Just Revert Mercy, no one wants her current state

The Mercy mains don’t want Rez as an ability, the DPS mains don’t want Rez as an ability, the Ana mains don’t want Rez as an ability, you get the point. This Mercy on live literately leaves no one happy, literately on the developer update for the Mercy rework the words ‘we want to make everyone happy with this rework’ came out of Jeffs mouth and the exact opposite is happening right now. I originally didn’t want a revert for Mercy but after awhile I realised a revert is the only feasible way to make everyone happy again without making Mercy trash tier, this Valk nerf has already made her ult one of the worse support ults with Ana’s and more nerfs to wedge her out of a meta that she is strong in will probably just make her a troll pick.


102 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018