[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

The Mercy mains don’t want Rez as an ability, the DPS mains don’t want Rez as an ability, the Ana mains don’t want Rez as an ability, you get the point. This Mercy on live literately leaves no one happy, literately on the developer update for the Mercy rework the words ‘we want to make everyone happy with this rework’ came out of Jeffs mouth and the exact opposite is happening right now. I originally didn’t want a revert for Mercy but after awhile I realised a revert is the only feasible way to make everyone happy again without making Mercy trash tier, this Valk nerf has already made her ult one of the worse support ults with Ana’s and more nerfs to wedge her out of a meta that she is strong in will probably just make her a troll pick.


Like I seriously wouldn’t mind if they reverted her to pre-invunerability Mercy when she was a troll pick and had one of the lowest pick rates of all heroes. Still more fun than this abomination and hopefully people will just shut up about it…


the temp rez is annoying. you can put a lot of resource to pick off a hero and then she just rezzes them

mercy needs to be something different


Nah dude, because people complained about her a bunch of other people just keep the train going. They have no logical or statistical evidence as to why she needs a nerf besides pickrate, but the problem is the same people who want Mercy nerfed want Reinhardt buffed so it’s pretty hypocritical to ask for buffs to the most picked hero in the game, saying Pickrate doesn’t matter then saying Mercy needs a nerf because she’s the most picked support (Except in GM and Masters which is Zen) and a bunch of other arguments which hold no water.


Rez on E can never be balanced, she needs a revert or a rework with her rez on her ultimate.


Yeeeeaah no. I dont want be considered throwing when I pick her. She’s perfectly balanced as is. I do miss man rez, but now she has better GA and better base kit overall, despite me hating Valk.


Not sure what you mean by this, they could revert her and tweak her a bit. Her base kit is the exactly the same and the GA thing was a bug they implemented that I doubt they would take out if they reverted her.


I still say all Mercy needed was a line of sight check on her huge rez. Hiding behind a wall and still being able to revive 5 people was the most broken thing about it.


she’s not being reverted please just stop.


tbh if they decided to revert mercy back to pre-valk I would take back every terrible thing i ever done diddly said about this game ever because gosh, did i have a whole lot of fun with mercy pre-rework, even when rezzing was guaranteed death, it was still way more satisfying than any play ive ever made with valk :confused:


Oh no. You’ve summoned it. Do you hear it?

The all-consuming Megathread. It thirsts for more Mercy threads.

And it’s coming right for us!


Rezz is only as powerful as it is because people are totally ignoring her while she picks up someone. I see Mercys flying into the enemy team rezz someone and noone gives a ****. Rezz has such a long cooldown, can be interrupted by every **** and makes her helpless for 2sec or so. And you can’t use it in a teamfight because you need to heal people. Rezz can only be used when there is no fight, it is up and the soul is in a save position to rezz.


Sounds like you with pre buff sombra, Except she didn’t have the high pickrate. Tell me, why are you allowed to ask for nerfs for sombra, but not for mercy, who is objectively better than pre nerf sombra? (Not that I want mercy nerfed)


I dont want all her utility going back to her ult. No thanks. Ill pass. She was boring back then and wasn’t even a good pick. I have come to appreciate the Mercy we have now. Minus her ult…but that is a different conversation.


I don’t want her old form.


Now that she requires brain power, when I fill as her I feel like I’m contributing. Keep her as is.


You wouldn’t mind if Mercy did 50 heals-per-second and had 3 seconds before regen kicked in?

When you rework a character and then that said character gets 7 - 8 nerfs afterwards you know the rework is a failure.


Sombra just needed 1 nerf and everyone knows the rework is a failure :disappointed_relieved:

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Yeah everything about her current kit…her main healing, her GA, her rez, her ult, it’s all a big game of ‘catch me if you can’ where you are trying not to be tagged in a game of tag, not very engaging