedback from all other feedback or you won’t be able to hear anything else, then you as a developer know that people aren’t happy.
Soldier 76 isn’t getting that level of feedback, so it’s safe to assume that most people who do play him find him enjoyable.
They have also tampered with heroes in the past because they weren’t fun to play against, and have already stated that “fun,” is one of the things that they develop around. So it should not be illegitimate to also make changes to make her more fun, so long as they careful as to ensure that making her more engaging does not make her power level increase significantly.
I would love if they turned Valk into an ability with adjustments accordingly. As for a new ultimate idk what they’d do and I feel mass rez would be out of the question.
no thats not the only way to measure fun
quickplay pickrates and pickrates in lower level comp are good indication of fun. meta doesnt matter there. no one cares about picks there. people arent going to play an unfun hero just to try hard win.
I don’t get that. That’s like 75% of her kit not used efficiently.
Only if you use Val and E res.
And even less cool that they haven’t closed this megathread and allowed normal discussion on the main forum. The thread’s main post is a complete lie at this point. If feedback isn’t being remotely considered, because as far as they are concerned pick rate and win rate are fine even though they don’t say everything about a hero, then balancing in this game is going downhill for sure and this megathread shouldn’t exist.
I guess that Polish news article was also incorrect.
Maybe an ultimate where she would gain 5 charges of rez and would need to rez each player individually?
No. They aren’t, because people like winning. And she’s kind of the default healer in a situation where people aren’t grouping, which is true in quick play because people are just screwing around.
Most teams in QP do try to run at least one healer and one tank so that the team has a shot at winning.
dude, theres ONE tank in the top 12 most picked heroes in qp, and its dva. no one is try harding there. people are either practicing heroes or casually having fun.
Too OP. Res Roadhog to much and you get a lot of frustration. If you can res all players only once it’s to weak, probably.
Look at that. maybe you like it.
but if someone simply dedicates a huge amount of time to complain about a hero for months on end why would anyone listen to that sole person? of course in this case it’s a lot more than a single one but in comparison it’s a small sample, sadly this is only conjecture because we don’t have the data but I trust that they do and their lack of action is based on that
Again, no mechanic has been reworked because it’s unfun, the changes comes from it being too oppressive or too weak fun is NEVER a pivotal point for changes, for example Mei’s primary gun, you would think that they changed it so that Mei players have more fun freezing multiple people but in reality it was that Mei was underperforming
Mercy isn’t either underperforming nor overpowered, she needs no changes even if she’s, by your own words, boring because fun is not a factor and if it were… please tell me of a change that has happened solely because of fun without number tweaking
These are the role breakdowns.
As you can see it’s about 20% tanks and 25% healers. In the case of tanks this translates to usually 1/6 roles is tanks, but sometimes there are multiple. And the same is true for healers. Neither hits that around 30% mark where it’s likely that most of the time there are multiple tanks and healers.
People do try to win in QP, they just don’t try as hard a they would if they were playing comp.
So they’ll bring a tank or a healer, and do some marginal grouping on occasion, perhaps let you know their ult is read, and that’s about the extent they are willing to try.