[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

I find her Base kit fun. One of the nice things that came from this rework was that people get to see that her base kit is indeed effective.

I just find my enjoyment to go down some when I Valk. It’s too easy to me, and not as impactful due to the gradual nature of the ult itself.

(I don’t even bother with hitting space to go to the skybox because, to me, the GA from skybox to ground, just feels…jarring. But that’s a personal thing.)


In this DPS ridden world, tanks are a luxury

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The same counterplay as Sombra’s has perchance?

… Then I feel like the problem isn’t that Mercy is underpowered, but rather than you need better team communication… or switch to tank yourself once in a while.

So your answer is “just kill her 4head”
Okay lol

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Sombra is counted via CC, like McCree’s Flashbang and Roadhog’s hook, so she can’t escape

Since people are too dense to get this through their thick skulls.

Mercy is an example of bad game design. Putting the most powerful ability in the game on a 30 second, un-earned cooldown is bad game design. Having to go through 8 successive nerfs is bad game design.

All this is a band-aid on a bullethole. Revert it or remove it. Simple.

Mercy is balanced but she is an example of bad design.


Well then we would have no healers, because my team generally consists of a Widow, Hanzo, Genji, Tracer, Doomfist and me (Mercy)

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Resurrect is bad game design in general.
Even on an ultimate.

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Did you read the part where I said…

“Revert it, or remove it.” ?

I would literally take a new ability that makes her not garbage to play and has a good design.


Well then it seems like the problem is team communication rather than Mercy being “underpowered”


20 chars

I did, was just agreeing :wink:

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She’s only fun to play against because she can barely fight back and is reduced to just flying and m1ing.

You may as well shoot a training dummy.


Alright, I gotcha :slight_smile:

Probably the way I worded it lol
I lean more towards removing it entirely, I really can’t see how it can be balanced in any way.
But taking it away deletes Mercys identify, kinda in a bad situation lol

Not…really. Resurrect have worked.

Revive Gun and the Guardian (bionic pods) from Dirty Bomb show it can work.

L4D2 has the Defibrillator.

And, it’s pushing it but follows the same ideology, the 2nd Chance Perk from CoD that allows you to bring back a fallen ally back to the field.

Give her a healing ultimate that can actually save the team when all the ults are flying around and you may find people accept the new Mercy. She needs to live up the saying.

Heroes Never Die!

this is sarcasm right? or are you just oblivious

Just about every other hero has SOME sort of hero moment where you can crack a smile and be proud of what you did. It’s mostly in ultimates, but also like key headshots with widow or something. Mercy really doesn’t have this. Valkyrie isn’t a bad ultimate, but it’s so much worse than mass rez. It prolongs fights for 15 seconds, forces you to shoot at a moth that runs and hides around corners the whole time, and the mercy herself just holds lmb and sits. Mass rez was her one hero moment. Sure, clutch rezzes can win games, but the dps you brought back gets all the glory and stuff. Before, you’d get congratulated on your epic rez. Now, mercy gets no sort of awesome satisfaction.

Her base kit is still fun. The mobility and the heals are insane, and I love dodging and weaving around flankers, but rez feels awful to use and valk is dull.

Mercy was NEVER a mustpick before her rework. People would call you a thrower for not picking Ana. People only called her a mustpick from about september to january.