[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Someone recently suggested a NEW Hero who has the backstory of being Mercy’s apprentice. This Hero would have Mercy’s current kit and Ult and Rez on a cool-down, and the release of such a Hero would allow Mercy to go back to having Rez as an Ult with a PROPER “E” ability (Valkyrie or something else). This would allow people who like current Mercy a Hero they can play that they like, and allow the rest of us OUR Mercy back. Of course, this would do a couple of things:

  1. Allow Jeff and the developers to “Save Face” by saying something along the lines of “While we think the Mercy Rework is a total success, we have decided to go another rout with her.”
  • Allows developers to admit nothing, such as how bad the Rework actually was for the game.
  • Many people complained that Mercy needed Rez as an Ultimate again
  • Others enjoyed current Mercy’s kit
  • This allows both types of players to enjoy both versions of Mercy
  • Says that Overwatch is for EVERYONE, not just the 1% of the player base of the Pros and Top 500 players WITHOUT admitting that they screwed up totally with the Rework (in mine and many other people’s opinion).
  1. It also reversed the bad precedence of removing one of Mercy’s 3 key pillars, Rez taken away from Mercy because the current mess is not working and:
  • It reinstates 1 of the 3 counters to people using Team Wiping Ultimates by putting Rez BACK where it belongs.
  • Adds another Support Healer to the roister allowing more diversity.
  1. Also shows that Overwatch did not limit itself to it’s original design of having ONLY a certain amount of heroes. It originally was designed to have so many many Heroes as an upper limit. But with adding another Hero that they never intended to have in the first place this:
  • Allows them to continue releasing the Heroes they already had planned to Release, in whatever order they had wanted to release them.
  • Sets a precedent that Overwatch is not limited to a set amount of Heroes.
  • Also sets a precedent that if they happen to mess up this badly on a Rework of another Hero, they have an easy out for the people who liked the Original version AND the Reworked Version. For instance, the eventual REMOVAL of Hanzo’s “Scatter” arrows. They may find out that doing that totally ticks off people who enjoyed it but now there is a division of people who like Hanzo WITH and WITHOUT “Scatter”. Once again allowing them to “Save Face”.
  • Since the coding for the Original and the Reworked Mercy has already been done, the work on those abilities would NOT be going to waste because the New Hero would already have the coding without them having to go back to the drawing board to create the new Hero.

This is about the only way to “FIX” things for 98% of the people who dislike the Reworked version of Mercy. For the others who do not like the idea of ANY Hero having the ability to “Undo all my Hard Work”, there are many MANY different ideas already presented to counter “Huge Rez” already in this thread. My personal favorites are:

  • MODIFIED LoS where walls will prevent Rez but signs and payload will not.
    - People do NOT have to Die before Mercy can use Rez because any Hero who is within range gets a healing boost back to full health, or in D.Va case (or other heroes who may come out in later expansions) Resets her Mech cool-down allowing her to get back into her Mech. This gets rid of one of the incentives for “Hide and Rez” since all the Heroes on her team do not have to Die before they are back to full health.
  • 1 second cast time, to allow people who cannot seem to be able to “Just kill Mercy” time to actually KILL Mercy.
  • Rez AFTER cast time, like we have now, but with Reduced Damage during casting and shortly after (say 1 second or so) so that Mercy has a better chance of surviving Rezing teammates. There is no guarantee that she will survive the attempt, but she would no longer be invulnerable.
  • An get rid of that dang slowing down of Mercy AFTER she casts so that she can either start healing OR go Battle Mercy.
    - SR Gain for pulling off a 4 to 5 man “Huge Rez” fixed, removing permanently the SR Exploit and thus removing one of the incentives of “Hide and Rez”.

With the INCENTIVE of having to let their entire team “Die on Point”, but instead be brought back to full health if they are within casting range (or get back into their Mech in D.Va’s case), this will undo a LOT of the “Mercy Hate” and toxicity that “Hide and Rez” brought to the game. Even though many of the DPS have and still USE Hiding to help their team win (Looking at you Reaper, McCree, Soldier 76).


Zen… can’t save his team from graviton combos…

Have you SEEN clips of a transcendence in a zarya combo?



If Moira did that to Mercy, it would constitute the biggest drop in pick rate due to a hero’s release in the game’s history.

And not to mention the thousands upon thousands of posts still accruing in threads like this.

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Combo ult. Not a single ult. Combo. Focus fire

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…or perhaps they (and the rest of the Overwatch community that doesn’t main Mercy) actually feel Mercy is fine now.

Hi there! :smiley:

That would leave 2 heroes with similar kits (res, focus on healing over damage, Guardian Angel). No thanks, if Blizz are putting time in to making a new hero, especially in the support role it will be a unique, new hero not something to appease 'Mercy mains.

…or, like players of the other 26 heroes in Overwatch. You could accept that balance and changes will happen over time and accept it and move on.

Great to see you by the way! :slight_smile:

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So… Lucio can’t beat-drop a Tracer bomb + a Zarya grav? Lucio can’t beat drop against a Rein shatter + RIP Tire? I’m confused? We playing the same game?


She also had healthy pick and winrates before the rework and considering pros only use her for the damage boost theres a 99.9% chance theyd still play it after a revert


So is the other members of the team standing there just being useless? Ok lol. Sound barrier will not save from combo ults plus focus fire

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Still confused? You are saying it can’t when it clearly has the power to do that? You are putting “What if” statements in your argument.

Mercy puts everyone in an invulnerability state unable to move for 2.25 seconds. If your team can’t wrap their brains around the situation and come up with a plan that was surely the fault of the enemy team.

“A well-executed ultimate” would’ve secured everyone now wouldn’t it have? You have the knowledge from pushing TAB that the enemy team has a Mercy. So that would be the fault of you for not taking that into account in the first place. As you climb the ranks you will understand that people won’t use every ultimate all at once. People will save a couple ultimates here and there to make sure they have something for the next fight to have an advantage.

I’m going to add a “what if” statement as well.

What if Mercy flew in got a 5 Man Resurrect and the enemy Reinhardt saved his shatter for Mercy’s arrival and pushed Q knocking everyone and this time getting a teamwipe instead of a 5 man kill.


To be completely honest, from a logical standpoint mercys pickrate shouldnt see much fluctuation even is 1000 mercy mains quit playing her. She is still the easiest / most reliable sustain heal. As support mains play less / play different characters or roles, more dps and tank mains will have to fill. She is the easiest hero to pick up so many of them will be filling mercy as a main healer support. The alternatives are moira who has a resource and who still many people play as a dps flanker and ana who still has difficulties with dive.


No ones adding what ifs lmao. What I said was factual. No one is talking about using all the ults I’m saying a combo of 2. Sound barrier isn’t gonna save you from riptire or Dva bomb if you’re caught in a grav lol. You know this.

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Lucio’s ultimate blocks 500 damage through shielding.

So for a squishy with 200HP, that’s a total of 700 health.

Tracer’s bomb does 400DPS

Junkrat’s Tire does 60-600 DPS

McCree ultimate does 250 damage in 1 second

So yes he has the potential to save his team from certain ultimates. Where Mercy had the potential to save her team from the ones that he couldn’t. So are we allowing ultimates in the game to not be countered?

Edit: Can we start complaining that Roadhog can push 1 button and counter EVERY ultimate damage on himself?

Can we complain that D.va has an ability where she can eat any ultimate thrown at her?

Can we complain that Genji can deflect an ultimate with an ability?


How do you counter mass Rez. Dont say kill her before she uses it cause she’ll still have the ult.

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You counter her ultimate with another ultimate. The way the game should be played.


Just like Macster said

Had a nice 5 man “Huge Rez” after running back from Spawn, it was BEAUTIFUL. A SMART Tracer had kept their Pulse Bomb in reserve, turning my “Huge Rez” into a “TEAM KILL”. There was ALWAYS counters to Mercy, you just had to be smart an plan for it.


That’s not an actual answer lmao.
Counter as in actually prevent the ult from doing its job.

You can counter coalescence with cc
Same with Lúcio
Zens can be countered by charge and primal rage. Also anti nade
Genji is countered by trans and barrier

So again, what’s mass rez counter?

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You go on like we don’t know that it didn’t have counterplay, my friend.


Give it a read if you would like some answers.


All those complains already present:

  • D.va: matrix nerfed, she can’t absorb ultimate that isn’t instant;
  • Roadhog: still remains like that, since he has no other way to tank ultimate;
  • Genji: still can do it, because playing favorites;
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Actually she counters Pharah and Reaper and those aren’t instant! :smiley:

Edit: And Soldier and Hog :smiley:

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She reduces their impact: 2 seconds is less than ultimate itself lasts, Death Blossom is 3 seconds, just like Barrage.