Tbh, if they still leave her at this state, I’ll continue to be shooting more and healing less. It’s not game-changing like Mass-Rez, but eliminations will maybe help getting a point, diving that Zenyatta is easy as Mercy, punishing low health enemies is a yes for me.
Don’t get me wrong, Mercy as a whole is still a powerhouse; but ultimately her kit is a lot less satisfying to use and she’s become a lot less enjoyable.
She doesn’t need a buff. She needs either:
- Another rework
Or - Some moderate tweaks
Mercy is balanced, is still being played a lot, has received the most balancing changes out of any hero, and a rework of her ENTIRE kit, including the inclusion of a popular bug as a feature.
Please leave Mercy alone, ty. She has been soaking up an unreal amount of development time, and she is in a very balanced state now. Get the Symm rework out, get Ana out of the gutter. Mercy is not owed anything.
As someone else has already stated, if we don’t continue to talk about Mercy she’ll be left in this bland, poorly designed state.
It’s not good enough to say “oh she’s balanced, we’re done”. That’s lazy and an injustice to people who used to enjoy Mercy prior to the rework.
You may also recall, this is Symmetra’s second rework… when you don’t fix a hero properly you have to come back and do it all again anyway. Why make the same mistake again?
Ok, revert her entirely and give the rez ult a 1.5 sec cast time. Done.
Her using up a lot of development time is the fault of the dev team. It’s not like we asked for the rework. And I have no idea how it took six months to balance her after putting a crazy version of her live. It was all around just a really bad idea.
just going to leave this here.
So you’re throwing. Well that’s good. Don’t bother playing another hero, just throw on the hero you don’t like.
I dunno, you get unlimited ammo in Valk, I’d say it’s a waste if you ignore it.
Mercy is a healer, not a DPS. Her primary role is healing and then damage boosting.
Pulling out the pistol is last resort; it should be ignored for the most part.
Nerf the Duration/buff the power
By a factor of 100% on both accounts, then Valk will be a fun ulti and still be balanced.
I like your thinking. They never did remove that unlimited ammo, of all of the reverted changes.
I’m pretty darn sure they were joking.
Nope! And yeah I’m not being 100% serious but I have found if you have a willing 2nd healer to heal when you pull out Valk you can take out the snipers or a Pharah.
At least in Arcades where people can get a bit too try-hard for loot boxes. Dorado on attack is my favorite since there are several sniping perches and high landing spots.
Once they are taken out I return to my healer role. Probably not what Blizz had in mind but it’s how I get my fulfillment from Valk.
Back before the removal of instant rez with Valk, one of my POTGs was me rezzing like two people and then going after the Hanzo. It really was pretty fun.
Oh, and there was a time in comp where the POTG wasn’t our Dva getting a quad kill after our team all but died in grav. No, it was me killing the ulting Junkrat while Valking. Good times. (The quad kill was in the POTG playback too )
Late to respond to this particular post but many suggestions have been made throughout this thread and the other threads.
Personally, they should revert back to her original resurrect, short cast time with no invulnerability. Replace invulnerability with a flat damage reduction or health regeneration that cannot be interrupted. The cast time would supply the counter play people seek. They could introduce a new ability that would fill the slot of her current resurrect ability.
Mass resurrect was not over powered, it was never over powered. Pro players did not play her in tournaments and high ranking players considered her a joke, a troll pick. She didn’t become a must pick until they introduced this re-worked version of Mercy.
More threads are just getting dumped into the MegaThread so beware this one is probably next.
This one has served it’s purpose…
If it does get dumped into the mega thread it won’t matter too much.
I’d have to agree with you. I don’t personally understand how people can feel that Mercy is boring. If you’re finding her boring chances are your teammates are supporting you very well.
I love the bobbing and weaving and positioning knowledge good Mercy game play requires.
Welp my most recent thread lasted longer then normal, go figure