[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

It’s like there is a giant thread where you could find all that in :open_mouth:

Ok you make a fair point. I would have taken any type of counterplay on Rez though, even something like Reaper’s soul eating preventing Resurrection or more odd like like the ragdolls of eliminated players having the souls tied to them so it was easier to deny her anything more than a 1 man rez.

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In your inital post, you literally say you are happy to have fewer things to worry about.

The simple fact that Mercy players at all skill levels rez the same number of people says there is something inherently wrong with her design. My information is from Omincmeta’s “Clipped Wings: Mercy Patch Change Analysis” where they reviewed all of the stats they have available on Mercy after her nerfs.

The thing is most players are not whining about her to be “ez mode again.” Before the nerfs, I thought she needed to be changed because she was OP and unfun. Now she needs to be changed because she is underwhelming and unfun. Her kit is poorly designed and contradicts itself; they gave a mobile healer mechanics that make her stop healing, slow down and stay in one place.

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Moira main now, an not happy about it. I LOVED Mercy 1.0, even when I died during Rez so long as I brought back key players. The rework, while thrilling to fly and pull off 2 instant Rezes, has been Nerfed so harshly it is unfun to play. I particularly dislike trying to Rez as an ability, I coined the term “Sniper Bait” because that is exactly what a person is who cannot move for 1.75 seconds in a fast paced game. Hopefully they will fix this soon, because even though I am getting good with Moira, she is not Mercy. But with the rework and subsequent Nerfing, neither is MERCY.


That’s not bad. Maybe 90 hps on your main and 30 for the chains?

Please get rid of E rez and put rez instant rez back in valkyrie. Make the ult fun again.

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The thing is, the entire argument I just made is exactly what I had said almost one year ago and is the entire heart of “#revertMercy”.

At this point though, it’s been said to death and it hasn’t mattered one single solitary bit. We all gave feedback and none of it mattered. We tried to work with the changes and tried to warn that Mercy 2.0 when it first hit PTR was OPAF and no one cared and felt it a better use of time to antagonize the Mercy players until they realized she was OPAF and said “holy crap, it’s OPAF, those bloody Mercys wanted this!”. When the slow casting was PTRed, we all gave feedback how it felt unfun and the people who didn’t want to play Mercy who were forced into it by her must pick status would HATE how she felt beyond belief and pin the whole thing on Mercy and Mercy players yet again, but again it was more important to antagonize Mercy players. Then non-Mercy players who were forced to play her started complaining that she’s completely unfun to play and that Mercy players who played her must be even more absolute trash than what we’re already used to being called in between profane slurs towards our existence because we totally controlled the flow of the rework that the developers had 100% control over.

Now we’ve got this abysmal mess of a rework that was completely unneeded when smaller changes would have absolutely fixed the issue, made the character wholely unfun for those of us that did enjoy playing her, caused such caustic toxicity towards everyone who plays Mercy and ruined game balance for half a year, a total of almost 35,000 posts about the issue, she is still not balanced but the issue is masked by the lack of options to fill her slot, and all while the the Devs are still refusing to acknowledge any of this stuff that we’ve been saying for just barely shy of 1 full year now since the problems with Mercy’s SR gain and the core of why hide and Rez was getting so boosted.

Support mains literally, I kid you not, LITERALLY compiled thousands of games worth of data in a freaking database, many of us Mercy players testing and trying and diligently documenting this stuff and tried our collective butts off to try to get Blizzard to fix the abusive hide & Rez behavior and address it. Many of us regularly advocated for the health of the game to have some form of counter built into Rez so it wasn’t the only inconsistency and so it would promote more active use of Rez instead of trying to get POTGs with a Mass Rez that didn’t help the team.

In the end though, Mercy players are still being called profane slurs and our basic humanity being attacked regularly in games about how trash and how much scum we all are for having the gall to have ever existed, how all of this is all of our faults even though we tried beyond tried to stop it before it happened while being outright ignored and while the answer was literally right in front of the dev team’s faces.

#revertMercy is about getting the devs to admit their fault in this rework that could have all been avoided if just once they had been arsed to engage with the community at any point in the entire last year building up to this point. Its about wanting them to own the mess that Mercy players are for some reason taking the blame for despite having less than zero influence on the matter.


I totally get what you mean… also loving how the so called Pro DPS are saying i’m terrible in QP and I’m like yeah I know XD… thats why I’m practicing and then they have no retort for that but to repeat themselves and look incredibly dumb for semi throwing on bad choices or one tricking one role and believe the whole world should revolve around them

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After winning about 500 SR with the new mercy, I’d like to share some points I came to understand:

  1. Her ultimate is only meaningful if the other team is not ulting. It can’t be used to mitigate damage enough to actually save a team mate from an enemy’s ultimate.
  2. She’s still viable only because her solo heal is consistent, but Moira’s heal per second is still higher, even as solo heal.
  3. Pulling a ress during a fight is generally a bad idea, because for the next second your team will lose the backup - and there’s a good chance another team mate will get killed in the mean time. Valk’s animation time also screws up in a similar way.
  4. Guaranteed resses are more often than not worthless. Most times the battles were won already.
  5. Considering what Valk’s current uses are, it takes way too much time to charge it, for it to actually be meaningful.

No ultimate nerf will ever be enough to actually make mercy unviable, even if you take it from her. However, that will never ever mean she’s balanced.

Here are my suggestions:

  1. Make ress instant.
  2. Rework valk into a Quickfix + Kritzkrieger.

It’s always great to have a thread where we can talk in circles and be ignored.

ily guys tho

Also Blizz, Mercy changes are butts, take a look at what you’ve done and clean up your mess. You can only hide under teaser hype and ptr patches for so long.


There are statistics which say that her current design is not good. The best Mercy world players say that too. A huge amount of Mercy players hate her current state with all their souls. Overbuff and other channels are advising Mercy players are leaving (maybe because they don’t like this version?)… It’s not a vocal minority. I’m glad that you find this current Mercy fine, but you are the minority.

Actually you don’t have to think anymore for almost anything. She only takes skill at her basics, nothing else. She must hide now always, not only if you wanted to. People don’t like being forced to hide. People want to think and feel like heroes. This current iteration is not a hero and contradicts herself, as it’s a mobile character whose abilities slow it down and it encourages bad game from everybody, as Mercy needs to hide and stop healing, and her teammates can play suicide knowing they have an undo button. She is just a flat healbot, and that’s not a good design. Maybe she is “fine” balance wise, but this design is not good in game and fun terms.


oh my, i dont know this exist, to top that, the reply is already huge, hello everyone, good luck with the new thread, I hope the dev going to consider something that’s written on this thread to made Mercy better.

occasionally popping in to give feedback or to rant initiated


Point 1… I agree with… Mercy ult isn’t strong enough to heal through a ultimate clash… Its used to stagger/stall/initiate a fight for pushing in or temporarily OP’ing the team

Point 2… Her consistent healing will always make Mercy a viable solo healer… Moira may HPS more but she isn’t as realiable as solo healer like Mercy.

Point 3 and 4… I agree with… the use of Res just seems undermining… and you are usually forcing the workload onto the sub healer and usually if you do res in a fight… its more or less a last ditch effort or a gamble.

Point 5… Usually… if the team is taking a fair amount of damage… you should gain ult within 1 engagement… if the team is really stomping it… then in about 2 engagements… usually in 30~40 seconds… Valk should be ready… around a minute if there isn’t much to heal.

If the sub healer is competing on healing, i.e a Moira… then that is the sole reason you are charging so slowly… Moira isn’t using her alternate fire and is stealing your resource.

Yeah, they started getting a LOT of Revert or Fix Mercy, so they rounded all of those threads up again, locking them in the process, and dumped us here. I really hope they do fix Mercy. It should be noticeable even to the developers by now that Mercy’s Pick Rate has now dropped BELOW pre-reworked Mercy. That says a LOT in their minds, since they based the Nerfs on Mercy due to her pickt-rate.


Thanks for wishes of luck, but we know we’ll be ignored. 5000+ replies on the last thread and nothing was said at all. It’s quite a bummer, but determination might get us somewhere. At this point I’d accept a response of any kind to all of this.

ily and have a good day


agree with every part of this

Thanks for the read. :smile:

I want old Mercy back.


As a Mercy main I think they are all fine.


Clearly you don’t play much Mercy anymore, you can’t “fly out of danger” when ulting- when flying you are simply fodder for any of the ranged heroes.