Bastion may not have been hit as hard with the Nerf Bat, But he also has a Super Small Playerbase…
I would Rejoice upon hearing about a “Revert” For Either one!
In my most true of beliefs, Removing a Character Defining ability Is just wrong. In a Lore Sense, In a Gameplay Sense… All around…
They gave us this story, We loved it, And now we must Fight to Keep it.
I feel somewhat inspired by Titanium’s posts, along with everyone else’s - I might write an, albeit smaller, essay regarding thoughts towards Mercy. I’ll have to put in the stats from my Mercy survey that I admittedly forgot about…
Removing a bad playstyle from the game is not a punishment. Mercy got maximum value for being the last one alive, something that inherently incentivized a certain level of hiding. It was a fundamental flaw with her design, so it was changed.
All of that she had before rework. She is boring, because her ultimate isn’t making any difference for team - you are just as good support, as you are without ultimate.
So, best choice of action is to use that ultimate to fly away from danger, or go battle Mercy, not supporting your team.
Tempo rezzing was just as common, I’m pretty sure. Lots of high level players recommend it. Now, I know current Mercy can also tempo rez, but it’s like you’re given it for free…
I get what you mean though.
It was a fundemental flaw in the SR system. Using hide n rez was actually detrimental to your team and your chances of winning, which is why you saw sr abusers at gm with negative win rates.
Mercies who play to win didn’t use hide n rez.
Massive +1. Said things I didn’t realize were a big deal, and you reminded me of those. Thank you.
This kind of thinking comes from An Inherently Flawed Point of View.
I mostly always saw Rez being used as a Clutch Momentum Play… But, It must be Said.
When a Mercy DID Get a Rare Huge Rez, It. Was. Beautiful.
Way harder to Pull off than any “Skill shot” Or Gengu Ability…
I’m looking at you, Dragon Blade.
That’s how you fix SR system: you rework heroes, that can abuse it.
A mercy topic I was typing in got locked as I was responding, so…
“I do believe that the devs aren’t done yet - something is going to happen to her in a few months. Hopefully it’s a good choice.”
How is our feedback appreciated when we don’t get a response or any acknowledgement for that matter. Please, Dev team it’s time to respond to this thread we as Mercy players aren’t having any fun anymore. I’m not having any fun with the hero that actually brought me to your game. You can see the influx of comments that some people are just not happy with what you reworked Mercy into being. Please just acknowledge us and show us that you are still reading. We need a bone thrown to us to show us that you care.
Blizz let me @ the devs you COWARDS
(this is mostly a joke )
edit: if you look in the related threads to the first post on this one, there’s an overwhelming amount of people unhappy with the rework…
I’ve been playing a lot of Vs AI lately. And I watch as the entire team gets “on fire” except for Mercy. Every game.
So, I’ve returned to sometimes playing her. And I’ve tried to see what it takes to get “on fire” with her. It always requires that I go Battle-Mercy.
But the point, in regards to what I quoted from you, is this: when I pop Valkyrie, if I don’t immediately put massive distance in, I get shot down by McCree or Soldier or a burst shot from Zen. (and they’re not even head-shots) The AI knows to target the giant glowing thing yelling out “I will watch over you”. If the AI knows to target her, and can take her down with body shots, how hard is she to kill in Valkyrie really.
You seriously think so? I don’t find that at all.
In Valk form you can heal or damage boost everyone who is grouped together. You can also do it from an extreme range. Your movement freedom is increased many times. You become so difficult to hit, even with hitscan. Hell I’ve had people switch to an aimbot champ just to counter me in Valk.
Valk to me is so powerful that I can use it to encourage my team to go on the offense and take a point. 5 people moving together as one onto an objective each being healed or damage boosted is no joke.
Do you not play her that way?
I don’t know why, but I don’t think playing vs AI is the best way to determine the viability of heroes.
No, for simple reason: ultimates. No one bothers to hit Mercy, when they can kill her teammates. And having teammates that close to each other is invite for graviton combos, or simple rip-tire, which I can’t prevent.
If teammates don’t need healing, you are already winning: your ultimate just makes it happen a bit faster, by boosting damage.
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Maybe you’re playing at a way higher SR average than me. The highest I got was mid-diamond. But I’ve found that to be pretty rare that anyone even dies when I’m in Valk. I mean it happens, people die when you’re healing them. But a lot of that is due to enemy skill or poor gameplay on your teammates part. Not everyone can be saved.
With mass resurrect, you could save everyone, it was up to your own skills. Now it’s completely your teammate’s skills, not yours.
It’s like healing Genji during his ult: you are helping, but it’s still Genji’s responsibility to not get hit by anything too powerful.
My team has died during Valkyrie and I’ve played in T500/GM/Masters games. There is nothing in Valkyrie that says to the enemy “Hey look I have an ultimate too!”
But surely you don’t believe that Mercy should be able to save poor skilled teammates no matter how bad their play is.
Zarya’s grav is meant to punish groups of people together. That’s her thing. Maybe playing Mercy when the enemy has a good Zarya is not wise. Or perhaps you should not Valk when you think Zarya will shoot a grav ult.