[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

I’m fine with the idea of up to 5 players, just make it LoS, enemy barriers block it, a mild range and she’s either mobile or gets a damage reduction when casting.


Yep. I am so tired of her being the only viable main healer due to her having an ability that is more valuable than their ultimates.


Bumping and upvoting for visibility.


Untrue. I want Resurrect as an ability. I’ve no idea what my stats are, but Res as an ult was always bad design. Either you held off on it and so ressed next to nobody the entire game, or else you held out for frankly annoying “clutch” plays where you’d hide around a corner while your team died.

Mercy’s fine where she is. I get that you don’t like it, but “no one, and I repeat NO ONE” agrees with you. edit Just because I know I’m going to get hit with a report - that previous sentence is a joke.


Go back to the damn megathread…
Mass res should never return.
Res should be on ultimate, but not multiple.
Its weird how some of you don’t realise how powerful resurrect is, even in its current form.


There were easier ways to fix it instead of making it an ability such as having souls disappear if you are not close to them

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How the heck was rez as an ULT a bad design? She had to work for it, she had to think before using it, it was MADE to be an ult where as now it’s just “hurr durr will I die if I use it?” As an E ability, it will never be balanced, plain and simple.


Well I would put it in the megathread if it was actually read.


Agreed. Resurrect should ONLY be an ultimate. There were so many things they could have done to prevent sh!t Mercy players from hiding the second they got it.

  • LOS requirement, and a wall-check so she can’t Rez behind walls.
  • Add a cast time, OR slow her down. Not both.
  • Exchange invulnerability with damage reduction like Hog’s “Take a Breather” for the “counterplay”.
  • Increase Resurrect’s charge time, and have it decay if a Mercy player tries to hide instead of healing her teammates.

There are other ideas in the dumpster thread. But seriously, we could have avoided 6 months of Mercywatch if they bothered to listen to us.


Can you blame them?
They have already given a statement on Mercy, you just don’t like it.
No matter what they say, they can’t win.

The only argument you have is that she id"unfun" to an unknown percentage of the playerbase. If we go by the megathread, you are a tiny minority.

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Exactly! Instead they caused a 6 moth…sorry month meta that MERCY MAINS did not like.

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They made a statement that confirmed they are not reading the megathread therefor lying and rendering it useless. There is no reason for us to post there, so we won’t. Even if they made a statement, people who are upset are not just going to stop criticizing their garbage rework.


They also said they would never make a DM or FFA mode…

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Omg just stop I absoutely HATE with a passion when people use this a reason why “They Might Revert Mercy !!” they said no like 7 times, Jeff said they won’t revert her many many many times.

Stop asking for a revert and start asking for a rework. Maybe the Devs would listen to rework suggestions if you stopped begging for mass rez to come back after they said no.


A rework that includes res as an ult


*after other heroes who have been trash since launch get looked into first :slight_smile:


Looks at Sombra, Rein, Lucio, Torb, Bastion :eyes:


Of course a Mercy main would make a post like this.

Mass res is not coming back fam, let it go.

Most the wider community think Mercy is fine and balanced now. Either accept Mercy as she is or pick a new hero.

This is beyond getting old now…

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“Having to work for it” isn’t the end-all be-all of good design. Resurrection as an ability is predominantly useful against one or two targets. Its original design led to it sitting unused waiting for that play of the game which never came the majority of the time. It was a “balance of extremes” at its worst, as far as I’m concerned.

As to the notion that “it’ll never be balanced” - it already is. It makes Mercy very vulnerable while casting it, and typically leads to untimely death. For an ability on such a long cooldown, it’s very easy to waste. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s not “balanced.”

I want to point out one thing. I think Mercy mains know one of two things is coming.

Most likely, we will be nerfed…again