[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

I’ll quote the one from Medium:
"At the end of December I made a small post about the differences in “Mained Heroes” across different regions Top 500 in Season 7. Since it has been a little over two weeks since the Swiss Medic was nerfed, I thought it would be good to check in and see how the people at the top who main her are doing in Season 8. I took a snapshot of the players in NA Top 500 on January 15th, and then one again on February 15th to see how the Mercy & Junk nerfs effected things.

Tracer remained the most poplar, but Mercy jumped from #2 to #6 in Rank.
As you can see from the above chart, the nerf definitely shifted things around a bit. Mercy went from the 2nd most mained hero (79 players in Top 500) to the 6th most (35 in Top 500) — with more than half of the players who mained her in January dropping out of the Top 500 or switching to another hero. Additionally, Dva Winston, Roadhog and Reinhardt all saw significant jumps in ‘main count’ — likely due to tank comp being viable again. Junkrat, who was also nerfed between Jan 15 and Feb 15, saw a big falloff as well — from 11 mains in the Top 500 to 3 Mains in February.

To figure out what separated the Mercy’s who dropped out from those who stayed — we can look at what their second most played hero was. Over half of the Mercy mains in January had Zenyatta as their 2nd most played, but that number dipped quite a bit in February to about a third. Moira, Lucio, and Ana all saw significant increases as ‘second most played’ heroes for Mercy mains — suggesting that Mercy players who managed to pick up those healers did a better job staying in than those who stuck to their old ways."

Read post 321. It might give you some ideas.

#RevertMercy :rainbow_flag::dizzy:


I’m not saying this is a good idea but what if you get 5 res charges as an ult similar to mercy 1.0 but its separated. That way you get to pick and choose the slain.

Honestly, i’d prefer mercy earning reses rather than just getting them for free. Allows for higher skilled mercys to shine, and enemys to counterplay her.


Watching the OWL again for some of tonight to see how much Mercy is chosen in the matches. So far it’s mostly been Lucio, Zenyatta, and some Ana. Last night I only saw Mercy get used a few times mostly briefly, mainly damage boosting from what I observed but again I didn’t see the entire OWL due to time zone difference (United Kingdom).

The current Mercy doesn’t feel rewarding. It’s difficult to get on fire and the ultimate doesn’t feel like it has any impact worth boasting about.

EDIT: Mercy at last (Boink), was kept for the entire round (third round I think). But only for that one round it looks like :P.


Sounds like a rather situational pick and yeahs it like past midnight for us

Yes and because the problem of respawning out of it the cast time was removed for ease of use. A supposed Quality of Life change threw her whole balance out of wack for the most powerful move in a team based fps, resurrection.

When I quit playing Mercy, I went up 1,300 SR in 37 games. My win rate was at 77% on supports in general up from 60% on just Mercy. I’m having less fun than I was when I played Mercy because comparatively to the strategy that you COULD do as Mercy, the strategy that you ACTUALLY do on other supports is less. Huge Rez was integral to that because with it I was target #1, without it I’m just that annoying moth that can do literally nothing and that no one cares about. Because that fun and manipulative play style was stripped away and I can’t really get the same level of it on anyone else, I quit playing the game. I’m an obsessive completionist too, so quitting before I have gotten everything is still causing me distress, but the game has become so incredibly unfun that I’d rather deal with daily neurotic obsessive distress than play the game anymore. That should speak volumes.

I played Mercy aggressively and actively used her to abuse ult economy and abuse my status as priority 1 to juke and bait enemy ults and bait flankers to “come at meh bruh” until they gave into temptation and figured out my accuracy is across the board in the top percentages (top 6% on Ana, top 3% on Zen, top 1/3 of 1% on Mercy) and learned the hard way why my battle Mercy stats were so high. I’d soak up about 12 ults per game most of which ended up being wasted. That’s 12 less ults that hit my team, meaning far fewer kills for the enemy team. Even though I tempo rezed, and even though I gold heal carded every match, and even though even the enemy team was impressed and complimented my game play, the SR system gave me abysmal SR rewards. I’d get maybe 19SR per match for a win and lose about 36SR per loss.

I was steadily going down in rank but I was having a freaking blast doing it. Then came Valk. I press Q then put a potato on my mouse while I feed the cat. It’s still going when I get back, and it makes no difference if I did that or sat at the desk. Non-Mercy players don’t care about this because they want Mercy and all her player base gone. It’s extremely evident by the way things have gone, and the Devs have made it clear they are absolutely going to oblige and murder Mercy.

She’s so unimpactful that it would take 3 of her to equal the second next lowest impact character in the game, or it would take 4 to 5 Mercys to equal one DPS or tank. The real cost though is not that Mercy got destroyed or that portion of the player base is leaving. Yea, that’s going to hurt the game’s longevity but the real problem is that this type of butchering a player to satiate OWL is now being normalized. Hanzo, Sombra, and Sym are next in line to be murdered, and if the Mercy rework and the developer team’s complete refusal to engage the community in a meaningful way after 7 mega threads with roughly 35,000 posts and 6 months of game ruining imbalance following the botched rework, then we’re all truly hopelessly boned.

#revertMercy not because 1.0 was perfect, but because it admits the rework as it was done was a mistake. Mercy hide and Rez, and the frustrating effect of mass Rez that you couldn’t do anything about would have been 100% eliminated if they simply added a counter into Rez that allowed players to prevent it from completing in order to give it counterplay, and if they removed performance based SR that over rewarded only having massive Rez counts.

I could have eaten a can of alphabet soup and crapped a better balance proposal than the rework we got, and I only did 2 classes on game balance and a couple of very small scale game designs.


What do you guys think about her changes? I’m curious to see what people have to say.

You can find all the thoughts in a sticky post at the top of the general forum.

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When I see her on my team I have no problems with it because she’s not over nerfed, but I don’t cringe anymore when I see her every game due to her being a must pick.

So to me, she’s in a good spot.


Mercy main here. I love her changes. She doesn’t feel oppressive and I am no longer annoyed fighting an enemy Mercy. You have to know who and when to res, where to place yourself, and without the worry of a double instant res during Valk I can now just focus on healing/amping my team while positioning myself in the air to distract firepower from the team or heal from cover.


It was long overdue, and I’m glad the game is playable again

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It’s a load of crap leaving Mercy the most boring she’s ever been
Blizz give me back the original UP mercy, I’d like to enjoy playing the hero I fell in love with during the healer draughht thanks.


While I agree she needed the changes I still think she’s about as interesting as a brick when it comes to playing. I guess not all heroes can be entertaining…currently, she’s a fine example of that.


It depends on your team comp in regards to whether or not you should play her. I still pull off amazing rezzes, get great heals and have high damage amplified. She’s still good, her ult is no longer extremely game changing to the point where you needed to play Mercy to win.

I enjoy it. She takes more skill, more positioning awareness, which is healthy.


I stopped caring about what the nerfs were, every time after the rework everyone’s opinion got so bad I’d just say “oh well” to everything and play her anyways. My opinion also was more attacked other than a more peaceful disagreeing discussion.

Basically I don’t care, they don’t really affect me although I have my opinions.

Really? It’s a month later, there’s a stickied post on the subject and there were several thousands of responses on the topic on the previous forums…

If this is not a troll thread then I don’t know what is. Just go to the stickied post with feedback on the Mercy changes on the top of these forums and read the thousands of responses there…


You seem to like the Mercy nerfs because she is easier to play and there are fewer decisions you need to actively make. This is what most Mercy players hate about her current state.

Mercy’s skill gap has become so small that Mercy players at all skill levels rez around the same number of people per game. Higher level players should get more use out of their abilities but this does not happen anymore on Mercy. She needs to be looked at.


You seem to be making assumptions of what I think. It was easier to ult and res two people instantly, which isn’t the case anymore. Now you have to know who and when to res, and when it is on cool down be smart about your positioning so you can be there when the ability is up again. I don’t know where you get your facts and figures about most Mercy players but if it’s from the threads here I feel that’s just the vocal minority.

There is more to Mercy than the amount of res you pull in a game. Staying alive, keeping your team up, and pushing with damage amp all point to skill. I’ve seen plenty of Mercy’s not abuse their Guardian Angel to fly all over the map and avoid being hit. I think the people whining just need to adapt to her new play style and stop wanting her to be ez mode again.