[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Before this thread gets locked and moved to the megathread, which at this point we all now is getting ignored… I’ll reiterate my thoughts on the current state of Mercy.

The old Mercy had the potential to save her team from the brink of death with her ult; however it’s did have counterplay in two forms originally they were killing the Mercy as she flew in to ress or managing your ults Via ult economy. Now in the lower ranks ult economy is pretty much non existent and most didn’t really have well enough aim or ample time to kill the Mercy.

Now when they added the invulnerability they removed one of the counters, therefore making it seem uncounterable due to people not managing their ults. When they did the rework they removed mass ressurect and in doing so Mercy lost her most fun aspect, which was the constant mind games that were there when using her ult. It used to be where you had to keep track of enemy ults and weigh the odds of trying to get that mass ress of 4 or 5, or just ress 2 to keep your tempo. Of course this isn’t mentioning your team’s positions or their ults, but all of this is what you had to consider with the old ress.

Now it’s just is it safe to ress this guy and will my team be okay without heals for 2 seconds, which let’s face it this is counterintuitive to get original design as a mobile healer.


If an Ultimate isn’t “game changing” then it shouldn’t be called an “Ultimate”. It should be called an E Ability. My opinion.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


so your telling me the mercy where everyone hid and pressed q was more engaging then the one where it makes you actually play the character. and you know you can guardian angel and go zipping around while in valk. and the insta rez was bs. how can you look at that and say thats a balanced ability. and when i say her playstyle hasnt change i mean her pre rework and now. that that op bs mercy we had that made her a must pick.

Exactly. ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍

hahaha guess you playing with bad Mercy’s. In a team fight if Mercy pops Valk that’s 15 seconds of extra damage and heals by several of your team mates. It can have a strong impact if used correctly.

oh no, its just that its 4:38AM right now and i wanna sleep lol. please add me tho!

That is just playing semantics.
It could be called “Flarfinoof”.

  • "My Flarfinoof is ready!"

My point was just that, not every Ultimate exists to serve the purpose of forcing a team-fight victory. Some serve their purpose of assisting their team through less-impactful means.

The side-effect of moving Mercy’s Ult from high-impact, to a low-impact, is that its inevitably going to maker Mercy less excited, and feel less rewarding. Which is lame :confused:

But I am just saying that, not every Ultimate is supposed to be “game-changing”. Not in my experience I should say.

no her core is survivability. if her core was the huge rez, then she will be pretty useless healer till she ults. which blizzard doesnt want. and the hugh rez pretty much sucked at higher levels. and if she was the same as she was back then, she will get even less pro play time then she does now.

Hide and ress was ultimately ineffective due to multiple reasons, but I’m only going to name two here. There first was that when your Mercy was hiding it’s a 5v6 and more than likely the enemy probably didn’t need ults to win that fight so when the Mercy uses ress the enemy more than likely had the ult advantage to just wipe them again. The second reason was simply a position advantage that the opposing team had compared to the Mercy.

I’ll say it again valk when compared to the old ress has lost pretty much all of the mind games that Mercy had. So that hurts her fun aspect for many.


I like this idea, as the other supports seem to card often for their ultimates.

I personally think she’s fine but perhaps Mercy mains ‘perceive’ they’re not being effective, as a few of you have stated because of the lack of recognition via cards for her ult use? :thinking:

I think Mercys ult could definetly use some tweaks, like maybe one instant res while using valk. And make valk deal more damage and healing. Let’s not tweak her to much though. I don’t want her op again😁

She needs to feel more impactful and fun, that’s all👍

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That is precisely my point. Mercy is a very powerful asset to her team.

But speaking as both her teammate, and as Mercy herself, its difficult to even tell how effective you’re being.

Ahhhh, okay! My PSN ID is not the same as my Blizzard one, so it will look a little different but will do! :blush:

If you thought a hero was fun only because of their ult, I’m more convinced you really didn’t find the hero all that fun in the first place.

Just move on and find a hero you actually like, and not a gimmick.

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Except, it’s not.

Ultimates have always been seen by the team as abilities that “turn the tide of the battle” in some sort of way, that’s pretty much been how it was since launch. Are some Ultimates better than others? Sure. But regardless they all do something that should be both special to that hero, and powerful against the enemy team. Your hero’s trump card, if you will.

Every hero has some sort of Ultimate that gives their team a huge advantage. Even Ults like Orisa and Widow give your team way powerful advantages that they wouldn’t otherwise have without them (seeing through walls or huge damage boosts to all team members? Pretty impactful). Mercy’s Ultimate does none of that, and is a laughable shell of it’s former self. Heal 3 people instead of one but you heal and damage boost exactly the same, oh but lelz have some flight? “Impactiful” “Magical” “Huge success” “Jazz hands”.

Ultimates should be the main course of your strategy and give you a sense of accomplishment for enduring the smackdown from the enemy team. It should be your chance to shine and show your team that “we can still win this!” It’s the reason why there’s a thing called “ult charge” to begin with, and why it requires that you build it up, instead of just being on a cooldown - you are working towards a reward to change the battle in your favor. Mercy’s current Ultimate does none of that, unless you consider indifference, eye-rolling, and deep sighs from yourself and everyone else everytime you use it as “impactful”.

That’s kind of why I think that Mercy 1.0 with her mass res would be a great solution. It was more on the level of the ultimates of the other heroes, while still not being crazy enough to bounce her into a must pick dominating monster for 5 months. Should she be invincible during ult? No. Should she res through walls? No. But changing those few things could have been easy fixes in my opinion over a complete rework. A few tweaks to Mass res and it would have been just fine, but of course, they gave in to the pressure of the “hide and seek meta” controversy and totally changed her instead of ignoring it an tweaking her properly, and she’s worse off now than she has been before the rework.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Yes, Mercys ult needs to be more impactful.

Not sure how🤔. It at least needs to heal more, that’s for sure.

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What about taking the 60HPS chain and dividing it between people if you’re not chaining to your whole team, like a HPS pool instead of a fixed amount? Healing less people would heal them for slightly more.

I think they’re trying to retort with the same reason she was nerfed, it was ‘unfun’ to play against.

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Everything is “Unfun” to play against, if those people on the losing side decide to complain about it. :upside_down_face:

I got 360 oneshot by a falling widow. Pls nerf, is unfun.

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How would I describe it? As someone with a Mercy(Support) Main as an alt account?

Her pistol, fun.
Her ult, fun.
Her general gameplay, fun.

All of which is heavily impactful.

In general? Fun.

Inb4 “oh but that’s rare to enjoy Mercy”, no, we’re just not vocal about it because this ended a long time ago. Stop. Just, stop.