[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Just say as it is: you don’t like suddenly your 6v2 is 6v6 again.

Lol yup that works, let’s do this👌

Lol, walked right into that one😂

Mass rez was way op.
The only counter was your own mercy.
Which is why they nerfed it.

Hiding mercy was common.
It was the best strategy, as you couldn’t kill a hiding mercy, and the fight became a 6vs11
Sr system doesn’t matter. A win is a win. Loss is a loss.
Hiding mercy wins over not hiding mercy.

It wasn’t.

Ultimates were.

So… They made it an ability, in result Mercies were doing a lot more reses during the game… Nice nerf xd

Never saw one.

It wasn’t anything more than being selfish and trying to exploit the SR system, rather than have a good game and help your team.

And since when we can play against 11 other players? That seems as absurd as saying 'S3 D.Va could 1v6 without an ultimate".


Average rez in a game now is 8.
Before you got 5 every team fight…
It’s a nerf.

Average rez per game used to be 6, so a return to Mass Rez would be a nerf in that regard.

Do you have any links showing this?

Please elaborate your points.
Stating something doesn’t make it true.

If it was that op, she would have had more pickrate at proplay. And it probably wouldn’t have been buffed several times since the release.

[details=““Hide and rez” VS playing properly”]


If Mercy is hiding, she is letting her team in a 6v5 situation. A situation you can win without using all of your ults.

Whenever Mercy resurects her team, her allies become very visible and immobile during 2.25s. Most of the time they are either all grouped up in a very small area (after a Zarya ult for example) or they are all spread up. They have bad positioning because you had time to take control of the area.
You have the advantage of being the first to shoot.
While they are invulnerable, you have the time to

  • Setup the best D.Va ult you have ever seen
  • Tell your Reaper to prepare spinning
  • Launch your graviton surge to instantly shut down some (if not all) of them
  • Ask your favorite cowboy to tell them what time it is
  • Use Mei’s Blizzard
  • Prepare to release your EMP
  • Meteor strike them all
  • RIP-Tire in their face
  • Blink blink blink recall, then blink again and finally stick your bomb to someone
  • Start raining the justice from above
  • Prepare to earthshatter them all
  • If you don’t have any of the precedent options available, you can still put their head in the center of your screen, and left click

This is literally Tracer & Genji’s job.

Stop with this. This isn’t true.

It clearly does because it encouraged a bad mechanic.


Sorry, Overbuff doesn’t keep stats that far back. I can tell you though based on my alt, which I abandoned around the time of the rework, that my average was 6 rezzes and now it’s almost 9. I can see if Titanium has any posts saved on the old forums mentioning it, but he’s probably not awake yet.

I only found a comparison old Mercy to Moth Mercy:

Not even close to “5 every team fight”.


6 players go into a fight.
In the fight you fight 5 enemies.
If you manage to kill all of them without any of your team dying, they all would come back.
5 + 5 = 10.
Now they would also have a mercy, that is one more.
10 + 1 = 11.

6 vs 11.

So old mercy players were way worse than new ones?
Otherwise that doesn’t make sense.
A mercy would never only have her ult once every game…

So they double somehow, or what?

Ever heard about “holding your ultimate”?

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Yes, you hold it until people are dead. Thats an instant 5 person rez.
Given that every map has at least 2 team fights around a point, that is 10 people.

Someone is forgetting that Mercy can only rez a teammate within 10 seconds of their death.

And that her rez radius only covered 15 meters, which is about the third of the size of any capture point.

Mercy couldn’t rez a team with staggered deaths


You quick answer tells me that you didn’t read my entire post.
I’m linking you again the biggest part
[details=““Hide and rez” VS playing properly”]


Wich mathematically translates to
5 - 5 = 0 After the first teamfight
0 + 5 = 5 After the rez
5 + 1 = 6 Counting Mercy


So you really believe every Mercy ult was was 5-man huge res?


Having 10rezes at the end of a game hapenned very rarely.
I’ve never seen any Mercy achieve that tbh.

“Every teamfight ended up with a 5man rez” is factually wrong.

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What would happen is that Mass Rez was often a call for a push, making Mercy players sometimes hold it as a way to discourage the enemies from ult-spamming their way to victory. She basically warded off that behavior for a more tempered approach. Also, despite popular opinion, you could fail a rez several ways (being killed flying in, being killed prior to the teamfight, the kills being staggered, the kills being spread out).