[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

OWL means nothing to the general playerbase and normally game client. She’s a boring sidekick and is not a hero anymore

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Then tell me why she is still the #3 top picked character overall with a 50.71% winrate which you ignored.

Source: Hero Statistics - Overbuff - Overwatch 2 Statistics

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Like i said, she’s a healbot, she still has amazing healing, hence the pickrate, and she is a very easy hero to pick up and is always needed in a team composition, so there’s the answer to her popularity. OWL players are 0.01% of the players, their data is irrelevant to the mass playerbase

  1. Effective Kit with consistent healing and damage boosting.

  2. Synergizes with a large portion of the roster making her very effective with many comps

  3. High mobile and has some of the best vertical mobility out of the healers (Look at the new maps of Junkertown and BlizzardWorld, lots of high levels that Mercy can easily GA too)

  4. Good sustain and isn’t rendered useless when hacked. Lucio loses his heal ability and Zen looses his shields.

  5. Rez is a CD ability.

… So if you agree that she is still good, then why would you want to change her?

“she lacks a hero moment”
“shes unfun”
“we miss must pick op mercy”

Etc etc

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She is not fun to play, people play games to have fun. The devs became hypocrites when they said they don’t want Mercy to hide and Rez, now that’s the only way to Rez successfully


Entirely subjective.

It’s not really hiding since you have to be right next to the character to revive.

If the OG Rez was so unfun, I’m sure your team getting obliterated by a Soldier/Genji/Reaper etc ult was a jolly good time.


INB4 Thread lock.

But still #RevertMercy


Give resurrect counterplay without letting it be cancelled in some way. Try it.
You lot have no idea how powerful resurrect in any form is.

Hence why I said “successfully”

This is a tricky situation.

Mercy is more bleached then she has ever been. She is fun to play against.

Thing is, some people don’t find her fun to play, but some do.

Fun is subjective, and should not be used as a foothold when balancing.

A lot of people find her fun, a lot don’t, not much you can really do.


That’s why it needs to be an Ult again instead of a CD ability

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So it’s impossible for Mercy to land off a res unless the character is in a secluded area?

Generally, yes. If not, you are a free pick to any DPS

On an ultimate how do you give it counterplay.

At this point I’d settle for reduced cast time during ult tbh I feel like they won’t ever give us an instant resurrect again even if it’s just for her ult

… it’s 1.75 seconds. Also, does your team never have any tanks or anyone to protect you?

Balance your teams ults around the enemy Mercy, bait it out and attack accordingly with the ults you have saved