[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

You CAN’T respond because your stance holds no water! You are either failing to recognize or intentionally ignoring the point that has been made. If hiding did not happen, then “Mercy ran off to hide and then rez” cannot be used as an excuse for having been a problem with mass rez.

I misread :stuck_out_tongue:

Wasn’t that what I just said? Why are you repeating me?

If you think I am repeating you, then you are missing the point the other poster made because I was explaining their view.

That’s why I play in stacks now because they want me, appreciate me being there, and I can trust them to have my back because I can’t protect it myself.

I’ll trade Rez on “E” for an ability that gives me some independence and Resurrect becomes an Ultimate exclusive ability because Rez should be earned, not given way.

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Of course, I would never find the ultimate broken. But I also never abused it in a way that people did. So yeah… I never thought it was broken. Often times when I went to try and go or a Mass Resurrect my whole team got turned around and smacked by the enemy team a second time.

Her counterplay was being smart which is something this game can’t handle being. There was room for counterplay. You had a full 2.25 seconds (After the buff to the duration) of time where the enemy was standing still to literally decide what you were going to do. If you dumbed 6 ultimates into a fight and didn’t decide to hit TAB and see that the enemy team had a Mercy then that was your fault.

Yes, it does. If Mercy is supposed to be the MAIN healer of the game why doesn’t she surpass Moira’s healing capabilities? Mine haven’t changed Before/After the rework in any way so what makes this rework a success in making her more of a main healer?

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No the other poster failed to use correct terms.

Okay last time.
Hiding did happen I never said it didn’t, it still does but its different now due to the reward payout.
Maybe my English isn’t good enough…
Further responses will be ignored, enjoy.

So you’re using semantics to “argue” a point? Nice.

Excuse me?

If I said “it isn’t meant to counter ultimates” and then you say “but DPS ultimates can outdamage through it”, what sense does that make?

But in reality, it does increase TTK on several ults giving more time for players to react and either get behind a cover or simply kill the ulting person.

For example, Death’s Blossom takes 54% more time to kill. Dragonblade takes 50% more time to kill. Visor takes 61% more time to kill. After earthshatter, it will instantly begin to heal shattered targets making it harder for rein to finish them off with a firestrike + swing.

But as I’ve said, the goal of it is not to counter ultimates. The goal of it is to give your team extra healing in situations when you’re either fighting on the point in a dry fight (no ults used) when your main healer is essentially impossible to kill without an ult or using it reactively to avoid death in a situation that otherwise would leave you dead or to use it to move through the choke to survive the long range spam that’s being thrown at the choke.

Semantics? I’m sorry you don’t know the correct terms and I should know you refered to something else?

But lets assume you did use the correct wording. She doesn’t need tweaks. She needs a rework. The problem isn’t balance related?

Hiding is okay now? That’s your response? “Mercy can run off and not heal her team because hiding is okay now even though everyone has been making the argument that Mercy ran off and let her team die and put her team at a disadvantage when she was off hiding. But that’s totally okay now because now hiding and not healing the team is fine.” Nice.

Putting words in my mouth. Nice.
I didn’t say its okay now either lol
Don’t assume things :slight_smile:
Last time a swear!

If what I said is what you said and I was explaining what the other poster was saying then yes, you are just arguing semantics. But have fun with your squabble. I was just trying to help the other poster.


You really are failing to see how what you are saying is destroying the arguments people have been using against mass rez’s existence.

You were trying and you failed.

How? I just pointed out that there was no reason for your confusion. You were agreeing with me who was agreeing with the other poster. Funny how that works, isn’t it? I’m so glad we cleared that up.

Ultimates are supposed to counter each other. That’s the point of an ultimate. ABILITIES are supposed to give time for your team to escape through sticky situations. ie. Defense Matrix Zarya Bubble Reinhardt shield Winston Barrier Ana sleep dart Anti nade + Healing buff Lucio Boop/Speed etc.

So D.va’s defence matrix ability has the ability to do that to Reapers ultimate without expending her ultimate so? So what’s the point in having abilities that are equally as impactful in saving your team as an ultimate is?

It doesn’t give you extra healing. If it did, this would be an entirely different story. But it doesn’t.

TwixSnickers’ novel length posts about heroes he literally never plays are the funniest thing on this board.

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Yes I thought so at first as well until you told me otherwise