[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

To me Mercy is a beginner support hero in the sense Reaper is a beginner DPS hero. They’re both super-simple to use without mechanically demanding kits requiring strong aim (Reaper literally just needs to be in the enemies face and shoots, Mercy holds lmb/rmb to heal/dmg boost).

It sounds simple but it’s honestly true, if you find a hero ‘dull or boring’ then try a hero (in your preferred role) with a more mechanically demanding kit. McCree/Soldier is to Reaper what Ana/Zen is to Mercy.

So I still want a rework where res is reserved to her ult and impactful again but… in the meantime could we have stats about how much healing and damage boost we did during Valkyrie? Every support has special stats for the healing they do with their ult (coalescence healing is a stat, so is transcendance healing, Ana nano assists, lucio provided barriers…) but mercy doesn’t know how much healing she did specifically during Valkyrie. Whether it stays as an ult or becomes an ability, it would be useful (and could even lead to a card).

Same for damage boosted. Maybe I’d feel more impactful knowing I healed like 5k or whatever with valk alone.

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We can ride this train to the end.


None hero should be boring due to its kit for its own player base. A lot of characters are played only because of their identity and role. There are a lot of people who play different characters because those are the ones who fit with their game style. Before the rework Mercy could be very fun and active, now she is nothing of that, just a flat and boring healbot with no potential to do anything relevant, just flat healing/boosting all the time. Also, before the rework, Mercy was easy to play but hard to master (playing hide and rez had nothing to do with mastering old Mercy). Now she is easy to play and free to master, as she doesn’t have any skill ceiling.

Blizz, please, think about a new rework for Mercy. I know you are working on other heroes, and that you will take some time to create a new rework, but this design is not good for Mercy as it doesn’t make any difference between ranks and it turns her into the most unengaging character in the game. A good Mercy should be a good one, and a bad one should be a bad one. It’s not fair that even the bronze Mercys can do the same as the best world Mercys nowadays. Just give her some type of mass rez back, turn her current Q into her E, and leave the rest untouched. That way she would have something special in her kit again that wouldn’t make her a flat character which feels just like a sidekick, not a hero anymore.


The difference is people who play Reaper are not nearly as ridiculed or looked down upon because they are playing a “no skill hero”. I honestly think Mercy needs another rework if nothing else because the community’s perception of her is rock bottom - they need to add more elements to her that makes her more “skilled” and gives her a higher skill ceiling. What’s the point in having a hero that most people think should barely have an impact once the player has left the training grounds?

In my opinion they need to rethink Mercy hard.


Inv was a reward for successfully making it in the middle of the enemy team without any defensive abilities somehow not getting killen in the process.

You know, all those mechanical gods surely can kill one flying Mercy. When she is out in the open. Outnumbered. Flying into direction you can’t fail to predict…

The Spawn-res fix was all that was needed at that time.


It’s not fair that even the bronze Mercys can do the same as the best world Mercys nowadays

Stop spreading misinformation. This isn’t true.

As a game designer/game developer i have to say that would be complicating things.

Its definitely doable but it requires a lot of if or else rules to make it work.

If Mercy heals x player for x time
Then allow Resurrect

Else dont allow resurrect

Like the theory of it is simple but its whether it is practical

Not really misinformation when its true, what defines the Mercy across the tiers is how good or bad your teams are at each tier.

Or in most cases who can get the best value and win… example hide and res and boost your res value as high as possible.

But an experience Mercy can pretty much play all the same but as a Support there only so much you can do, most of the heavy lifting is done by DPS and Tanks


The amount of reses is now the same for all tiers. Their utilization, however, is a different thing.

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How the team players and reacts you is also a deciding factor, example will the sub healer heal you as you res.

Will the tanks cover you as you res

Will dps die in a good spot


You kinda know this game is about changing your playstyle depending on what opposing team and your teammates are picking, right?

Or is it better to only have one strategy for every siutuation and against every hero so you don’t need to think a tiny bit while playing?

Still exactly the same dive scenario over and over again… Hmm… :thinking:

Like I have 600+ hrs on Mercy and I have to change my playstyle depending on my opponents. Those games are fundamentaly diffrent, because you MUST play around certain picks.

That’s kinda what OW is about. You adapt your playstyle either by switching or by changing your ingame behaviour. That’s core of the game… :woman_shrugging:

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Tell me more please. I’ll give you a scenario.

Your team doesn’t really want to play any barrier heroes. Enemy team has good Widowmaker.

Yes, you are not really forced to switch. But hey, you don’t really need to win either, right? Because it will surely be soo fun and interactive gameplay being one hit killed over and over again until time runs out.

But still, you don’t really need to switch to counter Widow, right? :woman_shrugging:

If it wasn’t true I wouldn’t spreading it. Official statistics are true, so what I’m posting is true. That simple. If you can’t stand the truth that’s your problem.

P.S.: Don’t bother to response, I’m fed up of your constant and replayed trolling.

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Dude, you just said it yourself:

  • messy team fight
  • ultis were used all over the place
    –pretty much as they came up
  • trying to win the match in a desperate last grab

You know you just gave a perfect description of how to:

  • not coordinate
  • not think
  • not plan ahead

I know it was a bronze game but that isn’t an excuse to remove some ability. Don’t take it as an insult but games in bronze look like this for a reason. People there are not able to grasp the bigger picture of the game. To actually plan a good strategy. The thing you described is exactly how people literally can’t afford to fight in higher tiers. Heck this would be a disaster even for Diamond and that is pretty trash rank nowdays.

If you’d learn your lesson and played better next game instead of crying about Mercy, then maybe, MAYBE, your next post could be describing a Silver game :neutral_face:.

Well, best of luck anyway man.


Sorry but this is exactly something that literally screams for a rework. Take for example Reinhardt or Soldier (funny that you took him as an example): Also “mechanical simple” heroes, but the skill-ceiling is formidable.


Hmm… Really loud Japanese with egos bigger than their swords… Mhmm… :ok_hand:

The best part of this was stating I was crying about Mercy, I told you why she got nerfed. I shed no tears for her

You’re the one clearly on this train crying for a Mercy revert.

She got changed because a completely viable method of playing her involved hiding until everyone was dead

The same way Sombra got changed because I viable way of playing her was to have your team hug a health pack

Doing both of these were never intended and it’s poor for overall game health to have heroes revolve around mechanics like that.

But Soldier is a super easy hero, he’s only difficult if you’re trying to get a Genji, Widow, Pharah, or Hanzo from long range or something…?

Again, the issue is that she as not a single moment where she can make a big impact or have a heroic play. Ana can sleep targets, shut down healing on a massive group, or nano the correct teammate. Lucio can drop the beat on incoming Ults, negating the damage, as well as boop people into danger (while doing damage), AND doing ~16-~45 hps to anyone near him PLUS speedbost. Zen can do massive damage and backup healing, all the while having Transcendence ready to save the team. Moira’s hps is just incredible (and can be applied to multiple allies), and her damage + fade helps to keep her safe. Mercy just stands around, providing 60 hps (sometimes to more than one person! I sure hope the enemies don’t know how to prioritize and focus!), OR 1.3x damage to someone (or expend that chain healing for damage boost). She can also fly around or somethin’, because apparently saying “her ult keeps her alive!” is a justification. If someone dies in a stupid place, she can undo their bad play.

What? Is she supposed to just chase down Widows, Tracers and Genjis with her blaster? Literally any other hero you give an example of has moments and opportunities to make big, heroic plays. Mercy has NO options.


Two things:

  • Spawn Res was removed before rework
  • Tempo res had much higher value when it comes to actually winning the fight

So your argument is basically - Mass Res should be removed because lower tier players can’t understand a better strategy?

I mean, tiers reflect some understanding of the game but now you are just insulting a decent number of players who play there and actually trying to get better. Give them (and yourself) a little credit.