[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

her core hasnt changed and she gained rez as a ability. which before she had none. and playing her before was boring. i dont find hiding and pressing Q that fun. at least in valk you can fly around and be more into the match.

you act as if mercy’s ult is powerful lol

The amount of times I’ve watched my team die during Valkyrie and just flew back to spawn or point B on 2cp lmao


I think she’s fun and fine.

I have Literally never personally seen this in all my time playing. :upside_down_face:

Unless you give me constructive counter-points to my argument, I can’t really respond to that :confused: Idk what to say, other then we must share different opinions.

I would love that! ^-^

Her core was Huge Rez, buddy. And they could’ve easily given her an e ability and tweaked the ultimate. She didn’t need a whole rework.


Agreed. But she is not only unfun, she, atleast to me, feels like she has no impact in the game - Specifically in her Ultimate.

I don’t know, I could be alone in this, but every time I use Valkyrie, the feeling comes off to me as “meh, oh cool I can heal 3 people instead of just one now, that’s nice.” No one treats my ult any differently, no one ever needs to prepare for it, no one cares. I would say that I actually get focused down LESS when I ult then when I attempt to res every 30 seconds. The general consensus on the enemy team must be just the same as mine: “oh there’s mercy trying to make herself important again, we’ll just ignore it, there’s not like she’s actually going to change the outcome of this round.” It’s quite sad.

I suppose that’s why they’re atleast trying to give back her old voiceline. She’s been so bland and unrewarding to play now a days that even the devs are scrambling to give mercy players something stimulating while playing her to let them know that they haven’t completely regretted picking her. They know that playing her is more of a punishment then fun, and want us to like Valkyrie so badly, knowing that no one ever wanted it to begin with, instead of just swallowing their pride and going back to what worked.

Here’s a crazy idea, let’s make mercy fun again, when she had true and fair balance. Let’s switch her Ultimate to an E move, and bring back Mass resurrect, then give her balance checks like Line of Sight and vulnerability during the res. Let’s go back before she was forced upon the meta, dominating it, then being destroyed with a wave of hard nerfs and tossed aside.

I say, we’ve tried the rework and jumped through their hoops. And through it all, the rework has been a huge failure, and the data proves it… It’s time to go back to where she wasn’t broken in the first place.

Alot of us really appreciate that they are bringing back the voiceline, but it’s not nearly enough to fix her current problem… How about they bring back all the hours of fun we’ve had playing the hero BEFORE she was a must-pick S-tier mess, and we’re more than happy to compromise with the balancing that comes with it. We want a revert.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Hehe, awesome! ^.^ <3

Mass-rez was over in an instant (and not all did the hide and rez thing, I never did but I was yelled at by DPS players sometimes because I didn’t). Valkyrie is an unengaging “press spacebar and hold a mouse-button” steaming pile of garbage that takes several seconds out of my enjoyment. Guardian angel and zipping around between my team-members is where the fun is at. Just free flying is extremely boring and unengaging.

Her “core” as a healer has not changed. Her play-style has changed significantly. Without instant rez you can no longer reliably play and engage in the front-lines, because if the person you are healing dies, then you stand a high risk of dying as well. The current Mercy is the least engaging Mercy we have ever had. To manage the risk and maximize your survivability you end up having to heal from the backlines… and that is extremely boring.

Also, you have like 2 hours of Mercy time…


Exactly. Well said, there.

Really tho, If they don’t give Mercy her Character Back, Wars will be fought over this in the future.

Just revert it, Blizz. ^,~ We are all waiting.

It is now 2075, The trenches are horrid…
I was asked by a young soldier why we are still fighting…
I told him: For Mercy, kid… For Mercy…

The Gaming Wars of 2075.

In the year 2074, i will be 76 years old… I just hope i sound like him by then.

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Nice. lol

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That goes back to my initial point of not conveying well enough to the player how impactful what she is doing actually is. More visual our even audio indicators to make her impact more established.

Once again, as for the argument of it feels, or how fun she is;
Its difficult to gauge that community-wide as it is very subjective.

I am hard-pressed to disagree that she is generally less exciting to play, and I certainly won’t disagree that she is (in terms of semantics) far less “rewarding” to play.

But Mercy is “balanced” right now. Even if thats not optimal, she is in a good place in terms of where she is on the food-chain. Fun aside. I would much prefer her to be balanced and unfun for the time being, then too powerful, or too weak.

I feel like that shouldn’t be the case for any hero, I think it’s kind of sad that the only use that McCree mains find in their ult is to reload their gun.

Not to take away from your point, but Moira can do the same thing with her ult, and that does damage too

I guess you were right. We’ll just agree to disagree then.

Moira can most definitely not out-heal the concentrated damage of a successful Grav with Coalescence. I apologize if that comes off as dismissive.

I got Play of the game for it, but okay

And thats okay! I hope that doesn’t make you think I don’t still want to continue the discussion. I am open to an opposing mindset. I suppose I was just trying to establish we have very different perspectives.