[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

I really think the invulnerability was where they went wrong, having a mercy risk everything for a clutch rez was much more fair for everyone then invulnerable person brings back team with no counter play.

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I think she should earn rez charges and she can only use one at a time.

err mahh gurrd someone understands :open_mouth:

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No, Jeff already said multiple times that they will not revert her mass rez back, and for good reason. And some people right now don’t mind it being an ability in the game, they just don’t want it as her ult again.

even though there was nothing wrong with it ;(

Here’s the thing: even though other heals suck and despite 8 nerfs in the course of 6 months or so that completely changed how she was played, she’s STILL powerful, changing her numbers and nerfing her won’t do a damn thing.

Why? Because the rework is bad. You get a free option to rez every 30 seconds (bringing someone back instantly on a cooldown is brokenly stupid.), you get an ult that does everything for you (enforcing ‘no skill press one or two buttons ez mode’ mercy), etc.

She’s more brainless right now than she ever was, because her skill ceiling has been drastically lowered. No decision making with Valkyrie - maybe some timing, but it does everything you do normally, just easier…

No amount of balancing will fix this mess. It’s absolutely horrid, and got taken from the game initially with very good reason. She needs a complete rehaul of her E and Q.

If Mass Rez was counterable, and if they’d managed to fix the SR gains from hide n rez Mercy, it’d be better. Because guess what? If a Mercy has damage reduction she is still killable. If she’s rezzing allies, she’ll likely be one of the last few alive, if not the sole survivor. Focus fire her. (I’m also thinking about a cast time here)

And if that doesn’t work? Well there’s good news if you managed to save an ult or two - the rez target/s stay/s still, and they won’t be able to escape a dead-eye or a d.va bomb, which’ll likely kill the Mercy, too.

Then you push or defend.

So, is that brokenly OP with absolutely no counters?


Heyyyy we hit 10,000!

Time for another megathread to replace this one as the Mercy trashcan :roll_eyes:

We have about 10k more to go… apparently the post limit cap thing is now 20k…

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He said it many, many times? As I recall, it was that they had no plans to revert Mercy.

Regardless, she could be reworked to a similar state. :wink:


Maybe they should have done this before they reworked Mercy. :slight_smile:

And they aren’t helping matters by nerfing the other supports, making Mercy outclass them by default.


Is that why people are asking for nerfs to Mercy? Who is becoming better than the other supports by nerfs to the other ones?

And I agree that the devs ignoring our actual concerns for months on end has been well past old. Those bones don’t even exist anymore. Maybe they should do something about it.

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I don’t know. Generally the vocal minority are the loudest (on both sides of the camp). I feel the general vibe (as per my post) is that Mercy is fine now.

Please don’t misquote me out of context. My post was:

It’s extremely poor forum etiquette to do this and you are putting words in my mouth I didn’t say which defeats the point of having a discussion forum. Thanks.

I wonder if most people know why we want Mercy Changes

The Mercy mains don’t want Rez as an ability, the DPS mains don’t want Rez as an ability, the Ana mains don’t want Rez as an ability, you get the point. This Mercy on live literately leaves no one happy, literately on the developer update for the Mercy rework the words ‘we want to make everyone happy with this rework’ came out of Jeffs mouth and the exact opposite is happening right now. I originally didn’t want a revert for Mercy but after awhile I realised a revert is the only feasible way to make everyone happy again without making Mercy trash tier, this Valk nerf has already made her ult one of the worse support ults with Ana’s and more nerfs to wedge her out of a meta that she is strong in will probably just make her a troll pick.


Like I seriously wouldn’t mind if they reverted her to pre-invunerability Mercy when she was a troll pick and had one of the lowest pick rates of all heroes. Still more fun than this abomination and hopefully people will just shut up about it…


the temp rez is annoying. you can put a lot of resource to pick off a hero and then she just rezzes them

mercy needs to be something different


Nah dude, because people complained about her a bunch of other people just keep the train going. They have no logical or statistical evidence as to why she needs a nerf besides pickrate, but the problem is the same people who want Mercy nerfed want Reinhardt buffed so it’s pretty hypocritical to ask for buffs to the most picked hero in the game, saying Pickrate doesn’t matter then saying Mercy needs a nerf because she’s the most picked support (Except in GM and Masters which is Zen) and a bunch of other arguments which hold no water.


Rez on E can never be balanced, she needs a revert or a rework with her rez on her ultimate.


Yeeeeaah no. I dont want be considered throwing when I pick her. She’s perfectly balanced as is. I do miss man rez, but now she has better GA and better base kit overall, despite me hating Valk.


Not sure what you mean by this, they could revert her and tweak her a bit. Her base kit is the exactly the same and the GA thing was a bug they implemented that I doubt they would take out if they reverted her.