[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

With almost a 2 second time now, we die way too easily. That is why I, and others, suggest a 1 second cast time then Rez and get small amount of invulnerability.

Alternatively, same 1 second cast time (like Lucio), but DURING cast have damage reduction that starts at start of cast and ends 1 second after cast.

Many MANY different suggestions in here. Some may work, some may need to be tweaked, but it would be better than the Monster Mercy2.0 an less boring than what we have now.

People keep putting in 2 seconds, most of the time we don’t survive a 1.75 second cast time for current “E” Ability Rez. How in all that is holy are we supposed to survive 2 seconds?


Mass resurrect could be a lot less annoying, if Mercy couldn’t use her weapons right after resurrect. It’s understandable, that having to fight her with immunity to damage and CC, while she can freely kill someone, is frustrating.

Single with instant cast could be that thing which pretend to be ultimate, but still it would be a weak ultimate.

It really should go back to the original res ultimate, but with short cast time and LoS. That could be enough, considering thanks to the ultimate changes, you can lose it if they stunned you while casting.

And Valkyrie should be set as an E, which it literally is.


Will it be good idea, if instead of making resurrect instant, Valkyrie could boost range/number of targets for it?

Blizzard don’t want to return it to ultimate, but this may be good enough:

  • resurrect as ability(no Valkyrie): 5 m range, single target;
  • resurrect as ability(Valkyrie online): 10 m range, can be chained between targets(if teammates died within 5 meters from each other, resurrect affects all of them);

And, to make it earned:

  • resurrect cooldown resets, if Mercy or teammate with damage boost earns kill.

No, pls.
That would be way too easy.

I know I was complaining people are not using my boost as much as I would like to, but… no, it would be way too OP.

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No, they experimented with that internally once but 50% was apparently too strong. All she adds is 30%. I think a stronger staff is warranted for Valkyrie, tbh, but my idea is:

Angelic Protection

  • Has a cast time during which she announces that “Heroes Never DIe!”, similar to Sound Barrier.

  • If it is successfully cast, any teammate within the radius (probably LOS as well) will receive uninterrupted health regeneration of 60hps, including Mercy herself.

  • Mercy’s staff will power up, the numbers in my mind go from 90hps to 120hps (1.5x-2x normal healing output), and damage boost will go from 1.3x damage to 1.5x or 1.6x damage. In total, Mercys hps could reach from 150hps to 180hps (stacking with the regen) on a single target, on her own in this Ult.

  • Mercy will not fly, and she will not chain heal. She will still be somewhat vulnerable, but the effect will last even if she dies (also like Sound Barrier). 60hps on its own isn’t unbeatable, especially with Ultimates of your own.

  • Teammates that have this effect applied to them will have a soft glow, reminiscent to that of being Resurrected. Upon casting, Mercy will glow just as she used to when casting Resurrect (but will not be invulnerable).

  • The duration would be either 6 or 8 seconds. Sound Barrier and Transcendence are both 6 seconds, and Nano Boost and Coalescence are 8.

Yeah, cooldown chipping mechanic would be better I suppose.
It also puts some skill into play where you can get better at farming those fragments of seconds off of your res CD.

If it was like 2 sec down after a kill assist, then it MAYBE wouldn’t be so OP.

No. Not by a long shot. Valkyrie needs a 25% boost to the healing rate at the least in order for it to get anywhere near Coalescence.

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Staying out of the line of fire while healing her teammates during a fight?! Say it ain’t so.

More importantly, even during ultimate Mercy stays out of sight. Creating all those myths about “evil Mercy”, appearing out of nowhere to save the day.

"Mercy. Mythical creature, that evades all attempts of our best damage dealers to capture for study. Rumored to have healing powers. Has minions, known as “red team”. Almost all encounters result in “red team” coming back to life, even after being eliminated with excessive damage.

Strengths: can be hard to notice, quite mobile, can bring enemies back to life;
Weaknesses: can’t defend herself from skilled attackers, vulnerable to certain attacks(tactical visor, dead eye)."

From book "Creatures of Overwatch: their habits, strengths and weaknesses"


Res is now a tempo ability during pushes/payloads when there’s minimal enemies around to help against sniper picks/overextending.

Expecting to get a rez off during a 6v6 team-fight requires communication and most-likely a shield-tank guarding you.

Res is fine how it is, it provides momentum leading up to a point but not a massive swing during a team-fight (and often putting an ultimate-ready ally back in to play) unless heavily guarded or enemy completely ignores her.

Yep. As much as I disagree with most of your posts, you are right on this one.

Sadly, Mercy is now designed to be almost completely win-more character. If your team doesn’t have the momentum, you, as Mercy player, have almost zero chance to make an impactful play to actually make things go forward.

Mercy now is mostly useful only if your team is already winning. And there is nothing more frustrating for a support player than being unable to dig his//her team from a dire situation.

Mercy is now the same thing as Valk is for Mercy - an easy mode given to those who already earned the win.

Now to prevent nitpicking - I don’t claim it to be true in 100% of all situations ever. You know :neutral_face:.


Tempo has to do with speed. A 1.7 sec cast isn’t a tempo rezz especially when you stand still. Get out cookie


For me as a Mercy main in Masters (PS4), Mercy is totally not fine in her current state. She only has a very low impact during the match. I played my first season 9 competitive matches today (After placements) and won all of my games ( nine matches) playing Moira and a little of Lucio and Ana ( I rarely play Lucio) mostly, Mercy, Moira, Ana. I played Mercy for a short time because another player picked Moira. I felt useless as Mercy as the enemy team kept progressing, Valkyrie didn’t help in any way so I had to go as Lucio which I rarely play and did a lot for the team. Every match a Mercy was on the enemy team, I guaranteed a win.

What’s the point of having an ability ( Rez ) that I cannot use most of my times during a match and no point in Rezzing someone after the team fight is over.


I always do appreciate a well written post. Unfortunately people read your summary and got caught up in your redesign numbers without consideration of what the ‘heart’ of your message was.

I guess people can overlook the simpliest things…

Your detailed recount of your Mercy gameplay in the Mercy 1.0 generation (or the pre-work era) was very similar to mine. I didn’t feel like Mercy was a must pick but she did have playmaking potential that often goes overlooked. However, I disagree, respectfully, that Mercy’s rez needs more counterplay.

As you sort of mentioned with the whole section of Mercy being ‘game insurance’, that has always been Mercy’s purpose in Overwatch. In a competitive game where you can have 8 other players who have team wiping ultimates, there was a chance that 4 other players had an opportunity to reset the momentum of the game. Chiefly Mercy, who brings players back to the fight instantly without having much damage output herself… Many people forget that Mercy was once upon a time 1 of 3 healers on the roster. During this time, all the heroes were exciting and people didn’t have as much to complain about.

One of the problems of this community and the people developing this game is that, in my humble opinion, they don’t realize that all the characters in this game are meant to have that ‘broken’ feeling. They’re all meant to feel OP in their own way because each of them, as you put it, have a playmaking moment which ultimately helps determine the outcome of the game.

What I would’ve liked to have seen with the first Symmetra rework was a healer/teleporter hybrid who could compete with Mercy’s revive mechanic. Later, after Mercy’s rework, I was hopefully that another support champion would be released/rebalanced to counterbalance that revive effectiveness or reduce Mercy’s effectiveness specifically. In fact counterplay can even come in the synergy of two supports who together can output more damage then Mercy can wholly heal/revive.

Yet the devs really disappointed us on the last Mercy nerf. For many of us it was a slap in the face because they gave us an extremely powerful hero and then later said, “Yeah you know what, she’s too powerful.” Which was dumb because they’ve now lost some credibility with their ability to balance the game.

I’d like to imagine that one of the primary reasons you are here is to voice some of your discontent as well. I hope you continue writing and sharing your opinon on these forums.

Even if the devs don’t reply or say thank you, I do appreciate your feedback.


Yeah, an yet Widowmaker, McCree, etc. can sure kill one quickly IF they are paying attention and not dancing on the point/payload after killing off Mercy’s team. I’ve been watching some old Dabacabb videos on YouTube of late. It’s funny because one of three things happen right after a team fight on a lot of them:

  1. They pull an Ult storm, or just out damage the enemy team and start dancing, sitting down, etc. on point/payload. Mercy, after running back from Spawn, flies in an pulls a “Huge Rez” catching their entire team off-guard.
  2. They pull an Ult storm, etc. an instead of doing silly animations an congratulating each other for a job well done are still looking for something to kill. They see Mercy, who had just run back from spawn, an solo Ult, Widowmaker or Hanzo snipe, etc. Mercy shutting her down before she can pull a “Huge Rez”.
  3. Mercy actually pulls a “Huge Rez” an they Ult her and her teammates.

Can you guess how many times you see the first one happen compared to the other two? A LOT!!! It seems they think that they have won just because it is in Over Time so instead of making sure they win they start Emoting silly dance moves, Sexy Junkrat or other similar silliness like tagging the floor/wall, etc.


You want to put the cookie down?

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Keep posting till we break the forums, 10k+ and not slowing down. #MakeMercyGreatAgain


Funny is that as time goes, Cookie is kinda becoming the thread Mascot. He’s this tsundere loli who has to argue against everyone but rarely is taken seriously.

He has his bright bits but still, he’s more like :bear: by now.

(no offence here, it’s just a general vibe I’m getting :grin: )