[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Since Overwatch community hated the fact that the old Mercy Ult didn’t have a direct counter play, what about making Rez as an ultimate again but in different style. Like Genji play style. When she uses her “Rez ultimate” she gains movement speed and turns like in Valkyrie form but instead of chain healing and flight, she can Rez dead teammates one by one ( No Cast time ) and every time she Rezes, her Guardian Angel ability resets ( Like Genji’s dash every kill resets it ). And her ult lasts for 7 to 9 seconds. Any ideas? At least that would be a much better ultimate than the current one. And adds a counter play to it.


I like this idea a lot. I would just add the cap of resses to 5.

One reason would be to avoid constant resurections for the duration of ult which could in some cases go up to 7 or more. Second thing is to give enemies a clear number to count.

Kinda the same way you dance around Hog as Mercy counting shots and then become the incarnation of BM by ressing someone in his face while he’s reloading.

Again - it sounds really good so far :ok_hand:.

Isn’t it what we had at the start of Mercy 2.0? She could resurrect 4 players in total, with Valkyrie.

Well, without flight and chains basically. Restricting her enough.
Plus there is the thing that enemies know exactly where you need to fly to res, which is a huge giveaway.

Not really. Mercy 2.0 was difficult to kill with her flight, movement speed, on top of that she could rez 4 times with a 20 seconds ultimate duration. The one I mentioned is kind of like the old Rez but in a different play style. No Chain healing/Damage boosting, no flight and a much shorter ultimate duration.

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Wait this actually sounds really cool, I can just imagine playing it. Only problem, it would be unbelievably powerful or problematic. I can think of 2 things that won’t play quite nicely

  • Resetting GA will just let Mercy rez rez rez rez and rez in an extremely short time.

  • She would be totally handicapped for the ult duration as she can just either rez or do nothing

GA reset is questionable indeed. As for the normal healing, you can still do it. If I get Viyri correctly, only chained heals are gone.

So far though, compared to Genji, she doesn’t have defensive ability, she cant res multiple targets at once (as opposed to Genji slashing in huge cone)…

She is vulnerable for the whole duration. It is basically the protective version of Genji’s ult.

Also one huge point. With around 8s duration, it isn’t to hard to not waste valuable CDs and wait for Mercy to loose her ult before killing more.

Ultimate Basic play style in Hero Support role (Patch

Table 1.0

Hero Ultimate Style
Ana Offensive
Brigitte Defensive
Lucio Defensive
Mercy Hybrid (Offensive and Defensive)
Moira Hybrid (Offensive and Defensive)
Symmetra Defensive
Zenyatta Defensive

Temporary / Raw conclusion (from my point of view ) (24 march 2018)

** Mercy 3.0 (Raw Concept)**

ToolKit / Basic Ability :

  • Angelic Descent ability turns into Pharah Hover ability and name for the ability Valkyrie (don’t have chain healing ability)
  • Guardian Angel ability remains the same as before


  1. this comment just a simple conclusion to help someone that really need help because she / he don’t want to spend there time to read all post (10370 / 24 march 2018)

  2. Resurrect ability still in process

  3. i read this post from bottom to top (because I have decided to use that way)

  4. the reason why i put Table 1.0 ,to give some information if someone want to spend there time to create New Ultimate for Mercy

  5. For Moderator, please help me fix my grammar and word :sweat_smile: so there is no misunderstanding between the overwatch of players

  6. Please be patient :sweat_smile:

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Angelic Descent should stay as it is. Valkyrie needs to become an E and be a Knock Back (Wing expands) and a vertical ascent and then use Angelic Descent and Guardian Angel to pilot her

A failed Res should NOT go on a 30 second cooldown
Not anymore.
We have so many knockbacks and stuns in the game now it isn’t even funny

If Res does fail, 10 second cooldown at the MOST! (Earlier I said 2 second, but I can see devs maybe being scared to do that)


did you mean Jump jet ability from Pharah ?

Yes, somewhat similar to Pharah jump jet.

Mercy current base ability gives her no independent ability to escape a situation. Guardian Angel works off other team mates position.

Since Megathread One we basically wanted an E ability that gives her the ability to survive a fight. Valkyrie would have been perfect (obviously tone down).

This can be achieved with a Vertical Ascent where she can shoot directly into the sky, the free flight is cool but not impactful as an escape. As an ultimate the concept works because you gain stuff like Auto Regen and a long duration to escape.

She she gain the ability to shoot up 15 maybe 15 metres straight up.

The problem with that is that an Individual res is way stronger than a Mass Res. You can res a Roadhog over and over again which would be really frustrating for the enemy. Even if it’s Ult only, it would not feel really good to play against.

Not exactly.
The base idea from me looked like that.

Name: Angelic Ascent
Mercy uses her wings to create a small Aoe knock back around her (no dmg, range: ~3 m radius). After that she jumps ~10m straight into the air. You can bend the trajectory a bit (to ~90-120°) by using W, A, S and D (L Joystick).
CD: 11s
Duration: 2s

The difference is that you still can control Mercy during the lift, to change the direction. It could be a bit slower but overall a good, independent escape tool.

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I see Blizzard finally gave Mercy her old ult voice line back…but it does nothing for her. I think they are hoping we all shut up after this

We see you are all unhappy, and unsatisfied with the New and Amazing Mercy. So we will give you a voice line of when they were fun just to slap you in the face.


I can see it now “heros never die”
Entire enemy team -mercy is ressing someone lets interrupt it


I wouldn’t say Brigitte’s is particularly defensive, in my limited experience you will often die if you try to use it to counter most offensive ults like Dragonblade/Graviton/Rip-Tire. It’s actually a much better initiation ult, therefor an offensive ult.

To many, it seems as though Mercy’s ultimate is in a great place. But I have to disagree. I have many issues with the state of her ultimate currently, and I feel as though I should mention some of the issues I’ve begun to notice.

Similarity to Other Ultimates:

Valkyrie in its current state is rather similar to a few other ultimates. This includes Supercharger, Coalescence, and Transcendence. Of course, whenever Mercy uses Valkyrie and damage boosts, she quite literally becomes a flying Supercharger. It is also a really weak version of any other healing ultimate. In my opinion, any ultimate that is another ultimate, or a weaker version of another, it should not be an ultimate. Note this table:

Ultimate HPS/Ally
Valkyrie 60
Coalescence 140
Transcendence 300

Transcendence can outheal almost anything, and Coalescence can also do a decent amount of damage (70dps). This makes either ultimate more effective. Not to mention that their ability to damage/kill enemies while also healing makes them much more effective as a whole. Mercy can Resurrect, sure. But the cooldown makes it harder to use effectively. Not to mention that it’s also really easy to get killed while attempting to Resurrect someone.

Affecting the Fight:

While Mercy does a great amount of healing and is relatively reliable, it’s very hard to change a fight around. And that’s what ultimates are supposed to be able to do. She just doesn’t do enough healing to keep her team alive versus almost any other ultimate. On the other hand, the other healers are able to counter many other ultimates. Have another table.

Ultimate Support Counters
Meteor Strike Sound Barrier
Dragon Blade Sleep Dart, Sound Barrier, Coalescence, Transcendence
Deadeye Sleep Dart, Whip Shot, Sound Barrier (2 seconds or less)
Barrage Sleep Dart, Whip Shot, Sound Barrier, Transcendence
Death Blossom Sleep Dart, Whip Shot, Sound Barrier, Transcendence
Tactical Visor Sleep Dart, Transcendence
Pulse Bomb Sound Barrier
Configuration: Tank Coalescence, Transcendence
Dragonstrike Transcendence
RIP-Tire Sound Barrier
Blizzard Sound Barrier, Valkyrie (Not in radius), Coalescence (Not in radius), Transcendence
Molten Core Rally, Sound Barrier, Valkyrie, Coalescence, Transcendence
Earthshatter Sleep Dart, Whip Shot, Rally, Sound Barrier, Valkyrie Coalescence
Whole Hog Sleep Dart, Whip Shot, Sound Barrier, Coalescence, Transcendence

This table details other healers’ abilities to counter other ultimates. This is either in outhealing dps, or just straight up ending the ultimate. I didn’t include any support ultimates, though. And these are the ultimates by themselves. Feel free to correct me if any of this information is incorrect, I did all of my own math to create it.
Notice who you see the least of? That’s right, Mercy. Not only that, but those circumstances are relatively specific. As a result, Mercy’s ultimate should more often than not be used offensively.

So How Can This Be Fixed?

In all honesty, fixing this would be relatively easy. Healing and damage boost could be combined in order to make it unique. Supercharger doesn’t heal and damage boost, nor does any other support ultimate. That, and since Resurrection charges were taken away during Valkyrie, perhaps cast time could be reduced during ult. Or maybe charges could be brought back, and the cast times left alone. That way pulling off more than one Resurrect is still discouraged, but players of a higher skill level can still pull it off.
I still wouldn’t mind an entirely new ultimate though. I’ve seen some great suggestions so far.

Wowie, I made something kind of structured! All of the information I’ve gathered for this was through the Overwatch Wiki.


It’s not quite that easy, unfortunately. Combining beams will give 60 hp/s and 30% damage boost, but even together it’s weaker, than most support ultimates.

Way to go could be removing chain beams completely, replacing it by buffed combined beam (120 hp/s and 60% damage boost) on single target.

As for resurrect - Blizzard don’t want it to be used in combat. As they said:

I dunno… would it be impactful enough because the whole Valkyrie never seen like a Oh its time to release our ult…

Like Passive Mercy aside, a number of us who play aggressive and Engaging play to the degree where we would avoid blowing our Ult.

Like the Incentive for Resurrect was to use it as a Trump Card when things gets bad but what incentive is there for Valkyrie beside quick escape or Random Usage?

I’m not sure if the single Boost Beam will be of much use to convince us to use it… like it can be used in a Ult Stack but honestly… with or without that Boost/Healing… nobody is going to care.


Just trying to think of something within limits set by dev’s direction with Mercy.